本文关键词: 制革业 竞争战略 总成本领先战略 出处:《山东大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:青岛永昌因特皮革有限公司(以下简称永昌公司)是一家生产加工牛皮革及皮革制品的大型外资企业。公司成立于2003年,总投资额为4650万美元,经过10余年的高速发展,已经取得较高的市场份额和品牌影响力,但是近些年面对竞争逐步加剧的市场环境,在运营管理中出现了诸多的挑战,公司必须分析、论证、设计适合自身发展的竞争战略。 本文通过实际调研,在战略理论的基础上,运用了相关分析工具对公司所处的外部环境、行业环境以及内部的环境和能力进行了分析、评价,得出了公司现阶段所面临的外部机会和威胁,以及公司内部的优势与劣势。 公司面临的机会表现在:政治经济环境稳定;行业趋向规范发展、大型企业受国家支持;下游行业需求前景广阔;产品方向符合社会消费观念和环保观念;行业生产技术成熟;产业壁垒高、小型企业逐渐淡出;清洁生产和循环技术的推广应用;完全竞争的市场等方面。而企业面临的主要威胁在于:国家环保政策日趋严格;主要供应商议价能力强;产品同质化严重、下游主要客户议价能力强;发展中国家同行的竞争威胁等方面。 公司拥有的优势表现为:品牌影响力强;生产规模位居全国前列;公司财务状况良好,生产设备优良、工艺技术先进;研发能力强、拥有核心技术;拥有知名品牌客户资源;生产管理能力突出;员工队伍忠诚有竞争力等方面。公司最主要的劣势为:产业链议价权弱、成本和利润空间很难控制;采购管理薄弱、需要加强供应商管理、优化改善采购流程;物流效率低下、成本偏高、服务质量需要提高;营销能力不足、开拓市场缓慢等方面存在一些问题。 在上述分析的基础上,本文利用SWOT分析工具综合评价公司发展的机会和威胁、优势和劣势,并分别对三种基本竞争战略进行了分析、比较,最终认为总成本领先战略是公司业务最佳的竞争战略,即在行业产品高度同质化的背景下,唯有努力降低各价值链中的成本和费用,获取成本领先优势,才能适应迅速的市场变化,在市场竞争中获取胜利。 公司总成本领先战略实施的主要途径是通过对价值链各个环节的重塑和整合来塑造企业的竞争力,从而实现企业的战略目标。从采购、生产、库存、营销、物流输入输出等活动入手,进行成本领先战略的实施,第一,改进采购过程,降低采购成本;第二,实施精益生产,降低生产成本;第三,优化库存管理,降低库存成本;第四,外包物流,降低运输成本;第五,科学预测,提升营销力度,降低销售成本。然后针对战略的有效实施,从公司框架、财务管理、人力资源管理、技术改造等角度提出了一系列的保障措施,包括:第一,完善管理制度,加强公司企业文化建设、强化财务管理、调整组织结构;第二,优化人力资源管理;第三,加强技术改造;第四,建立控制体系。 本文的研究不仅有助于培育永昌公司的核心竞争力,使之在激烈的市场竞争中立于不败之地。同时,本文研究得出的结论还能够对行业内的公司在制定竞争战略时,提供一个可参考的范本,具有一定的指导意义。
[Abstract]:Qingdao Yongchang Factor Leather Co . , Ltd . ( hereinafter referred to as Yongchang Company ) is a large foreign - funded enterprise that produces processing cattle leather and leather products . The company is founded in 2003 , the total investment amount is USD 46.5 million . After more than 10 years of high - speed development , the company has achieved higher market share and brand influence . However , in recent years , there have been many challenges in the operation management , and the company must analyze , demonstrate and design a competitive strategy suitable for its own development . Based on the actual research , this paper analyzes and evaluates the external environment , industry environment and internal environment and ability of the company based on the strategic theory , and obtains the external opportunity and threat that the company faces at this stage , as well as the advantages and disadvantages inside the company . The company faces the following opportunities : political and economic environment stability ; industry trend norm development ; large - scale enterprise is supported by state ; downstream industry demand outlook is broad ; product direction accords with social consumption concept and environmental protection concept ; industry production technology is mature ; industry barrier is high , small business is gradually fade out ; clean production and circulation technology popularization and application ; fully competitive market and so on . The company has the advantages of strong brand influence , high production scale , high production equipment , advanced technology , strong R & D capability , high production equipment , advanced technology , strong R & D capability , strong production equipment , advanced technology , strong R & D capability , high cost and profit space , weak logistics efficiency , high cost , improved quality of service , insufficient marketing capacity and slow market development . On the basis of the above analysis , this paper makes use of SWOT analysis tool to comprehensively evaluate the opportunities and threats , advantages and disadvantages of the company ' s development , analyzes and compares the three basic competition strategies , and finally thinks that the overall cost - leading strategy is the best competitive strategy of the company ' s business . The main way to implement the company ' s overall cost - leading strategy is to shape the enterprise ' s competitiveness through the reshaping and integration of each link of the value chain . The first , the improvement of the purchasing process , the reduction of the purchasing cost , the second , the implementation of lean production , the reduction of the cost of production , the third , the optimization of inventory management , the reduction of the cost of the production , the fourth , the improvement of the marketing force and the adjustment of the organizational structure ; and the second , the optimization of human resources management ; thirdly , the strengthening of technical transformation ; and the fourth , the establishment of the control system . The research of this paper will not only help cultivate the core competence of Yongchang company , make it invincible in the fierce market competition . At the same time , the conclusion drawn from this paper can also provide a reference model for the company in the industry , and has certain guiding significance .
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