[Abstract]:The development trend of the world tire industry is high meridian rate and no inner tire. The radial tire of our country developed slowly for various reasons. During the period of the Seventh Five-Year Plan and the eighth Five-Year Plan, the tire was introduced and digested. Absorbing foreign technology, FS has built a batch of radial tire production plants and become the backbone of China's meridian production. There is still a big gap between the existing production technology of radial tire and the international level, which can not compete with foreign big tire companies. Therefore, we must adjust the product structure, further improve the level of technology, equipment and scientific management, speed up the replacement of tire products, enhance the competitiveness of enterprises in the domestic and foreign markets, and break away from the bottleneck of enterprise development. Taking the product structure adjustment project of FS Tire Co. Ltd as an example, this paper analyzes the external factors, such as the development of domestic and foreign tire market, the analysis of national industrial policy, the status of industry development, and the existing production capacity of the enterprise. Based on the analysis of internal factors, such as technical strength and equipment situation, a preliminary project index evaluation system is established according to the principles of the construction of evaluation index system with reference to relevant literature. The key elements of the index system are decomposed, the index system is screened, and the index evaluation system of the product structure adjustment project is formed. According to the project index evaluation system, the project scheme of product structure adjustment is evaluated by expert consultation method, and the comprehensive evaluation of product structure adjustment project is carried out by ideal solution (TOPSIS). Finally determine the FS tire co., Ltd. Product structure adjustment project program. Through the implementation of FS tire co., Ltd.'s product structure adjustment project, FS tire co., Ltd can improve the product quality and enhance the market competitiveness. This paper hopes to optimize and adjust the existing product structure of the enterprise by studying the decision analysis of product structure of FS Tire Co., Ltd., so as to improve the market competitiveness of the products, make the enterprise develop continuously and break away from the bottleneck of development.
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