[Abstract]:The risk of modern meaning was generated by western industrial civilization, and then expanded in the world. Risk includes not only politics, economy, culture, but also social, educational and other fields of human society. At present, China's economy, there are increased risks, complex problems, weak growth and other problems. The investment risk brought by the capital market and capital investment will further affect the overall economic performance with the help of the amplification effect of the financial market. This journal organizes this group of topics, starting from the risks in the economic and legal fields, analyzes the risk aversion of foreign investment, the institutional protection of investors, and the credit guarantee in the field of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers," and separately discusses the risks. Investment and protection of the content of interpretation. For example, Tao Binzhi and others have pointed out that the scale of China's current foreign investment is expanding day by day. Under this background, building a sound policy overseas investment insurance system is a necessary means to effectively avoid political and economic risks in the world. And this question has carried on the thorough analysis. Cao Shengliang believes that the system of investor suitability in the field of financial markets in China has some problems, such as low efficiency and single structure, so it is necessary to build a complete one on the basis of drawing lessons from the appropriate system of investors in developed economies. Suitable for China's national conditions of the appropriate system of investors. Aileen and others have pointed out that the development of rural financial market in China is full of problems, especially the problem of credit guarantee in rural areas, which directly brings financial and social risks in the field of "agriculture, countryside and agriculture". Therefore, we need to effectively solve the problem of rural credit guarantee. Investment, risk and protection are one of the eternal themes of the modern market economy. Our research is only a drop in the ocean. In order to provide some reference for our country market economy risk prevention system.
【作者单位】: 内蒙古工业大学;
【基金】:2014年内蒙古自治区高等学校科研项目(NJSY14071) 内蒙古自治区2014年软科学项目
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