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发布时间:2018-07-17 08:40
【摘要】:在语文教学中,作文教学历来都是核心问题和难点问题。自新课改以来,有关专家学者虽然一直在探讨研究这个问题,试图找到一个能改变“写作难”的途径和方法。然而,过多的羁绊和陈旧的教学理念又限制了作文教学水平的提升,初中作文教学改革依然是在困难中前行。 初中议论文写作教学作为作文教学的重要组成部分,对学生创新、思辨、认识等思维能力的培养具有重要意义和影响。由于初中议论文写作教学相对于记叙文及其它文体难度较大,写作能力提升较慢,虽然教师们一直努力并尝试各种方法,但仍没有从根本上解决“写作难”、“议论文写作更难”的问题。 延吉市是延边朝鲜族自治州首府,地处吉林省东部,与朝鲜和俄罗斯毗邻,是全州政治、经济、文化中心。据2009年统计,延吉市人口近50万,其中朝鲜族约占58%。目前延吉市共有5所汉族初中,高年段语文任课教师有27人、学生2311人。对延吉市汉族初中高年段议论文写作教学研究是一个重要的课题。通过问卷调查、对任课教师的访谈和文献整理等方法,发现延吉市汉族初中高年段议论文写作教学虽取得了一定的成绩,但也存在着对议论文写作教学重视程度不够、教学内容相对陈旧、议论文写作训练模式传统、评价方式单一等问题,影响了议论文写作教学水平的提升和学生对议论文写作的兴趣。因此对这些问题的分析是本论文写作的重点。 同时,根据调查结果,结合议论文写作教学的特点,进一步探究了存在问题的原因:应试教育理念下以记叙文为主的写作教学要求使教师和学生容易忽视议论文的写作,议论文文体自身的特点、教材选文的结构性因素、传统议论文写作训练模式和单一的议论文评价方式等都不同程度地影响了议论文写作教学水平,使学生对议论文写作存在畏难情绪。 针对反映出的问题,论文拟从教材、教师、学生三方面分别提出建议:教材方面,建议调整选文结构、增加热点话题、丰富写作材料;教师方面,要转变对议论文写作教学的认识、创作下水作文激发学生的写作兴趣、引导学生广泛阅读丰富写作内容、革新议论文写作教学的方法和手段、构建新型的议论文写作训练方式、实行多元的议论文评价方式;学生方面,建议自觉培养对议论文写作的兴趣、加强议论文写作训练、夯实议论文写作基本技能、扩大课外优秀作品的阅读量。通过以上建议的实施,以期对延吉市汉族初中高年段议论文写作教学水平的提高提供一定的借鉴和参考。
[Abstract]:In Chinese teaching, composition teaching has always been the core and difficult problem. Since the new curriculum reform, experts and scholars have been exploring this problem, trying to find a way and method to change the "writing difficulty". However, too much fetters and outdated teaching ideas limit the improvement of composition teaching level, and the reform of composition teaching in junior high school is still moving forward in difficulties. As an important part of composition teaching, argumentative writing teaching in junior high school has great significance and influence on the cultivation of students' thinking ability, such as innovation, speculation and cognition. As the teaching of argumentative writing in junior high school is more difficult than narrative writing and other writing styles, the ability of writing is improved slowly. Although teachers have been trying hard and trying various methods, they have not fundamentally solved the problem of writing. The question of "more difficult to write argumentative essays". Yanji is the capital of Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture, located in the east of Jilin Province, adjacent to North Korea and Russia. It is the political, economic and cultural center of the whole state. According to statistics in 2009, Yanji City's population of nearly 500000, including about 58 Korean. At present, Yanji has 5 Han junior middle schools, 27 teachers and 2311 students. It is an important subject to study the teaching of argumentative writing in senior middle school of Yanji Han nationality. Through questionnaire investigation, interview and literature collation of teachers, it is found that although the argumentative writing teaching in junior middle school of Yanji city has made some achievements, there is still insufficient attention to argumentative writing teaching. The relatively old teaching content, the tradition of argumentative writing training mode and the single evaluation mode affect the improvement of the teaching level of argumentative writing and the students' interest in argumentative writing. Therefore, the analysis of these problems is the focus of this thesis. At the same time, according to the results of the investigation and the characteristics of argumentative writing teaching, this paper further explores the causes of the problems: the teaching requirements of narrative writing under the idea of examination-oriented education make it easy for teachers and students to ignore the writing of argumentative essays. The characteristics of argumentative writing style, the structural factors of textbook selection, the traditional argumentative writing training mode and the single argumentative evaluation mode all affect the teaching level of argumentative writing to varying degrees. Students are afraid of argumentative writing. Aiming at the problems reflected, the paper proposes to put forward some suggestions from three aspects: textbook, teacher and student: adjusting the structure of selecting text, increasing hot topic, enriching writing material, teachers, teachers and students. It is necessary to change the understanding of argumentative writing teaching, stimulate students' interest in writing, guide students to read extensively and enrich writing contents, innovate the methods and means of argumentative writing teaching, and construct a new type of argumentative writing training method. On the other hand, the students suggest that they should cultivate their interest in argumentative writing, strengthen the training of argumentative writing, consolidate the basic skills of argumentative writing, and enlarge the reading quantity of outstanding works after class. Through the implementation of the above suggestions, this paper hopes to provide some reference for the improvement of the teaching level of argumentative writing in junior high school of Yanji Han nationality.


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