本文关键词:上市公司总经理背景特征与公司绩效关系实证研究 出处:《东北财经大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:长期以来,企业管理者应该做什么可以使公司长期繁荣与发展一直是研究者关注的问题。当企业面临相同的机会和威胁时,某些企业的整体表现显著地优于其他企业。尤其是当面临经济危机时,一些企业仍能够保持客观的利润。越来越多的研究者将关注焦点转移到是否是管理者本身的特质决定了其实施的战略形式和内容,而非战略过程本身。即总经理的管理能力和企业家才能作为企业重要战略资源作用于其实施的战略发展过程中,进而在很大程度上决定着企业的成长和绩效。早期的研究主要将管理者的行为抽象化,认为其行为都带有一致性,而正是这种一致性的原因影响着企业的战略发展。如委托代理理论中将管理者的行为统一化,来研究所有者和管理者之间的矛盾。但随着研究的不断深入,一些研究者将人口学、心理学等知识引入,来解释管理者的一些行为,试图从管理者行为特征的不同来研究其对公司绩效的影响的不同,并由此产生了具有影响力的高阶管理理论。 然而,基于高阶管理理论而展开的总经理背景特征与企业绩效的关系研究,主要是在西方社会文化背景和规范有序的市场环境中进行的。由此得出的理论结论也具有显著的地域特征。地域的不同造就文化背景的不同,对高阶管理理论的运用自然也不尽相同。因此立足于我国经济社会大转型的大背景下,运用高阶管理理论,进行总经理的背景特征和企业绩效关系的验证,有利于形成吸纳我国独特背景因素的理论构架,同时有助于进一步拓展高阶管理理论的适用空间。 在借鉴和吸收了已有研究成果的基础上,本文提出了比较全面系统的理论研究模型。以高阶理论的基本思想为本文研究的立足点,研究我国上市公司总经理的年龄、职业经历、教育背景、任期、兼职对企业绩效的影响。 首先,根据本文研究方向重点从总经理个体和高层管理团队两方面来梳理国内外关于总经理背景特征与企业绩效关系的文献。笔者从中发现由于管理者的职业经历、教育背景、年龄等特征会影响其认知水平、价值观的形成,进而作用于战略发展,影响企业绩效。 其次,本文运用高阶管理理论中人口统计学的分类方法,将管理者的背景特征分为年龄、职业经历、教育背景、任期、兼职等因素,分别讨论了这些特征对企业绩效的影响,并提出本文的研究假设和模型。 最后,以搜集到的2009-2012年2298家深沪上市公司的数据为样本,运用SPSS19.0软件对研究假设进行了检验。需要指出来的是,由于高阶理论的文献大多集中于西方成熟市场背景下,针对我国独特的社会背景下,不同的行业性质和企业性质决定了企业追求的目标和绩效的不同。因此,本文在对总样本进行回归后,就企业性质和行业性质两方面进行了分样本回归。研究发现: 1.总经理的年龄与公司绩效正向相关关系在国有样本和传统行业样本中得到验证。即在国有企业中和传统行业中,总经理的年龄越大,公司的绩效越好。 2.外部聘用的总经理能为企业带来更好的业绩表现。这与原假设想法不同。这也说明在市场经济条件下,职业经理人能更好的适应市场的灵活性和变化性。职业经理人能够广泛的接触其他企业,其视野的开阔和创新的思维能为企业带来更好的发展。 3.总经理拥有科学与工程类教育背景的企业比总经理拥有其他教育背景的企业具有更好的业绩表现。专业化的教育背景有利于总经理知识积累,对企业的战略部署也产生较大的影响。 4.总经理的任期对企业绩效的影响未通过显著性检验。这一点不同于以往文献,可能的解释是不同于国外企业管理者较长时间的任期,国内上市公司的任期较短,很难找到比较显著的内在规律。 5.尽管总经理的兼职行为对企业绩效的影响在总样本中未得到验证。但是在行业性质的分样本中发现,总经理的兼职行为对企业绩效具有显著的负向相关关系。 本文立足于中国特殊的制度背景条件下,研究和探索总经理的背景特征对企业绩效的影响规律。并形成独特的内在规律,在此基础上提出对个人、公司、政府等政策建议和启示。本文只是探索性的开始,不管是在理论框架还是在研究方法都需要进一步探究和突破。
[Abstract]:For a long time , managers should do something to keep the company ' s long - term prosperity and development a problem that researchers pay attention . When enterprises face the same opportunities and threats , the overall performance of some enterprises is significantly better than other enterprises . In particular , when faced with economic crisis , some enterprises can still maintain objective profit . However , the relationship between the background characteristics of the general manager and the performance of the enterprise based on the high - order management theory is mainly carried out in the market environment of the western social and cultural background and the norms . On the basis of reference and absorption of the existing research results , this paper puts forward the theoretical research model of the comprehensive system . Based on the basic idea of higher order theory , this paper studies the age , professional experience , educational background , tenure and part - time influence of the general manager of listed companies in our country . First , according to the research direction of this paper , the paper reviews the background characteristics of the general manager and the relationship between the background characteristics of the general manager and the performance of the enterprise from the two aspects of the general manager ' s individual and the senior management team . Secondly , using the classification method of the demographics in the high - order management theory , this paper divides the background characteristics into age , professional experience , educational background , tenure , part - time and other factors , discusses the influence of these characteristics on the performance of the enterprise , and puts forward the research assumptions and models . Finally , based on the collected data of 2298 Shenzhen - Shanghai listed companies from 2009 to 2012 , the hypothesis of research is tested by SPSS 10.0 software . 1 . The relationship between the age of the general manager and the company ' s performance is verified in the sample of state - owned and traditional industry . That is , the older the general manager is in the state - owned enterprise and the traditional industry , the better the performance of the company . 2 . The external employment manager can bring better performance to the enterprise . This is different from the original assumption . This also shows that under the market economy , the professional manager can better adapt to the flexibility and variability of the market . The professional manager can make extensive contact with other enterprises , and the open and innovative thinking of the field of view can bring about better development for the enterprise . 3 . The general manager has better performance than the general manager in the background of science and engineering education . The professional education background is conducive to the accumulation of knowledge of the general manager and has great influence on the strategic deployment of the enterprise . 4 . The effect of the general manager ' s term of office on the performance of the enterprise has not passed the significance test . This is different from the previous literatures , which is different from that of the foreign enterprise manager for a long time . The term of the domestic listed company is relatively short , and it is difficult to find the relatively significant internal law . 5 . Although the influence of the part - time behavior of the general manager on the performance of the enterprise is not verified in the total sample , it is found that the part - time behavior of the general manager has significant negative correlation to the performance of the enterprise in the sub - sample of the industry property . Based on the background of China ' s special system , this paper studies and explores the influence rules of the background characteristics of the general manager on the performance of enterprises .
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