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发布时间:2018-10-26 10:03
[Abstract]:As an advanced form of technology industry and technological innovation, business incubator has been developing for more than 20 years in China. It is positive and meaningful to cultivate scientific and technological enterprises, reduce the employment pressure of local personnel, promote the rationalization and advanced process of industrial structure, promote the rapid progress of regional economy, improve the ability of scientific and technological innovation, and strengthen the overall quality of the service industry. In recent years, the economic growth rate has slowed down, the living environment of enterprises has deteriorated, the employees of enterprises have been uneven, and the business incubators have not been smooth in the course of market operation, and the main business models are not clear. Can not find suitable profit channel and so on the question is particularly prominent. The effect of enterprise incubator management company in Daqing Economic and technological Development Zone through enterprise management is obvious, but the problems still exist, such as insufficient market operation ability, lack of perfect operation management system, lack of development strategy planning technology, The innovation investment is not enough, the professional management talent is lacking, the culture construction is not perfect, the screening of the hatched enterprises and the graduation mechanism are not perfect and so on. Through SWOT analysis as a theoretical guide, I analyze the environment of business incubator management company in Daqing Economic and technological Development Zone, and the necessity principle of operation mode design. The main business models of business incubator management company in Daqing Economic and technological Development Zone are designed to suit for its development, such as financing mode, profit model, innovation mode and the selection and graduation of hatchery objects, etc. Furthermore, the business strategy of the business incubator management company is observed, which promotes the enterprise to make profits and realize the sustainable process. This paper also puts forward some safeguard measures for the design of the main operation mode, which urges the business incubator management company of Daqing Economic and technological Development Zone to move forward quickly. This paper hopes to provide theoretical basis and reference value for the future development of business incubator management company in Daqing Economic and technological Development Zone.


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