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发布时间:2018-02-26 04:26

  本文关键词: 清初 山左 颜山孙氏 家族文学 雅正 出处:《山东大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:文学家族是明清文坛之上一种普遍存在而又引人注目的文学现象,而明清时期又是继两汉之后,山左文化世家繁荣发展的又一个重要时期。颜山孙氏家族是这一时期对山左地区的政治、文化、经济等领域产生过一定影响的家族。颜山孙氏自明代移居益都颜神镇以来,以宫廷匠役与经商起家,兴盛于清朝初年,不仅出现了政绩显著、仕途显达的朝廷大员,更因为深厚的家学积累而创造出了别有成就的文化成果,涉及文学、地理、历史等多个领域。颜山孙氏与诸多海内大家、遗民名士都有着广泛的文学交游,他们的作品不仅在山左,而且也在京师、江南等地流布,产生了较为深远的影响。本论文在广泛收集资料的基础上,从一个比较广阔的社会、文化和家族视角来研究颜山孙氏的文学创作,力求展现出颜山孙氏家族文学创作的全貌并作出客观公允的评价。论文正文包括四个部分: 第一部分探讨了颜山孙氏家族的起源、迁徙及发展历程。颜山孙氏在明初由直隶枣强迁居青州府益都县颜神镇,祖先为宫廷匠役,从事琉璃工艺品制作,后通过经商发家,又以科举而崛起,并由此实现了家族的振兴。从六世孙延寿起开始读书,此后经过三世的文化积累,至九世时孙廷铨以进士身份历任朝廷要职,并官至宰辅,对清初的政治、经济、军事产生了较大的影响,同时孙廷铨、孙廷铎、孙宝侗等人的文学创作亦十分可观,他们共同推动颜山孙氏家族发展到巅峰状态。从第十一世开始,颜山孙氏逐渐走向衰败。本章还分别对孙廷铨和孙廷铎的生平经历进行了详细的论述,尤其突出展现了孙廷铨清廉高洁的品性和孙廷铎治理广东阳江的官绩。 第二部分论述了颜山孙氏家族文学创作的社会文化环境与文学交游情况。本文将颜山孙氏家族的文学创作大致划分为三个阶段来进行文化环境研究:初始期为明万历年间至清顺治初年,孙氏刚刚开始文学创作,受到了以复古派为代表的山左文学传统的影响,同时又因身处明清易代带来的文化反思大潮之中,故而对七子复古诗学进行了批判性继承;鼎盛期为顺治中后期至康熙前中期,“本朝诗人,山左为盛”的局面为颜山孙氏文学创作营造了积极、活跃的文化氛围;衰落期为康熙中期及以后,尤其是从康熙末年开始,随着“一代诗宗”王士祯的逝去与江南文坛的重新崛起,山左文坛难以重演昔日盛景,颜山孙氏的文学创作也逐渐暗淡。此外,本章还分别探究了孙廷铨、孙廷铎和孙宝侗的文学交游情况:孙廷铨因多年在京为官,故而交游对象多为朝廷要员或文坛大家,如梁清标、赵进美、高珩、施闰章、龚鼎孳等,此外还在南下之时与江南文人有过不少往来;孙廷铎中年以前幽居田园,交游对象多为山左文士,如王士祯等,中年以后的孙廷铎远赴广东做官,更加嗜好佛学,故而与众多粤地僧人都有交游;孙宝侗的文学交游按照地域集聚的特点可以划分为三个圈子,其中京城圈多为达官显宦或清流文士,如周亮工、梁清标等;孙宝侗在山左圈的文学交游活动集中表现为参加了顺治十四年的秋柳诗社和秋柳唱和,并与发起者王士祯有较多的交游活动;孙宝侗在南下之时与江南圈的文人有过一定的交往,像顾炎武、吴伟业、吴懋谦、归庄等人皆与其有唱和活动。 第三部分是对孙廷铨著作的专门研究。孙廷铨的诗文创作秉承“雅正”的文学传统,诗学七子而能变化,不伧、不纤,平和醇雅。孙廷铨之山水诗清秀明丽,含蓄蕴藉,展现出宁静淡泊之志;田园诗则多写与山夫野老同乐的场景,质实纯朴;酬唱应答之作则典丽雍容,拥有台阁之气;其散文雍容大雅,平正可读。孙廷铨之地理著作《颜山杂记》具有重要的地理、历史研究价值,尤以《琉璃篇》为经典,表现出他对家乡的热爱与大力支持。《南征纪略》一书记录其南下一路所见的地理风物,以及与遗民的交游活动,《汉史忆》展现了他对历史、政治以及君臣之道的独到见解。 第四部分为孙廷铎、孙宝侗及其他孙氏家族成员诗文研究。孙廷铎的诗歌呈现出清逸古朴的面貌,其山水写景诗或写家乡风光,或写南下风景,还有大量描绘寺庙景致的诗歌,这些诗歌中寄寓着他复杂的情怀,既有山居寂寞的感叹,亦有怀才不遇的郁闷,也有积极用世的豪情,还有思念家乡的哀伤;他的田园诗则多展现对农事的关心和躬耕中的乐趣与辛劳。孙宝侗作诗以盛唐为宗,其诗歌呈现出宏丽壮阔的特色,具有昂扬向上的精神面貌。其《初集》中的诗歌多抒发建功立业的豪情,带有“年少轻狂”的特点;《立身集》诗歌以歌颂圣人与圣主、描绘壮观山川为主,风格雄浑雅正;《过江集》多作于江南之地,题材以酬唱赠答与山水写景为主,典丽的特色更加凸显。除此之外,目前可以见到的孙氏家族其他成员的诗作大多古雅质朴,具有一脉相承的特色,体现出颜山孙氏家族文学的传承。
[Abstract]:The family is the Ming and Qing Dynasties literature literary on a common literary phenomenon and compelling, the Ming and Qing Dynasties and the Han Dynasty, an important period of the development of cultural family prosperity. Yan Shansun's family left the mountain is on the left of the mountain area politics, the culture of this period, economic and other fields have a certain influence family since Yan's Shansun. Since the Ming Dynasty moved to the palace Shenzhen Yidu Yan, carpenter hall and business started, flourished in the early Qing Dynasty, there was a significant achievement, government official career hilltop, because of deep family accumulation and create achievements do not have cultural achievements, including literature, geography, many areas of history Shansun. Yan's and many domestic people, Yimin celebrities have a wide range of literary works not only in the mountain, they left, but also in the capital, the Jiangnan area distribution, influence is deep. This thesis On the basis of extensive data collection, we study Yan Shansunshi's literary creation from a broader social, cultural and family perspective, trying to show the whole picture of Yan Shansun's family literature and make an objective and fair evaluation. The main body of the thesis consists of four parts.
The first part discusses the origin of Yan Shansun's family, migration and development. Shansun Yan's in the early Ming Dynasty by Zaoqiang Yidu county government moved to Qingzhou province Yan Shenzhen, ancestral palace carpenter hall, engaged in glass handicraft production, by taking the imperial examinations and fortune in business, and the rise, and the implementation of the revitalization of the family from vi. Sun Yanshou began after the third reading, the accumulation of culture, to nine century when Sun Tingquan served as officials and scholars identity, the official saisuke, in early Qing Dynasty's political, economic and military have a greater impact, while Sun Tingquan, Sun Tingduo, Sun Baodong, et al. Literary creation is also very impressive, they jointly promote Yan Shansun family development to the peak. From the beginning of the eleventh world, Yan Shansun's declining gradually. This chapter of Sun Tingquan and Sun Tingduo's life experiences are discussed in detail, especially the show Sun Tingquan's honest Gao Jie's character and Sun Tingduo's official performance in Yangjiang, Guangdong.
The second part discusses Yan Shansun's family literature's social and cultural environment and his literary. The Yan Shansun family's literary creation can be divided into three stages: the initial period of the cultural environment for the Ming Dynasty to the early Qing Shunzhi, the sun just began his literary creation, influenced by the traditional retro Camp Hill the left literature represented by Ming Qingyi, also because in flood tide brings generation to reflect the culture, therefore the critical inheritance of the seven sub ancient poetics; heyday in the late Shunzhi to Kangxi for the medium-term, "this dynasty poet, shanzuo Sheng" situation for Shansun Yan's literary creation to create a positive. Active cultural atmosphere; declining period of Kangxi in the middle and later, especially from the beginning of the Kangxi Dynasty, with the passing of the "generation of poetry" Wang Shizhen and Jiangnan literature re emergence, Zuo Wen Hill It is difficult to repeat the old buildings, Shansun Yan's literary creation is gradually dim. In addition, this chapter also explores respectively the sun Tingquan, friends of Sun Tingduo and Sun Baodong's Literature: Sun Tingquan for years in Beijing, the official, and friends are government officials or writer, such as Liang Qingbiao, Zhao Jinmei, Gao Heng, Shi Runzhang. Gong Dingzi, in the South and the Jiangnan literati have had many contacts; Sun Tingduo before middle age and pastoral, friends for Yamasa Wenji, such as Wang Shizhen, later Sun Tingduo went to Guangdong to be an official, more like Buddhism, so many monks and Guangdong have intercourse; Sun Baodong's literary friends can be divided into three according to the characteristics of regional agglomeration of the circle, the circle of Beijing is daguanxianhuan or more scribes, such as Zhou Lianggong, Liang Qingbiao and Sun Baodong; in the literary circle on the left hand mountain tour activities focus on the performance of In the fourteen years of Shunzhi and Akiyanagi Wa autumn poetry society, and there are many activities of making friends and sponsors Wang Shizhen; sun Bao Dong in the South and the Jiangnan literati circle had a certain contact, like Gu Yanwu, Wu Weiye, Wu Maoqian, Gui Zhuang et al are all with the exchange activities.
The third part is devoted to the study of Sun Tingquan's works. The literary creation of Sun Tingquan adhering to the "righteous" literary tradition, seven poetics can vary, not one, not the fiber, flat and elegance. Sun Tingquan's landscape poetry and bright, implicative, show peaceful ambition; pastoral poems and Shanfu a fun scene, simple substance; responding for elegance and response, with Taiwan Pavilion gas; the prose Pingzheng geography books to read. Grace Taya, Sun Tingquan < > Yan Mountain miscellanies has important research value in geography, history, especially in the < > glass as a classic, showing his love for hometown with the support of the South. "A book recording the south to see all the way to the geographical scenery, and their social activities," Han history memory > shows him in history, politics and the way of insights.
The fourth part is the study of Sun Tingduo, Sun Baodong and other members of the family of sun's poetry. Sun Tingduo's poetry presents Seiitsu simple appearance, his landscape poems or write hometown scenery, or write down the scenery, there are a lot of scenes depicting Temple poems, these poems reflected his complex feelings, both mountain lonely sigh also, their depressed, also he is positive feelings, and miss the hometown of grief; his pastoral poetry is more fun and hard to show concern and Gonggeng in farming. Sun Baodong poem to Tang and his poems appear magnificent Hongli features, with a high spirited spirit. "At the beginning of the set" poetry expresses meritorious sentiments, with characteristics of "young"; "the foundation set" poetry in praise of saints and the magnificent mountains, painted, powerful style elegant; across the river in many < > In Jiangnan, with the theme of poem exchanges and landscape scenery, elegance features more prominent. In addition, other family members can see the sun's poetry is quaint simplicity, with the characteristics of the same strain, reflects Yan Shansun's family literature heritage.



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