[Abstract]:Activating employee creativity and condensing new development power is an urgent task for enterprises. Based on the perspective of systematic and contingency, taking "semantic perception-psychometric-behavior enhancement" as the theoretical main line, this paper aims at 274 employee samples from 60 teams. The influence of reward (level and structure) on creativity in different achievement motivation atmosphere was investigated by means of cross-hierarchy analysis (AHP). The results show that the familiar atmosphere and flat reward structure positively affect the breakthrough creativity. The expression atmosphere and steep reward structure positively affect the gradual creativity: three interactive tests show that the improvement of reward level can better activate the breakthrough creativity under the condition of high precision atmosphere and flat structure. In the high performance atmosphere and steep structure, improving the reward level can better activate progressive creativity. The study reveals that there is a relatively optimal matching relationship between the atmosphere of achievement motivation, the reward structure and the type of creativity. The practical value lies in that the enterprise should create the expression motivation atmosphere and the competitive incentive structure in the project team from the execution point of view, in order to enhance the gradual creativity and quickly obtain the local competitive advantage. However, in view of the enterprise innovation pattern of "more than gradual innovation and insufficient breakthrough innovation", we should create a familiar atmosphere in the core departments of technology from a strategic perspective, supplemented by a high balanced incentive model, in order to give birth to breakthrough creativity. Win a lasting competitive advantage.
【作者单位】: 上海大学管理学院;
【基金】:教育部人文社会科学基金(10YJC630178) 上海市哲学社会科学基金(2013BGL015) 上海市教育委员会创新项目(12YS001)~~
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