本文选题:京津唐 + 土地利用/覆盖变化 ; 参考:《中国地质大学(北京)》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:The Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan urban concentration area is a relatively mature comprehensive urban agglomeration in China. It is based on its own geographical advantages. The regional economy, society, humanities and urban construction have been developed and improved at a high speed. This established the Beijing-Tianjin-Tang City agglomeration is an important political, economic and cultural center. Therefore, it is of great significance for the development and construction of small and medium-sized urban agglomeration in the future to study the environmental changes in Beijing, Tianjin and Tang cities. In the past 30 years, with the rapid development of economy, China's cities have developed very rapidly, especially in big cities such as Beijing, where the population has increased year by year, and land use and land cover have changed rapidly. The rapid process of urbanization makes the urban disease more and more prominent, among which the urban heat island effect has attracted much attention. The main cause of heat island effect is the increase of urban hardened ground and the decrease of vegetation, which leads to the decrease of urban evapotranspiration, which leads to the decrease of latent heat and the increase of sensible heat, which leads to the rising of urban air temperature. The surface evapotranspiration is closely related to it, which is the basis of this study. This paper is based on MODIS data and meteorological data platform, based on the project "study on the impact of Large-scale Land use change on Global Climate". The inversion of surface evapotranspiration in a large area of Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan area was carried out by using a two-layer model of quantitative remote sensing of surface evapotranspiration. Combined with DEM elevation data and impermeable surface index data, the spatial pattern of land surface energy and the influence of different land use / cover changes on surface evapotranspiration were discussed. The results showed that the area with higher elevation was mainly affected by natural conditions, and its temperature, albedo, soil heat flux and sensible heat flux were relatively low, coverage, net radiation, latent heat flux and daily evapotranspiration were higher. The urban core areas with low elevation are mainly affected by human activities, which are characterized by high impermeable surface index, high temperature, net radiation, soil heat flux and sensible heat flux, coverage, albedo, The order of evapotranspiration of different land use types was water forest grassland cultivated land construction land in order of latent heat flux and daily evapotranspiration. The change of evapotranspiration in Beijing, Tianjin and Tangshan urban dense areas from 2000 to 2010 mainly presented as the decrease of urban core urban area and its surrounding area, and the increase of forest land and part of cultivated land in mountainous area. The change of evapotranspiration caused by land use / cover conversion between cultivated land, grassland and woodland in the study area was weak. The change of evapotranspiration caused by conversion of woodland, grassland and cultivated land to construction land showed a significant downward trend.
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