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发布时间:2018-03-27 12:32

  本文选题:腐败 切入点:制度漏洞 出处:《南京工业大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:腐败是人类健康肌体上的一颗毒瘤,作为权力的伴生之物,,自公共权力诞生以来,腐败就如影附随,成为人们挥之不去的梦魇。腐败问题也一直是为目前世界各国共同关注的焦点话题和亟待解决的难题,在全球范围内都普遍存在。腐败问题危害国家安全,阻碍经济发展,破坏社会公平。不同社会不同时期产生的腐败有所不同,作为一种政治现象,腐败日益成为各国人民不可忽视的重大问题,当代中国,腐败问题渗透到各个领域,一定程度上损害国家的健康和人民的安危。因此,腐败问题需要有效治理。 制度是由特定社会关系而生发出的被人们普遍遵守的共同规范,并随着社会关系的改变而不断发展,制度密切关系到人类社会生活的各个方面。研究腐败现象必然要探讨与这一现象紧密联系的制度层面的原因。腐败是一个社会问题,是在特定的社会关系及社会现实的基础上产生的。即当社会关系发生改变,由于相应的制度建设没有协调时,腐败便会滋生。然而,腐败虽不可能在短期内根除,但腐败却可以在最严密的制度下得以控制。 正是本着这一初衷,本文以制度为中心,对腐败的制度成因及反腐败的制度体系进行了深刻探讨。文中分析了腐败的实质及其危害,阐述了腐败现象在很大程度上带有体制性腐败的特点,制度上的缺陷也为腐败的滋生和蔓延提供了可乘之机。通过对腐败特点及相关制度的属性进行分析,得出腐败存在和发展的原因在于,当前反复制度存在漏洞、相关反腐制度缺位、监督机制不健全等。笔者在制度建设的框架下,通过对香港及域外反腐经验的借鉴,提出反腐败制度建设的对策方法,即优化权力配置、深化政治经济体制改革、健全反腐制度体系、建立健全反腐败监督机制。从而实现遏制和控制腐败现象的目的,进而保障我国社会主义和谐社会建设进程一帆风顺。
[Abstract]:Corruption is a malignant tumor in human health body. As a companion of power, corruption has been accompanied by public power since the birth of public power. Corruption has always been the focus of attention and a difficult problem to be solved in the world. It is widespread in the world. It endangers national security and hinders economic development. Undermining social equity. Corruption in different social periods is different. As a political phenomenon, corruption is increasingly becoming a major issue that cannot be ignored by the people of all countries. In contemporary China, corruption issues permeate into various fields. To some extent, it is harmful to the health of the country and the safety of the people. Therefore, the problem of corruption needs to be effectively dealt with. Institution is a common norm that is generally observed by people and developed with the change of social relations. Institution is closely related to all aspects of human social life. To study the phenomenon of corruption, we must explore the causes of the institutional level which are closely related to this phenomenon. Corruption is a social problem. It is based on specific social relations and social realities. That is, when social relations change, corruption will breed when the corresponding system is not coordinated. However, corruption cannot be eradicated in the short term. But corruption can be controlled under the strictest system. It is precisely in this original intention that this article regards the institution as the center, has carried on the profound discussion to the system origin of the corruption and the system system of fighting against the corruption, has analyzed the essence and the harm of the corruption, This paper expounds that the phenomenon of corruption has the characteristics of system corruption to a large extent, and the defects of the system also provide an opportunity for the breeding and spreading of corruption. Through the analysis of the characteristics of corruption and the attributes of related institutions, The reason for the existence and development of corruption lies in the loophole in the current repeated system, the absence of relevant anti-corruption system, the unsound supervision mechanism, etc. Under the framework of system construction, the author draws lessons from the anti-corruption experience of Hong Kong and its foreign countries. The countermeasures of anti-corruption system construction are put forward, that is, optimizing power allocation, deepening political and economic system reform, perfecting anti-corruption system system, establishing and perfecting anti-corruption supervision mechanism, so as to achieve the purpose of containing and controlling corruption. Thus ensuring the construction of a harmonious socialist society in China smooth sailing.


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