[Abstract]:The relationship between governance model and investment vision is an important but still controversial issue. In the past, the research on R & D investment as the starting point of this problem has two defects: basic hypothesis and research situation. This study divides R & D investment into two types according to the return cycle. From the perspective of SEW theory, the research focuses on the R & D behavior of private enterprises under the transition economy. A theoretical model is established to compare the compatibility between dominant alliance objectives and firm objectives in the short and long term, and the relationship between family control and investment vision in the new normal period is discussed. An empirical study based on a large sample of data from the health survey of private enterprises of the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce shows that the short-term R & D investment of family enterprises is lower than that of non-family enterprises, and the intensity of long-term R & D investment is higher than that of non-family enterprises. This behavior is regulated by two opposing forces, amplified by abundant internal R & D resources, and suppressed by dynamic external industry technology. This study reveals the decisive role of goal compatibility in investment decisions in a loss-averse decision-making model. This paper reveals the characteristics of family firm investment field from time dimension: family firm has both long-term financial risk preference and short-term risk aversion of R & D investment characteristics, but this characteristic is subject to internal R & D resources. The adjustment effect of the external industry technology dynamic factors provides a more comprehensive analysis framework for the comprehensive understanding of the family firm R & D investment.
【作者单位】: 福州大学经济与管理学院;宁波大学商学院;浙江大学城市学院;浙江大学管理学院;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金(项目批准号:71272040、71272172、71102066) 福建省社科基金(项目批准号:2014B114、FJ2015C113) 福建省自然科学基金(项目批准号:2016J01335) 福州大学社科科研扶持基金(项目编号:15SKF18) 浙江省自然科学基金(项目编号:LY17G020012) 浙江省社科重点项目(项目编号:17NDJC031Z) 中央财政支持地方高校发展专项基金福州大学工商管理学科建设项目(项目编号:036690)的资助
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