本文关键词: 资本流动 区域经济 资本流动规模 经济效益 回归分析 出处:《首都经济贸易大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:改革开放以来,,随着我国区域经济对外开放程度的逐步提高,区域间生产要素的流动越来越频繁,生产要素的跨区域流动,已经成为影响我国各地区经济发展的重要因素。资本作为生产要素的重要投入之一,对经济发展具有举足轻重的作用。资本在地区之间流动,可以带动其他生产要素的有效配置,有力地促进区域经济增长和产业结构调整。当前,区域经济发展的不平衡是我国的一个基本国情,事实上,从“八五”开始国家就一直致力于促进区域经济的协调发展。资本作为影响区域经济发展和金融稳定的重要因素,能否被有效的驾驭和利用,是解决区域经济协调发展的关键之一,因而我们有必要对资本跨区域流动及其经济效应进行深入研究。 本文首先对区域资本流动的国内外研究现状和相关概念进行梳理,接着选取1997-2010年的统计数据分析了我国区域经济发展现状,同时,通过对资本形成总额、资本效率、资本流动的规模和方向以及资本在流通渠道的分布状况等资本流动指标的研究,多角度、多层次地分析了我国资本跨区域流动的现状和特点。然后在上述研究的基础上,通过建立面板数据模型来分析区域资本流动与经济发展的关系,从而得出我国四大板块和八大经济区域内资本跨区域流动对经济的影响,以及各区域内对经济发展具有重大影响的资本流动因素。 研究结论表明,我国各地区的资本流动从规模上呈现逐年递增的趋势,但是在区域分布上呈现出不均衡状态;资本流动方向也基本以东入、西出为主;资本流动与区域经济发展存在正相关关系,其中资本形成总额和固定资产投资指标对经济的影响更为显著。研究结论对于更好地引导和驾驭资本的跨区域流动,促进区域经济和金融的协调稳定发展,具有重要的理论价值和现实意义。 当然,本论文还存在有待改进之处。资本的跨区域流动在不同时期往往呈现出不同的特点,不同时期的经济效益也会有所不同,因此,本论文如果能够从时间维度进一步考察不同时间段内资本流动的经济效应,那么研究结论将会更加完善。
[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up, with the gradual improvement of the degree of opening up of regional economy in China, the flow of inter-regional factors of production is becoming more and more frequent, and the cross-regional flow of factors of production. Capital, as an important input of production factors, plays an important role in economic development. Capital flows between regions. It can promote the effective allocation of other factors of production and promote the regional economic growth and industrial structure adjustment. At present, the imbalance of regional economic development is one of the basic conditions of our country, in fact. Since the eighth Five-Year Plan, the country has been committed to promoting the coordinated development of regional economy. As an important factor affecting regional economic development and financial stability, capital can be effectively controlled and utilized. It is one of the keys to solve the coordinated development of regional economy. Therefore, it is necessary for us to deeply study the cross-regional capital flow and its economic effects. This paper firstly combs the domestic and foreign research status and related concepts of regional capital flows, then selects the 1997-2010 statistical data to analyze the current situation of regional economic development in China, at the same time. Through the study of capital flow indicators such as total capital formation, capital efficiency, the scale and direction of capital flow and the distribution of capital in circulation channels, there are many angles. Multi-level analysis of the current situation and characteristics of cross-regional capital flows in China, and then based on the above research, through the establishment of panel data model to analyze the relationship between regional capital flows and economic development. Thus, the paper draws the conclusion that the influence of the cross-regional capital flow on the economy and the factors of the capital flow in the four plates and eight economic regions of China have a significant impact on the economic development. The conclusion shows that the capital flow in different regions of China is increasing year by year, but the regional distribution is unbalanced. The direction of capital flow is basically eastward and westward. There is a positive correlation between capital flow and regional economic development, in which total capital formation and fixed asset investment indicators have more significant impact on the economy. It is of great theoretical and practical significance to promote the coordinated and stable development of regional economy and finance. Of course, there is still room for improvement in this paper. The cross-regional capital flow often presents different characteristics in different periods, and the economic benefits will be different in different periods. If we can further study the economic effects of capital flows in different time periods from the time dimension, the conclusion will be more perfect.
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