本文关键词:徐州市户部山历史街区文化活化研究 出处:《河南大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:城市是人类物质文化和精神文化的结晶,,其发展伴随着人类文明的进步。作为城市发展见证的历史文化街区,往往在某一时期人口密集度较高、社会生活相对活跃。这一区域大多历史遗迹丰富、保存相对完整,独具地域特色和文化风格,是所在城市文化特征的集中体现,具有较高的历史研究价值、民俗体验价值和美学观赏价值,是城市记忆的载体,也是城市旅游中极具吸引力的资源。 因多次覆城洪水之灾的影响,徐州城有形可考的建筑仅有300余年历史,多集中在地势较高的户部山上。解放初期,户部山周围有明末以来院落近百处,房屋过万间,堪称徐州古建筑博物馆;遗憾的是,经过六七十年代的政治动荡,八十年代缺乏规划、监管的抢地造屋及二十世纪末的商业开发,户部山历史街区被破坏的千疮百孔。 户部山历史街区作为明末以来徐州政治、经济、文化的缩影,如何对其进行科学合理的保护和开发,既保护建筑本身展现历史风貌,又挖掘文化特色激发街区活力成为所有关注户部山发展的人所关心的问题。 本文在研究相关文献、实地走访的基础上,从文化活化的角度出发,旨在通过对户部山历史街区文化类型、特色的挖掘,形式、功能的整合分析,提出契合徐州户部山自身特点的文化创新形式。
[Abstract]:City is the crystallization of human material culture and spiritual culture, and its development is accompanied by the progress of human civilization. As a witness of urban development, historical and cultural blocks tend to have a high population density in a certain period. Social life is relatively active. Most of this region is rich in historical relics, relatively intact, unique regional characteristics and cultural style, is the concentrated embodiment of the cultural characteristics of the city, with high historical research value. The value of folk experience and aesthetic appreciation is the carrier of urban memory and the most attractive resource in urban tourism. Due to the flood disaster, Xuzhou city has only 300 years of history, mostly concentrated on the high terrain of Hubu Mountain. In the early period of liberation, there were nearly 100 buildings around Hubu Mountain since the end of Ming Dynasty. More than 10,000 houses, can be called Xuzhou Museum of Ancient Architecture; Unfortunately, after the political turmoil of the 1960s and 1970s, the lack of planning, regulatory land grabbing and commercial development in late 20th century, the historic block of Hubu Mountain was damaged. As the epitome of Xuzhou's politics, economy and culture since the end of Ming Dynasty, Hubushan historical district how to protect and develop it scientifically and reasonably, which is to protect the building itself to show its historical style. Excavation of cultural characteristics to stimulate the vitality of the block has become a concern for all people concerned about the development of Hubu Mountain. Based on the study of relevant documents and field visits, this paper aims at integrating and analyzing the cultural types, characteristics, forms and functions of historical blocks in Hubu Mountain from the perspective of cultural activation. This paper puts forward the cultural innovation form which accords with the characteristics of Hubu Mountain in Xuzhou.
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