[Abstract]:The fast pace of life and intense competitive pressure are increasingly eroding the work resources of the new generation of employees, causing employees to become emotionally exhausted of (emotional exhaustion). As employees' happiness and job satisfaction become the new goal of people's work-life balance, the positive role of job engagement is more and more favored by academia and practice. The employee's work commitment is mainly expressed in enjoying the work, and full of energy and enthusiasm for the work. According to the social exchange theory, the level of employee engagement is related to the perceived leadership and organizational support. Leadership exchange quality and perceived organizational support have a positive impact on employee engagement as two important work resources that employees are exposed to in the organization. Leading member exchange and perceived organizational support have an important impact on employee engagement. According to the social exchange theory and the JD-R theory, the organizational affective commitment was regarded as the intermediary variable, and the exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation model were used to analyze the sample data of 483 questionnaires. This paper discusses the influence of LMX and POS on the employee's job engagement, and the intermediary effect, and compares the two effects on the job engagement. The conclusions are as follows: (1) there is a positive correlation between leadership exchange and perceived organizational support. The exchange of leadership members and perception of organizational support to the three-dimensional activity, dedication, and focus of work involvement have a positive correlation; (2) comparing the different effects of leadership exchange and perceived organizational support on job engagement, the results show that: for job vitality and job focus, the effect of leadership exchange is greater than that of perceived organizational support; For job dedication, perceived organizational support has a greater impact than leadership exchange; (3) emotional commitment plays an intermediary role in the impact of LMX and POS on job engagement.
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