[Abstract]:Since 2010, the global economic recovery has slowed and China's economy has taken on a "new normal". Problems such as overcapacity and overstocking in 2013 have highlighted the fact that China has entered a period of economic transformation. At the same time, the change of national leadership indicates the change of policy orientation in many aspects of China's economy and society. In addition, China's energy industry has entered a period of change due to the domestic economic transformation and climate change. In recent years, the operating performance of listed energy companies in China continues to decline, and the survival and development of the companies are very difficult, so it is urgent to seek effective ways to improve the performance of the companies. Although there have been many studies on the performance of Chinese energy companies, there are few studies considering the characteristics of Chinese energy companies and their internal differences. In view of the important position of energy companies in the national economy and the capital market, as well as the plight of the current decline in the performance of Chinese energy companies, this paper studies the relationship and differences between the internal and external environment of listed energy companies in China and their business performance. It is helpful to improve the performance of Chinese energy companies and promote the healthy development of Chinese energy companies and industries. According to the analysis frame of enterprise organization environment, this paper divides the development environment of the company into external environment and internal environment, and studies the external economic and policy environment, management strategy and the relationship between corporate governance and the management performance of the listed energy companies in China. The differences of these relationships between traditional energy and new energy listed companies are studied. First of all, this paper defines the research object, summarizes and analyzes the current situation of China's energy industry. Secondly, on the premise of considering the influence of economic environment, this paper analyzes the differences in the performance of energy companies after China's economic transformation in 2013. Thirdly, from the point of view of management strategy, it verifies the relationship between industry diversification, related industry diversification and international diversification and the performance of Chinese energy companies. Then, in the aspect of corporate governance, the paper studies the impact of equity governance, board governance, management incentive and human capital on the performance of listed energy companies in China. Finally, according to the conclusion of this paper, the possible ways to improve the performance of listed energy companies in China are summarized. The research shows that: first, because of the domestic energy consumption structure, the domestic economic changes have a significant impact on the operating performance of the energy companies, and by the impact of the industry policy environment, the changes of the companies' business performance are also obvious after the economic transformation; Second, the strategy of industry diversification harms the performance of listed energy companies in China, but the diversification of related industries is better than that of non-related industries, while international diversification is more beneficial to the new energy companies. The traditional energy listed companies are more suitable for the relatively concentrated ownership structure than the new energy listed companies; however, they do not find the significant effect of independent directors and equity incentives on the performance of the company. Finally, Highly educated executives play a positive role in improving the performance of the company, and the role of female executives in the performance of the company is affected by the way of promotion.
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