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发布时间:2017-12-27 05:06

  本文关键词:新疆承接东部制造业转移对构建丝绸之路经济带的效应分析 出处:《新疆财经大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 丝绸之路经济带 产业转移 效应分析 新疆

[Abstract]:"Silk Road Economic Belt" concept originated in the long history of the ancient "Silk Road", is a new field of multilateral economic cooperation and development, Silk Road Economic Belt along involved a total population of 3 billion, accounting for 1/2 of the world's population, is the one and only the market size and potential, and it is the bridge east the Asia Pacific Economic Circle and the west developed European economic circle, is considered to be the "big economic corridor in the world's longest and most potential". Through building the "Silk Road Economic Belt", we should enhance our good neighborly friendship and common prosperity and development with our neighboring countries, expand our openness to the west, promote westward strategy and deepen reform and opening up, and create an upgraded version of the modern Chinese economy. But after several industrial revolutions, along with the development of sea, air and Internet, the road of silk was gradually replaced by modern ways. The Central Asian region and Xinjiang, China, are rich in resources, brilliant in culture, close in geography, and humane, and have excellent geographical and resource advantages. To undertake the transfer of industries in developed regions can shorten the time of Xinjiang to strengthen industrial competitiveness, accelerate the construction of the economic zone of the Xinjiang section of the Silk Road and the security status of opening to the west of the bridgehead, Xinjiang is also a convenient way to catch up from behind. Through a comprehensive exposition of Xinjiang to undertake the eastern industry transfer status, analysis of Xinjiang undertaking industrial transfer in the scale, speed and industrial structure and so on, are not up to meet the needs of Xinjiang's industrial agglomeration, inhibit the opening to the west of Xinjiang geographical advantages to a certain extent. In this paper, through the method of gray correlation degree analysis that Xinjiang labor quality, traffic mileage, the size of the market, the number of enterprises to undertake industrial transfer has great effect, and the cost of labor and industrial policy influence is weak, and then provide some solutions and suggestions for Xinjiang to undertake industrial. Accelerating the undertaking of industrial transfer not only promotes the balanced development of economy in eastern and western regions, but also is a good opportunity for Xinjiang to transform regional advantages to economic advantages, so as to provide conditions for further expanding Xinjiang's international space. The city will be divided along the traffic on the Silk Road in Xinjiang economic north channel, channel, Nantong three areas, and analysis of the development of the three areas from the three aspects of economic contribution, the export commodity structure and the internal structure of the manufacturing industry, further analysis of three regional industrial status. Finally, we will combine the eastern industrial transfer and the Xinjiang Silk Road Economic Belt Construction Strategy to explore the economic effects, social effects and political effects brought by the two sides' mutual promotion and co promotion.


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