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发布时间:2018-01-01 07:09

  本文关键词:基于生态足迹的中国省级可持续发展能力比较研究 出处:《吉林大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 生态足迹 可持续发展能力 比较分析

【摘要】:工业革命的到来,使人类社会生产力水平得到前所未有的提高。然而,在全球经济迅速发展的同时,伴随而来的是资源的大量消耗、环境污染、生态破坏,这些问题反过来又制约着人类社会的健康持续发展。因此,1987年布伦特莱在《我们共同的未来》中首次提出“可持续发展”概念。所谓可持续发展就是指“既能满足当代人的需要,又不对后代人满足其需要的能力构成危害的发展”。从此,世界各国便开始越来越关注资源、环境的保护以及经济、自然、社会能否实现可持续发展。 中国政府编制的《中国21世纪人口、资源、环境与发展白皮书》,首次把可持续发展战略纳入我国经济和社会发展的长远规划。党的十五大明确提出把可持续发展战略确定为我国“现代化建设中必须实施”的战略。党的十八大首次明确提出“要把生态文明建设放在突出地位,融入经济建设、政治建设、文化建设、社会建设各方面和全过程”,“建设美丽中国,实现中华民族永续发展”。当前,我国正处于改革发展和经济增长方式转型的关键时期,对于我国省际层面可持续发展能力的评估具有重要现实意义。 生态足迹(Ecological Footprint)的概念最早由Rees教授和其博士生Wackernagel于1992年提出并发展起来。生态足迹测量了人类生产活动过程中对自然的消耗,它代表着人类占用了多少生产性土地和水域去生产所有我们消耗的资源以及吸收所有我们产生的废弃物。到目前为止,生态足迹模型被普遍认为是能够测量一个国家或地区可持续发展能力水平的最好方法。因此,本文基于生态足迹的测量方法分别从时间维度和横向比较两个方面对我国省级可持续发展能力进行了趋势与比较分析。 通过对测量结果的分析,本文得出了三个主要结论:(1)总的来说,中国31个省份的人均生态足迹较高,且生态足迹的多样性指数不高,总的生态足迹过于集中在某一个或某两个土地类型上,,可持续发展能力有待于进一步提高(2)中国各省可持续发展能力不平衡,地区之间差距较大,主要表现为东部地区可持续发展能力相对较好,中部地区处于一般水平,西部地区经济发展的可持续性相对较差。(3)从时间角度分析来看,中国各省的可持续发展能力评价指标大体呈现出周期性波动,并且每一次的变化趋势都与国家政策密切相关,政策的持续性显得尤为重要。 最后,本文为进一步提高中国省级可持续发展能力提出了四个建设性意见:(1)继续深入贯彻落实“建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会”的方针,切实转变经济增长方式。(2)有效规划对各种土地类型的综合利用,努力提高生态足迹的多样性指数。(3)依靠科技进步提高资源利用效率,大力发展生态经济。(4)加大对西部地区的资金、技术支持,力求扭转西部地区经济增长对资源严重依赖的状况。
[Abstract]:With the arrival of the industrial revolution, the level of human social productivity has been improved unprecedented. However, with the rapid development of the global economy, accompanied by a large number of consumption of resources, environmental pollution, ecological destruction. These problems, in turn, restrict the healthy and sustainable development of human society. In 1987, Brent 茅 first put forward the concept of "sustainable development" in "our Common Future". The so-called "sustainable development" refers to "meeting the needs of the present generation." Since then, all countries in the world have begun to pay more and more attention to the protection of resources, the environment and the economy, nature and society to achieve sustainable development. The White Paper on population, Resources, Environment and Development in 21th century prepared by the Chinese government. For the first time, the sustainable development strategy has been incorporated into the long-term plan of our country's economic and social development. The 15th National Congress of the Communist Party of China clearly put forward that the sustainable development strategy must be carried out in China's modernization drive. The 18 National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) explicitly put forward for the first time that "the construction of ecological civilization should be placed in a prominent position." Integration of economic construction, political construction, cultural construction, social construction in all aspects and the whole process, "Building a beautiful China and realizing the sustainable development of the Chinese nation". China is in the critical period of reform and development and the transformation of economic growth mode, which is of great practical significance to the evaluation of the ability of sustainable development at the provincial level. Ecological footprint. The concept was first proposed and developed by Professor Rees and his Ph.D. student Wackernagel in 1992. The ecological footprint measures the consumption of nature in the course of human production. It represents how much productive land and waters are occupied by human beings to produce all the resources we consume and to absorb all the waste we produce. So far. Ecological footprint model is generally considered to be the best way to measure the sustainable development capacity of a country or region. In this paper, based on the ecological footprint measurement method, the trend and comparative analysis of the provincial sustainable development capacity in China are carried out from two aspects: time dimension and horizontal comparison. Through the analysis of the measurement results, this paper draws three main conclusions: (1) in general, the per capita ecological footprint of 31 provinces in China is relatively high, and the diversity index of ecological footprint is not high. The overall ecological footprint is too concentrated on one or two land types, and the ability of sustainable development needs to be further improved. The main performance is that the ability of sustainable development in the eastern region is relatively good, the central region is at a general level, and the economic development of the western region is relatively poor in sustainability. The evaluation index of sustainable development ability of every province in China shows periodic fluctuation, and each change trend is closely related to the national policy, and the sustainability of policy is particularly important. Finally, this paper puts forward four constructive suggestions for further improving the ability of sustainable development at the provincial level in China) and continues to implement the policy of "building a resource-conserving and environment-friendly society". Effectively change the mode of economic growth. 2) effectively plan the comprehensive utilization of various land types, and strive to improve the diversity index of ecological footprint. 3) improve the efficiency of resource utilization by scientific and technological progress. Vigorously develop ecological economy. 4) increase funds and technical support to the western region, and strive to reverse the situation that the economic growth in the western region is heavily dependent on resources.


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