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发布时间:2018-01-02 02:19

  本文关键词:基于产业集群的黄河三角洲产业结构优化升级研究 出处:《山东理工大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 产业集群 黄河三角洲 产业结构 优化升级

[Abstract]:Industrial development is the core of regional economic development, regional industrial structure optimization and upgrading is an important part of regional development and sustainable development, industrial cluster is the advanced form of industrial organization and mode, optimize and upgrade the industrial structure so that the the Yellow River delta development, especially the construction of efficient ecological economic zone, we must strengthen regional cooperation, optimize and upgrade the industrial the basic structure, create the characteristics of industrial clusters to construct eco efficient industrial system. Especially the "the Yellow River delta Efficient Ecological Economic Zone Development Plan" passed, marking the development and construction of the Yellow River delta officially rose to national strategy and industrial development in the process of large-scale development and construction of the Yellow River Delta has emerged despite. Location of the Yellow River delta is superior, rich resources, good industrial base, but the ecological environment is fragile, the single economic structure and foundation Facilities lag and other practical problems, seriously restrict the optimization and upgrading of regional industrial structure. Therefore, the development model of the Yellow River Delta industrial development at home and abroad can not copy other deltas, to highlight the ecological, efficient two positioning, relying on the economic advantages, optimize and upgrade the industrial structure of the Yellow River delta path with the formation of the characteristics of resource advantage. The mechanism of industrial cluster based on the optimization and upgrading of industrial structure, based on analyzing the status quo of the Yellow River Delta industrial structure evolution and development, by using location quotient, similar coefficient of industrial structure, diversity index and shift share analysis of the Yellow River Delta industrial cluster, three aspects of regional economic effect the convergence of industrial structure and industrial structure development in the regional industrial structure rationality evaluation, found that industry of the Yellow River Delta Area The cluster effect significantly low, the convergence of industrial structure, the low efficiency of the industrial structure. Then the development of industrial clusters in the Yellow River delta are analyzed. In the regional industrial structure optimization and upgrading of the role of the time series data and panel data model show that: industrial cluster, technological progress, factors affecting the foreign trade of the Yellow River Delta and indeed delta advanced regional industrial structure development has a long-term and stable relationship; the development of industrial clusters to promote the upgrading of regional industrial structure in the Yellow River Delta, but this role needs to be further strengthened; technological innovation is the optimization of regional industrial structure and upgrade the power key. In order to make full use of industrial cluster and technological innovation in the regional industry the structure optimization and upgrading of the role, combined with the above analysis put forward the following policy recommendations: the development of industrial clusters. We should clarify the objectives of industrial structure optimization, innovate the development mechanism of industrial clusters, strengthen the economic effects of industrial clusters, transform and upgrade traditional industrial clusters, foster high-tech industries cluster, rationally select leading industrial clusters, and achieve cluster industrial upgrading.



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