更多相关文章: 中小企业 JZ公司 触摸屏 技术创新 工艺创新
【关键词】:中小企业 JZ公司 触摸屏 技术创新 工艺创新
- Abstract5-6
- 摘要6-7
- Chapter 1 Preface16-23
- 1.1 Background16-17
- 1.2 Significance of the Research17-19
- 1.3 Definitions19-21
- 1.3.1 Definition of SME19
- 1.3.2 Definition and types of touch panel19-21
- 1.4 Brief Introduction of the Thesis21-22
- 附图22-23
- Chapter 2 Literature Review23-27
- 2.1 The Types of Technological Innovations23-24
- 2.1.1 The Models of Innovations23
- 2.1.2 The targets of innovations23-24
- 2.2 Current Situation of Researches abroad24-25
- 2.3 Current Situation of Researches at home25-27
- Chapter 3 Current situation of technological innovation in TP industry and SMEs27-38
- 3.1 Brief introduction to TP industry27-33
- 3.1.1 TP production chain and distribution27-29
- 3.1.2 Brief introduction to TP enterprises29-31
- 3.1.3 Brief introduction to TP markets31-33
- 3.2 Current situation of technological innovation in SMEs abroad33-36
- 3.2.1 Brief introduction to technological innovation in Japanese SMEs33-35
- 3.2.2 Brief introduction to technological innovation in Korean SMEs35-36
- 3.3 Brief introduction to technological innovation in SMEs of mainland China36-38
- Chapter 4 Current situation and technological innovation problems of JZ38-53
- 4.1 Introduction to JZ38-46
- 4.1.1 Manufacturing process of TP38-41
- 4.1.2 Product structure and development history41-44
- 4.1.3 Market positioning of JZ44-45
- 4.1.4 Organization framework of JZ45-46
- 4.2 Technological innovation process and problems of JZ46-53
- 4.2.1 R&D and problems of RTP46-48
- 4.2.2 R&D and problems of CTP48-50
- 4.2.3 R&D and problems of personal products50-53
- Chapter 5 Problem analysis and advice for JZ’s technological innovation53-67
- 5.1 SWOT Analysis of JZ53-55
- 5.2 Targets of JZ’s technological innovation55-58
- 5.2.1 Analysis of forward invention55-57
- 5.2.2 Analysis of backward invention57-58
- 5.2.3 Significance of craft innovation58
- 5.3 Analysis of JZ’s innovation modes58-65
- 5.3.1 Market strategy assessment method of technological innovations58-60
- 5.3.2 The application and analysis of independent innovation in JZ60-62
- 5.3.3 The application and analysis of imitative innovation in JZ62
- 5.3.4 The application and analysis of cooperative innovation in JZ62-65
- 5.4 Advice for JZ’s technological innovation65-67
- 5.4.1 Stand the ground of craft innovation and develop more personal products65
- 5.4.2 Master the initiative and foresight of technological innovation65-66
- 5.4.3 Enhance the investment in technological innovation66
- 5.4.4 Follow the trend and prepare the technology well66
- 5.4.5 Use the risk capital to be stronger66-67
- Chapter 6 Conclusion67-68
- 6.1 Conclusion67-68
- Reference68-69
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