本文关键词:广西产业发展的科技需求研究 出处:《广西大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:随着知识经济成为发展的主流思想,科技技术成为了经济发展的决定性的关键因素。以科技为基础来发展产业成为了新的发展趋势,因此满足产业发展,促进经济进一步繁荣,也产生了更新、更高的科技需求。广西产业发展的目标与任务也显示,广西产业发展必须依靠科技支撑,通过科技投入,促进技术进步,提升科技创新能力,因此明确广西产业发展的科技需求,为产业发展提供科技资源保障,是目前实现产业发展目标的重要任务。 本文借鉴产业科技的相关理论,通过分析科技资源的内涵与分类,定义了产业科技需求的内涵,并构建产业科技需求框架;根据此框架,采用回归分析方法,通过曲线拟合,深入分析了广西产业发展与各类科技资源投入的定量关系;在分析广西产业发展现状和产业发展目标的基础上,计算出了广西实现产业发展目标的过程中,对科技资源投入的需求情况;从而为广西产业科技资源投入提出了相应的建议。 本文主要的创新性工作和结论如下:首先明确产业科技需求是指产业在其发展过程中对科技资源投入的需求,并构建产业科技需求框架,即产业科技需求包括科技人力资源需求、科技财力资源需求、科技基础设施资源需求、科技产品资源需求;其次通过定量分析,确定了产业发展与科技人力资源的线性关系、与科技财力资源的二次函数关系、与科技基础设施资源的二次函数关系、与科技产品资源的线性关系;然后根据此定量关系,计算了广西产业发展的总体科技需求,及发展千亿元产业分阶段和分产业的科技需求,结果表明发展千亿元产业的科技需求占总体科技需求的比重很大;最后对广西产业科技资源投入提出了建议。
[Abstract]:With the knowledge economy becoming the mainstream of development, science and technology has become the decisive key factor of economic development. The development of industry based on science and technology has become a new development trend, so to meet the needs of industrial development. The goal and task of Guangxi's industrial development also shows that Guangxi's industrial development must rely on the support of science and technology and promote technological progress through scientific and technological input. Therefore, it is an important task to make clear the scientific and technological demand of Guangxi's industrial development and to provide scientific and technological resources for the industrial development. By analyzing the connotation and classification of science and technology resources, this paper defines the connotation of industry science and technology demand, and constructs the framework of industry science and technology demand by referring to the relevant theories of industry science and technology. According to this framework, the quantitative relationship between the development of Guangxi industry and the input of various kinds of scientific and technological resources is deeply analyzed by means of regression analysis and curve fitting. Based on the analysis of the present situation of Guangxi's industrial development and its industrial development goals, the paper calculates the demand for scientific and technological resources in the process of realizing the industrial development goals in Guangxi. Accordingly, put forward the corresponding suggestion for Guangxi industry science and technology resource input. The main innovative work and conclusions of this paper are as follows: first of all, it is clear that the demand of industry science and technology is the demand of the industry in the process of its development, and the construction of the framework of industry science and technology demand. That is, the demand of science and technology includes human resources, financial resources, infrastructure and products. Secondly, through quantitative analysis, the linear relationship between industrial development and scientific and technological human resources, with the quadratic function of scientific and technological financial resources, and with the quadratic function of scientific and technological infrastructure resources is determined. Linear relationship with resources of science and technology products; Then, according to the quantitative relationship, the paper calculates the overall scientific and technological demand of Guangxi's industrial development, as well as the scientific and technological demand of developing a hundred billion yuan industry in stages and industries. The results show that the demand for science and technology of developing 100 billion yuan industry accounts for a large proportion of the total demand for science and technology. Finally, put forward the suggestion to Guangxi industry science and technology resource input.
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