发布时间:2018-01-05 03:31
本文关键词:对韩汉语听说课教学研究 出处:《鲁东大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 对韩汉语 听说课 学生 教材 教学方法 教师
【摘要】:中韩从1992年开始正式建交以来,两国在政治、经济、文化、教育等各个领域交往频繁,,因此韩国政府提高了国内汉语教学的力度。根据中国驻韩国大使馆的调查数据显示,截止到2007年普通高中第二外语选学汉语的情况为5613个班级,在学人数为163422,大学中文专业情况为130个班级,在学人数为23477,大专中文专业情况为76个班级,在学人数为5536,研究生100个班级,在学人数940人,其中硕士为715人,博士225人,2006年汉语水平考试人数为37176人,参加韩中共用汉字能力考试人数多于10000人,以上的这些数据都说明了对韩的汉语教学事业正开展的如火如荼,但是韩国高中汉语学习者的听说能力却相对较差,汉语听说课的教学效果不容乐观。因此专门针对韩国汉语听说课的教学研究势在必行。 本文以韩国马山圣旨女子高中为例,以教育心理学理论、对外汉语教学理论中的交际教学法理论、第二语言习得理论和跨文化交际理论为理论基础,运用文献搜集法和调查问卷的方式,分为五个章节对对韩汉语听说课教学进行研究。 第一章介绍了相关研究综述,本研究对象及研究的理论和方法并从论文的研究目的和意义入手,阐明了对韩汉语听说课教学的重要性。 第二章以《中国语Ⅰ》为例对对韩汉语听说课教材进行了个案分析,指出其中的优点和不足,并提出了教材的改进策略。 第三章对韩国马山圣旨女子高中二年级学生进行问卷调查,通过问卷调查的结果分析,揭示影响对韩汉语听说课教学效果的因素。 第四章以第二章、第三章的研究结果为依托提出针对学生、教材、教学方法和教师四个方面的相关建议,以期全面提高韩国汉语听说课的教学效果。 第五章为结论,总结全文内容,该研究有一定的应用价值,但同时也有其局限性,并对其如何进行后续研究提出建议。 笔者于2014年以对韩汉语教师志愿者的身份来到庆尚南道马山圣旨女子高中教授汉语并主要负责汉语听说课的教学任务。任教期间了解到韩国重视汉语的程度赶超日语,仅次于英语并有赶超英语的趋势,虽然势头看好但不可小视的是其中也存在着种种问题。本研究的顺利开展,对韩国汉语听说课教学研究具有理论和现实意义。理论上,分析研究韩国学生汉语听说课中存在的问题,丰富了对韩汉语听说课教学的理论研究。现实意义,通过研究完善韩国马山圣旨女子高中汉语听说课的教学方法,为学校乃至韩国的汉语听说课教学效果的提高尽自己的一份微薄之力。
[Abstract]:Since the formal establishment of diplomatic relations between China and South Korea in 1992, the two countries in politics, economy, culture, education and other fields of frequent exchanges. As a result, the Korean government has improved the teaching of Chinese in China. According to a survey conducted by the Chinese Embassy in South Korea, as of 2007, 5613 classes had been selected for the second foreign language in ordinary high schools. The number of students is 163422, the number of Chinese majors in university is 130 classes, the number of students is 23477, the number of Chinese majors in college is 76 classes, the number of students in college is 5536. The number of students in 100 classes of graduate students is 940, of which 715 are master's degree and 225 are doctorate students. In 2006, the number of Chinese proficiency examination was 37176. More than 10000 people participated in the Chinese character proficiency examination, and the above data show that the Chinese language teaching in Korea is in full swing. However, the listening and speaking ability of Korean high school Chinese learners is relatively poor, and the teaching effect of Chinese listening and speaking course is not optimistic, so it is imperative to study the teaching of Korean Chinese listening and speaking class. This paper takes Maashanji High School as an example, based on the theories of educational psychology, communicative teaching method in teaching Chinese as a foreign language, second language acquisition theory and intercultural communication theory. By means of literature collection and questionnaire, this paper studies the teaching of Korean and Chinese listening and speaking in five chapters. The first chapter introduces the related research review, the object of this study and the theory and methods of the study, and from the purpose and significance of the thesis, expounds the importance of teaching Korean and Chinese listening and speaking. The second chapter takes "Chinese I" as an example to analyze the Korean and Chinese listening and speaking teaching materials, points out the advantages and disadvantages, and puts forward the strategies for improving the teaching materials. In the third chapter, a questionnaire survey is conducted among the second grade students of Maashanji High School in South Korea, and the results of the questionnaire are analyzed to reveal the factors that affect the teaching effect of Korean Chinese listening and speaking course. The 4th chapter is based on the results of the second and third chapters and puts forward some suggestions on the students, teaching materials, teaching methods and teachers in order to improve the teaching effect of Korean Chinese listening and speaking course in an all-round way. Chapter 5th is the conclusion which summarizes the content of this paper. The research has some application value but also has its limitations and puts forward some suggestions on how to carry out further research. In 2014, as a volunteer for Korean Chinese teachers, the author came to the Mashan high school of Gyeongshangnan to teach Chinese and was mainly responsible for the teaching of Chinese listening and speaking. During the teaching period, I learned that Korea attaches great importance to Chinese. To catch up with Japanese. Second only to English and there is a trend to catch up with English, although the momentum is promising but can not be underestimated is that there are also a variety of problems. The study of Korean Chinese listening and speaking teaching has theoretical and practical significance. Theoretically, the study of Korean students' problems in Chinese listening and speaking course enriches the theoretical research on Korean Chinese listening and speaking teaching. By studying and perfecting the teaching method of the Chinese listening and speaking course in Maashanji High School in South Korea, we can do our best to improve the teaching effect of the Chinese listening and speaking course at school and even in South Korea.
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