本文选题:中朝贸易 + 违禁物品 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:During the Qing Dynasty, North Korea's trade with the Qing Dynasty was generally in accordance with the rules, but there were still many of its uniqueness. In general, North Korea's attitude towards trade has experienced political orientation, passive trade, economic interest driven, strong support for trade, and then timely adjustment of trade policies and trade goods according to political and economic interests. In this process, the amount of North Korean silver reserves is an important basis for its adjustment of trade policy and trade goods. The contraband can best reflect the characteristics of North Korea's trade attitude and trade policy. Although the same items are contraband, they can not be generalized because different items are limited in time, management and enforcement. This article divides it into two kinds: one is the goods that Korea has to restrict trade passively because of the regulations of the Suzerain Qing Dynasty, such as horses, bow horns and so on; The other is restricted trade items, such as ginseng, that North Korea voluntarily sets according to its own interests at different times. In the handling of prohibited objects, the DPRK side is based on its own military security and economic interests. For the arched horns, horses and other objects, the government has great demand for them because of the lack of their own production, and because of various factors such as politics, national defense security and so on. Therefore, although such items are called prohibited trade goods of the DPRK, they also have corresponding legal provisions. In practice, however, the North Korean government not only does not strictly prohibit the import of such items according to the law, but even encourages and actively promotes them. However, the DPRK government has issued detailed restrictions and adopted strict enforcement of the private trade of long-term contraband items (such as gold carvings) and prohibited items (such as ginseng, silk, satin, etc.) set up by the DPRK on its own initiative. The way to deal with smuggling trade is different, but due to the influence of many factors, the effect of execution is different.
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