发布时间:2018-01-24 19:52
本文关键词: 唐代 梳篦 首饰 设计 出处:《中国地质大学(北京)》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:唐代是我国在历史变迁中极富特点且政治经济到达顶峰的时期。疆域辽阔、政治开明、经济发达、民族交融、文化繁盛、民风开化的唐代给我们留下了许多不可多得的物质文化遗产。在这一时期,工艺美术随着社会环境的影响,日渐繁荣。在金银器、丝绸、陶瓷、玉器方面均有建树。并且,随着丝绸之路的发展,西域文化与中原文化的交融形成了一种独特的唐风,这种中西合璧式的工艺美术作品对后世影响极大。 梳篦自良渚文化起源至今已有六千年的历史,在这历史长河中,因为用途的不同其形制在每个朝代更迭都展现不同的时代特点。将梳篦插在发间做装饰自商周时期就已出现,发展至唐代达到顶峰。它不仅仅作为日常梳妆的实用品,,还作为随葬、贡品、赏赐品等。这种插梳风习在唐代甚是流行,究其原因,与社会政治经济、文化、民族交流、女性社会地位变化、服饰变化等因素都有潜在的联系。这种风习也促进了梳篦在艺术形态上的发展,无论从材质、装饰还是工艺方面都堪称完美。这些艺术特点传承至今有的流失有的仍为现代首饰设计的灵感来源,运用现代化、个性化的发展模式,将古老与现代相结合,才是适应当代首饰潮流的新方向。 本文以文献引用法作为基本的研究方法。将实物与文献资料相结合,依据实际情况,分时期、分地区特征进行研究。通过横向和纵向两条主线贯穿分析唐代梳篦的艺术特点及用途变革。一.将唐前梳篦发展做大体概况,梳理自梳篦起源至唐代前梳篦形制样式,为唐代梳篦发展奠定基础。二.将唐代划分为初唐、盛唐、中唐、晚唐四个时期,剖析每个时期的政治、经济、文化、女性社会地位与梳篦发展之间的联系。三.阐述唐代梳篦的材质、造型、装饰及工艺,总结在这四方面的艺术特点。四.从四方面艺术特点中选择与时代风貌相符的装饰特点作现代首饰设计实践并阐述其在当代首饰设计中的影响。
[Abstract]:The Tang Dynasty was a period in which the history of China was characterized by great characteristics and the political economy reached its peak. It was a period of vast territory, enlightened politics, developed economy, mixed ethnic groups and prosperous culture. The civilized Tang Dynasty left us with a lot of rare material and cultural heritage. In this period, arts and crafts along with the social environment, increasingly prosperous. In gold and silver, silk, ceramics. With the development of the Silk Road, the blending of Western culture and Central Plains culture formed a unique style of Tang Dynasty, and the combination of Chinese and Western arts and crafts had a great influence on later generations. Comb has a history of 6,000 years since the origin of Liangzhu culture. Because of the different uses of its shape in each dynasty change to show different characteristics of the times. The comb inserted in the hair as decoration since the Shang and Zhou dynasties have appeared. To the peak of Tang Dynasty. It is not only as a daily dressing practical goods, but also as funerals, tribute, gifts, etc. This style of intercalation is very popular in the Tang Dynasty, the reason, and social politics, economy, culture. Ethnic exchanges, women's social status changes, clothing changes and other factors have potential links. This kind of customs also promote the development of comb in the art form, whether from the material. Adornment or craftsmanship can be called perfect. Some of these artistic characteristics have been lost so far some of them are still the inspiration source of modern jewelry design, using the modern, personalized development model, the combination of ancient and modern. It is a new direction to adapt to the trend of contemporary jewelry. This paper takes the literature citation method as the basic research method, combines the material object with the literature material, according to the actual situation, divides into periods. Through the horizontal and vertical two main lines through the analysis of the Tang Dynasty comb art characteristics and uses of change. 1. The development of comb before the Tang Dynasty to do a general overview. Combed from the origin of the Tang Dynasty to the comb before the Tang Dynasty to lay a foundation for the development of comb. Second, the Tang Dynasty is divided into the early Tang Dynasty, prosperous Tang Dynasty, the mid-Tang Dynasty, the late Tang Dynasty, the analysis of each period of politics, economy, culture. The relationship between the social status of women and the development of comb. Third, the material, modeling, decoration and technology of the comb in the Tang Dynasty. This paper summarizes the artistic characteristics in these four aspects. (4) from the four aspects of artistic characteristics, choose the decorative features which are consistent with the style and features of the times as the practice of modern jewelry design and expound its influence in the contemporary jewelry design.
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