发布时间:2019-01-17 18:33
【摘要】:安居才能乐业,保障性住房建设正是关系到城市中低收入家庭的人们能否实现安居这一目标的重要环节。抓好以廉租房、经济适用房、公租房以及棚户区改造为主体的保障性住房建设,让广大中低收入群体有房可住,解决山西省古交市城市中低收入家庭住房困难问题,已成为古交市构建“五大保障体系”的重要组成部分,也是山西省政府对古交市政府目标责任考核的重要内容。近年来,山西省古交市的廉租房、经济适用房建设在市委、市政府的高度关注下,取得了较快发展。特别是廉租房建设,,呈现出起步晚、进步大的局面,必将成为推动古交市社会建设的强劲动力。 本文通过大量调研、比较分析、查找相关资料,分析了山西省古交市保障性住房的现状,具体来说,目前古交市通过建设廉租房、经济适用房、公租房以及棚户区改造来解决城镇中低收入群体的住房问题。廉租房实行以发放租赁补贴为主,实物配租为辅的保障制度,廉租房在建设情况方面取得了很好的成绩,在分配阶段也取得了实质性的进展。山西省古交市在经济适用房、棚户区改造以及公租房的保障制度方面都还处在发展的初级阶段,古交市的各类保障性住房的建设中还存在诸如住房保障法律法规滞后、管理体制落后以及融资渠道窄等问题,本文针对性的提出了完善古交市保障性住房的法律法规、成立专业的保障性管理机构以及多种渠道筹集资金等对策与建议,以促进古交市城镇中低收入群体的住房保障制度的发展。
[Abstract]:The construction of affordable housing is an important link for the people of low and middle income families to realize the goal of living in peace. We should do a good job in the construction of affordable housing with low-rent housing, comfortable housing, public rental housing and the transformation of shanty towns as the mainstay, so that the vast number of low-income and middle-income groups can have housing to live in, so as to solve the housing difficulties of low-income families in Gujiao City, Shanxi Province. Gujiao City has become an important part of the "five guarantee system", and is also an important part of the Shanxi Provincial Government's assessment of the Gujiao government's objective responsibility. In recent years, the low-rent housing in Gujiao City, Shanxi Province, comfortable housing has made rapid development under the attention of the municipal party committee and government. In particular, the construction of low-rent housing, showing a late start and great progress, will become a strong driving force to promote the social construction in Gujiao City. Based on a large number of research, comparative analysis, and searching for relevant materials, this paper analyzes the current situation of affordable housing in Gujiao City, Shanxi Province. Specifically, Gujiao City is currently building low-rent housing, comfortable housing, Public rental housing and shantytown reconstruction to solve the housing problem of urban low-and-middle-income groups. The low-rent housing system is based on the lease subsidy and is supplemented by the physical rent allocation. The low-rent housing has achieved good results in the construction and made substantial progress in the distribution stage. Gujiao City in Shanxi Province is still in the primary stage of development in the aspects of comfortable housing, shantytown reconstruction and the security system of public rental housing. In the construction of various kinds of affordable housing in Gujiao City, there is still a lag in housing security laws and regulations. The management system is backward and the financing channel is narrow. This paper puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions, such as perfecting the laws and regulations of the indemnificatory housing in Gujiao City, setting up professional indemnificatory management organization and raising funds through various channels, etc. In order to promote the development of housing security system for urban low-income groups in Gujiao.
[Abstract]:The construction of affordable housing is an important link for the people of low and middle income families to realize the goal of living in peace. We should do a good job in the construction of affordable housing with low-rent housing, comfortable housing, public rental housing and the transformation of shanty towns as the mainstay, so that the vast number of low-income and middle-income groups can have housing to live in, so as to solve the housing difficulties of low-income families in Gujiao City, Shanxi Province. Gujiao City has become an important part of the "five guarantee system", and is also an important part of the Shanxi Provincial Government's assessment of the Gujiao government's objective responsibility. In recent years, the low-rent housing in Gujiao City, Shanxi Province, comfortable housing has made rapid development under the attention of the municipal party committee and government. In particular, the construction of low-rent housing, showing a late start and great progress, will become a strong driving force to promote the social construction in Gujiao City. Based on a large number of research, comparative analysis, and searching for relevant materials, this paper analyzes the current situation of affordable housing in Gujiao City, Shanxi Province. Specifically, Gujiao City is currently building low-rent housing, comfortable housing, Public rental housing and shantytown reconstruction to solve the housing problem of urban low-and-middle-income groups. The low-rent housing system is based on the lease subsidy and is supplemented by the physical rent allocation. The low-rent housing has achieved good results in the construction and made substantial progress in the distribution stage. Gujiao City in Shanxi Province is still in the primary stage of development in the aspects of comfortable housing, shantytown reconstruction and the security system of public rental housing. In the construction of various kinds of affordable housing in Gujiao City, there is still a lag in housing security laws and regulations. The management system is backward and the financing channel is narrow. This paper puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions, such as perfecting the laws and regulations of the indemnificatory housing in Gujiao City, setting up professional indemnificatory management organization and raising funds through various channels, etc. In order to promote the development of housing security system for urban low-income groups in Gujiao.
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