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发布时间:2018-06-06 17:09

  本文选题:近代建筑 + 津浦铁路宾馆 ; 参考:《山东建筑大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:As a carrier of urban memory, architecture embodies the political, economic, historical and humanistic characteristics of an era. Since Jinan opened its commercial port at the beginning of last century, it has provided business environment and construction conditions for Chinese businessmen and national entrepreneurs. These more than 100 years of modern architecture is the carrier of Jinan humanistic history, but also the turning point of Jinan city construction from feudal tradition to modern. As the historical witness of Jinan city's multi-cultural development, it has very important research value. However, under the background of Jinan city construction, due to insufficient protection, the destruction of a large number of excellent modern buildings has paid a heavy price for the development of the city. From the point of view of artistic design, the author chooses Jinan Jinpu Railway Hotel as a case study for the consideration of the continuation of Jinan's humanistic history. Jinan Jin-Pu Railway Hotel is a provincial cultural relic protection unit in Shandong Province. It is one of the most perfect modern buildings in Jinan and has high research value in the whole architecture. The first chapter of this paper studies the background of the subject, determines the purpose and significance of the subject, analyzes the concepts of modern architectural protection, reuse and the current research situation at home and abroad, and enumerates excellent examples of modern architectural protection. The second chapter analyzes the regional distribution, cultural value and regional characteristics of modern architecture in Jinan, and investigates the status of protection of modern architecture in Jinan. Chapter three analyzes the characteristics and value of the building in Jinan Jinpu Railway Hotel. The present situation and existing problems of protection, the development orientation of the building to start thinking; the fourth chapter summarized, on the premise of not destroying the historical features of Jinpu Railway Hotel, put forward the construction protection and reuse strategy, From his own point of view, the author transforms the interior of Jinpu Railway Hotel into a railway cultural museum, and transforms the building environment into a railway cultural square to give full play to the railway cultural characteristics of the Jinpu Railway Hotel.


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