本文选题:创新顾客 + 口碑推荐激励 ; 参考:《广东工业大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:In a marketing environment that focuses on customer innovation and user participation, innovative customers will often become opinion leaders, and opinion leaders' views will have a greater impact on other customers' decisions. Enterprises gradually realize that innovative customer's word-of-mouth recommendation is an important means of product or service promotion and brand information transmission. Even some enterprises have tried to use prizes, bonuses and other material rewards to induce innovation customers' word-of-mouth recommendation behavior, but no scientific and effective incentive scheme has been formed. Establishing an effective incentive mechanism to attract innovative customers to make word-of-mouth recommendation through theoretical research is of positive significance to maximize the utility of enterprises. In the process of word-of-mouth recommendation, the reciprocal effect of recommendation behavior is significant. Moreover, when the referees make word-of-mouth recommendations, they often worry about consuming the confidence of the referrals, which will result in a certain cost of recommendation risk. In addition, innovative customers are more likely to produce fair preference than the average person. In order to highlight the obvious reciprocity utility in the recommendation problem, recommend the risk cost and the fair preference utility of innovative customers, and break the limitation of traditional economics to rational and pure self-interest hypothesis, this paper takes innovative customers as the main body of research. Using the knowledge of behavioral economics and information economics, this paper introduces reciprocity, risk perception and fairness into the utility theory model, and constructs a word-of-mouth recommendation incentive model, which focuses on innovative customers. According to the results of the model, this paper discusses how enterprises should set up the recommended rewards, compares the optimal recommended rewards between innovative customers and ordinary customers and their different effects on the net profits of enterprises, and analyzes the relationship between reciprocity and reciprocity. The influence of fair preference and risk tolerance on the incentive mechanism of word-of-mouth recommendation is analyzed respectively. Numerical analysis and case analysis are carried out with the help of Mathematica-Matlab Excel to verify the results of the model. The results show that, first, compared with ordinary customers, the cost of optimal recommendation incentives set by enterprises for innovative customers is lower, and the greater the innovation contribution rate of customers, the smaller the optimal recommended reward amount (reward cost). Secondly, enterprises can optimize the incentive mechanism of word-of-mouth recommendation according to the characteristics of innovative customers: for reciprocal innovation customers, the greater the reciprocal relationship between innovation customers and estranged referrals, the higher the optimal recommendation reward amount; For risk-averse innovation customers, the smaller the risk tolerance, the higher the optimal recommendation reward; for the fair preference innovation customers, the smaller the fair preference, the higher the optimal recommendation reward. Thirdly, considering the reciprocal utility of innovative customers in the process of recommendation, the net profit decreases with the increase of strong relationship strength. Fourth, for risk-averse innovative customers, Enterprises can increase their net profit in two ways: (1) setting up recommendation incentives to stimulate the word-of-mouth recommendation behavior of innovative customers with moderate risk tolerance; (2) focusing on and guiding the creation of high risk tolerance when there is no recommendation reward. New customers recommend. Fifthly, for innovation customers with fair preference, the word-of-mouth recommendation behavior that rewards innovation customers with high fair preference can bring higher net profit for enterprises. The final conclusion provides a certain theoretical reference for the establishment of a scientific and effective incentive mechanism for innovation customers' word-of-mouth recommendation and for maximizing the net profit of enterprises.
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