本文关键词: 海州 盐务 变迁 出处:《河北大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:This paper mainly discusses the changes of the salt affairs in Haizhou, from the origin of the salt affairs in Haizhou, the Haizhou salt affairs of feudal society, the Haizhou salt affairs of semi-colonial and semi-feudal society, the Haizhou salt affairs of the Republic of China period, and the Haizhou salt affairs of the period of Japanese puppet. According to the different characteristics of different periods, this paper scientifically expounds the different aspects of Haizhou salt affairs in the new China. When the sea salt affairs began, the opinions varied, and the Western Zhou Dynasty was in the germinating period. During the Spring and Autumn and warring States period, the Qin Dynasty abolished the national monopoly system of salt and implemented the taxation system. The salt industry was collected violently by the government, and the development of the salt industry was affected to a certain extent. The real rise of the salt industry in Haizhou was in the Western Han Dynasty. The salt industry reform of Sang Hongyang has promoted the development of the salt industry in Haizhou. With the establishment of the salt iron official in Haizhou at that time, the salt management organization in the real sense and the salt affairs in the real sense have been established in Haizhou. The salt affairs in Haizhou played an important role in feudal society, such as the filling of the treasury and the consolidation of the frontier, which made the rulers realize the important role of salt industry in maintaining the state power and in the feudal society. Haizhou salt is also affected by politics, economy, war, natural environment, man-made disasters and so on. In the semi-colonial and semi-feudal society, Haizhou salt industry is difficult, the Republic of China Haizhou salt is colonized management. After the victory of the liberation war, the salt industry in Haizhou changed dramatically, and the salt industry in Haizhou became the master of the salt industry, and the salt industry in Haizhou was in the mode of management and production technology. The production model has made great progress and innovation, the Communist Party of China has opened a correct way for the development of Haizhou Salt. In the 2,000 years of Haizhou Salt Development process. The emergence of some outstanding figures, including Sang Hongyang, Ding Yong, Tao Shu and Miao Qiujie, they have made important contributions to the development of salt in Haizhou. Ding Yong's production innovation, Tao Shu's Huaibei salt reform. Miao Qiujie's salt innovation, has promoted the development of Haizhou salt industry.
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