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  本文关键词:圈层经济视角下成都市产业结构评价 出处:《四川农业大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 圈层经济结构 成都市 产业结构评价

【摘要】:产业结构是现代城市发展的重要组成。通过结构的优化,理顺各产业部门之间的关系,使整个区域经济内部有分工和协作,构成紧密联系的有机整体,可促进城市的可持续发展。成都市是西南地区金融、商务、交通中心和枢纽,是经济核心增长极,过去较长时间以城乡统筹或经济增长作为发展背景,现在强调内部各功能区科学定位实现一体化发展。本文以成都市为研究对象,从圈层经济视角出发,以产业结构作为切入点,探讨以产业结构优化带动圈层经济一体化发展。本文综合使用产业经济学、区域经济学等理论,为圈层经济一体化发展寻找理论支撑,有助于成都市各圈层未来产业结构优化调整,圈层间经济协调和成渝经济区的发展。 研究描述成都市及各圈层产业结构现状。在以往研究基础上,通过构建产业结构合理化、高度化指标体系,使用主成分分析法评价成都市产业结构,综合得出其待改进之处。最后各圈层相互协作共同优化产业结构,圈层间形成有机联系,达到一体化发展的目标。 得出的结论主要是: (1)从整体产业结构来看,成都市目前产业结构为321,发展水平较高,但与发达地区仍有差距,产业间过渡发展衔接有待加强。成都市近十五年来发展迅速,霍夫曼系数和与钱纳里标准都显示已处在现代化社会,整体经济以第三产业为主导,但是成都市第三产业发展规模较小,2002年来所占比重有所下降,跟发达国家、北京等领先城市相比,第三产业所占比重略低。 (2)从圈层结构来看,圈层间生产要素呈现非均衡单向运动,各圈层内区域间产业结构相似度高、竞争大,可能造成市场分割和资源浪费。 (3)从产业间要素配置来看,整体情况较好,但仍有劳动力产业间转移脱节现象;资本投入在产业及其内部分布存在不合理处、且投入量较高存在压缩消费和技术驱动经济发展的空间;技术水平和研发效率有待提高以促进未来产业升级。 (4)从产业结构与市场需求契合来看,国内市场整体契合度较好,国外市场整体依赖度低,外向产业聚集及辐射效应不强,成都市在中西部地区进出口排居首位,但与全国相比外贸依存度较低,低于全国50%的水平。 圈层经济一体化发展根本是加强非均衡发展的区域间经济联系,实现合理分工,共同发展。对成都市产业结构存在不足进行优化分析,既涉及三次产业各自优化发展的目标,也是圈层间产业的地域布局分析,针对这两点从产业结构和圈层发展进行优化分析和对策制定。具体包括:产业结构优化要保持三次产业间的平衡,优化一产业的经营管理模式,调整二产业内部的要素投入结构,加快三产业中现代服务业的发展,另外还要不断创新,保证产业结构升级,占据高端位置,获得更好发展。圈层发展定位根据圈层发展水平和在整体产业结构中起到的作用。一圈层适合发展现代服务业,以信息技术、医药等绿色都市工业等引领整个产业结构和保持结构调整的生命力。二圈层在产业结构优化中主要承担二产业承接和优化。三圈层优化定位则是强化农业现代化发展,发展具有比较优势劳动密集型产业,吸纳农村富余劳动力。
[Abstract]:The industrial structure is an important component of modern city development. Through the optimization of the structure, rationalize the relationship between different industries, the regional economy has internal division and collaboration, constitute the organic whole in close contact, and promote sustainable development of the city. The city of Chengdu is southwest of finance, commerce, transportation center and hub, is the core of economy the growth pole, past a long time in the urban and rural economic growth or development as background, now emphasizes the internal function area of scientific orientation to achieve integrated development. This paper takes Chengdu city as the research object, from the perspective of economic circle, with the industrial structure as a starting point, to drive the development of economic circle integration to the optimization of the industrial structure. In this paper, the integrated use of industry economics, regional economics theory, to find theoretical support for the development of economic circle integration, help the Chengdu city circle to the industrial structure. The adjustment, the economic coordination between the circles and the development of the Chengdu Chongqing Economic Zone.
Description of Chengdu city and the circle of industrial structure status quo. Based on previous studies, through the construction of rationalization of industrial structure, the height of the index system, analysis of industrial structure in Chengdu City, using principal components, and concluded that the points to be improved. Finally, the circle of mutual cooperation together to optimize the industrial structure, the formation of the organic connection between the spheres. To achieve the integration of development goals.
The main conclusions are as follows:
(1) from the overall industrial structure, the industrial structure of Chengdu city was 321, higher level of development, but still a gap with the developed areas, inter industry transition development cohesion should be strengthened. The development of Chengdu city in recent fifteen years, the Hoffman coefficient and the standard and Chenery display has been in the modern society, the overall economy in the third industry as the leading, but Chengdu City, the development of the third industry is small in scale, the proportion declined in 2002, compared with the developed countries, such as Beijing leading city, the proportion of the third industry is slightly lower.
(2) from the perspective of the circle structure, the production factors of the circles show unbalanced one-way movement. The similarity of the industrial structure between each area is high and the competition is large, which may cause market segmentation and resource waste.
(3) from the allocation of factors between the industry, the overall situation is good, but there are still labor transfer between industries from phenomenon; capital investment in industry and its internal distribution is not reasonable, and the amount of consumption and higher compression technology driven economic development space; the technical level and efficiency of research and development needs to be improved in order to promote the future industrial upgrading.
(4) from the correspondence between the industrial structure and market demand, the domestic market overall fit better, the overall lower dependence on foreign markets, export-oriented industry gathering and radiation effect is not strong, the city of Chengdu in the Midwest import and export ranked in the first place, but the degree of dependence on foreign trade is low compared with the country, 50% lower than the national level.
The development of economic circle integration is to strengthen economic ties between the non balanced development of the region, to achieve a reasonable division of labor, and common development. To optimize the industrial structure of Chengdu city is insufficient, which relates to the three industries optimize the development target, industry analysis is a circle between regional layout, aiming at these two aspects of industrial structure and development circle optimization analysis and countermeasures. Including: optimization to keep the balance between the three industries in the industrial structure, optimize the industrial management mode, adjust the two elements within the industry investment structure, the development of modern service industry and three industry, in addition to continuous innovation, ensure the upgrading of the industrial structure, to occupy the high-end position. To get a better development. According to the development orientation of circle circle development level and played in the whole industrial structure. The role of a circle for the development of modern service industry, with the information Technology, medicine and other industries to lead the entire green urban industrial structure and keep the structure adjustment vitality. The two circle in the optimization of industrial structure is mainly responsible for the two industry to undertake and optimization. The three circle is the optimal position to strengthen the development of agricultural modernization, the development has a comparative advantage in labor-intensive industries to absorb rural surplus labor.



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