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发布时间:2018-01-17 23:19

  本文关键词:社会主义道德的时代意蕴及当代价值研究 出处:《信阳师范学院》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 社会主义道德 时代意蕴 核心价值观 五位一体建设

[Abstract]:With the rapid development of productive forces, social changes with each passing day, people's ideas, pursuit are constantly changing, people's moral concept is also changing. Now in the face of many social problems. The behavior choices made by people tend to deviate from people's moral cognition, which shows that there is confusion in the cognition and orientation of socialist morality nowadays. Contemporary China needs to set up the correct socialist morality to guide people to face the problems from the social moral level. To make the right choice that conforms to the socialist morality. However, the promotion of this socialist morality is faced with many difficulties:. On the one hand, part of the traditional moral concept and the current era of people's moral requirements are not unified. On the other hand, the current socialist morality has not been well used in the process of social governance. It is difficult to stop the uncivilized phenomenon in the process of Chinese social construction by relying on the rule of law alone. The first part of the thesis puts forward a new angle of view: that people only study the content and appearance of morality. We can also try to interpret morality from the spiritual pursuit of morality, that is, its "implication". By combining the Marxist theory of "the epochal nature of morality", we can draw a conclusion: different periods. People's pursuit of different spiritual level is also the direction of the development of moral implication. The moral meaning evolves with the development of the times. The author tries to study the positive influence of social change on social morality in different periods since modern times. Finally, people can try to test the traditional moral concept on the basis of communist morality and the core values of socialism today. The second half of the thesis is to combine the meaning of communist morality and traditional virtue and become the socialist moral implication in the new period. In order to better demonstrate the positive role of socialist moral connotation in the construction of contemporary society, the author combines the current socialist rule of law, politics, economy, culture, society. In order to verify the function and value of socialist morality, we hope that we can interpret the meaning of socialist morality by interpreting the role and value of socialist morality, which can not be ignored in the process of ecological construction. It provides a new perspective and opinion for people to correctly understand socialist morality and its orientation in the process of social construction.


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