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发布时间:2018-01-08 18:05

  本文关键词:图们江次区域经济合作现状、问题及对策研究 出处:《西南财经大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 图们江 次区域经济合作 现状 问题 对策

【摘要】:随着经济全球化和区域经济集团化的迅猛发展,世界各大区域都组建了各种区域合作组织,如由德国、法国、意大利、荷兰等27个国家组成的欧洲联盟,由美国、加拿大、墨西哥3个国家组成的北美自由贸易区,由印度尼西亚、马来西亚、新加坡等10个国家组成的东南亚国家联盟,等等。而目前只有东北亚地区还未建立一体化的组织。为应对经济全球化带来的威胁和挑战,顺应全球经济一体化区域集团化的潮流和趋势,东北亚各国的合作意识和加强合作的愿望越来越强烈,但由于各国政治制度、意识形态、经济体制和发展水平的差异,以及民族矛盾、历史遗留问题,各国关系错综复杂,难以形成以地区一体化为导向的区域经济合作。作为一种替代,在东北亚出现了一种新型的区域合作形式——图们江次区域经济合作。 次区域经济合作的概念最早出现在20世纪80年代末90年代初,又被称为“成长三角”、“增长三角”,由新加坡副总理吴作栋最先提出。此后亚洲地区出现了各种成长三角,如珠——港——澳成长三角、澜沧江——湄公河成长三角、图们江成长三角、新——柔——廖成长三角、东盟北部成长三角和东盟东部成长三角等等。由于次区域经济合作尚处于发展之中,国际上并没有权威的机构给予公认的定义,因理解角度和研究方法不同,各国学者对其概念的界定也是多种多样的。 图们江发源于长白山脉主峰白头山东麓,是中、俄、朝三国的界河,注入日本海。图们江入海口三国接壤地区正处于东北亚的中央位置,北临俄罗斯远东地区,南接朝鲜半岛,东与日本的“里日本”(日本西海岸部分)地区隔海相望,西部腹地向后延伸至中国东北,蒙古及俄罗斯西伯利亚的广大地区,地理位置独特、交通便利、自然资源丰富,开展经济合作有利于整合次区域各国的资源,调动区域内外各方的力量,促进区域内各国社会经济的发展进而带动整个东北亚经济的发展,加速东北亚经济一体化的进程。对于中国来说,参与图们江次区域经济合作有利于边疆少数民族地区的经济发展和社会稳定,有利于扩大延边的对外开放,在东北地区形成新的经济增长极,振兴东北老工业基地,平衡国内各地区经济的发展。因此,对图们江次区域经济合作的研究具有非常重要的现实意义。 本文在参考和借鉴国内外研究成果的基础上,以中、俄、朝三国图们江次区域经济合作为研究对象,阐明了论文选题的背景和意义,对已有相关研究进行了综述,阐述了次区域经济合作的概念和相关理论,探究了图们江次区域经济合作的形成条件和发展演变历程,论述了图们江次区域经济合作的现状,并分析了制约图们江次区域经济合作发展的主要原因,最后为进一步推进图们江地区合作开发提供了政策建议。本文共分为六章,具体内容如下: 第一章为导论,阐明了论文选题的背景和意义,概述了研究内容、研究方法以及论文的贡献和不足之处。 第二章是对次区域经济合作概念的界定和理论的综述。首先对“区域”与“次区域”的概念范畴进行了论述,然后综合了不同学者的不同观点对次区域经济合作的概念进行了界定,并探讨了次区域经济合作的特点和类型,最后综述次区域经济合作的相关理论。 第三章论述了图们江次区域经济合作的形成基础,对其形成的内部条件和外部推动力进行了分析,并阐述了各参与国的经济概况及参与目的。 第四章回顾了图们江次区域经济合作的模式及演变,并对其发展历程进行了阶段划分。 第五章论述了图们江次区域经济合作的意义(对东北亚地区和对中国的意义分别进行了探讨),详细阐述了图们江次区域在贸易、投资、基础设施建设、跨境旅游等方面的合作机制,以及各领域合作的进展情况,通过对现状的分析,讨论了图们江次区域经济合作面临的问题。本文认为制约图们江次区域经济合作的主要因素有:参与国经济发展水平参差不齐,经济发展差距较大,难以形成同步的投资开发能力,不易协调,不利于对整体合作进程的推进;三个主要当事国中、俄、朝开发目标不一致,各自利益不同,难以形成合力;次区域内各国由于历史遗留问题、民族矛盾、“中国威胁论”等问题政治缺乏互信,进而也阻碍了经济合作发展;开发软环境差,表现在中、俄、朝三国国内市场经济体制不完善,对企业设置种种限制,影响了企业对图们江地区的投资;国际运输通道虽已建成,但是通而不畅,表现在跨境基础设施建设滞后,物流严重不足;对图们江次区域经济合作起协调作用的图们江秘书处和“三国”、“五国”委员会起不到实质性的作用,因为各国合作模式松散且中央政府参与力度不够;资金的严重缺乏影响了基础设施的建设和各个项目的实施。 针对上述问题,本文在第六章提出了推进图们江次区域经济合作的政策建议。 首先,推进图们江地区开发合作应遵循如下几项基本原则:一是坚持以小区域合作带动大区域合作。二是坚持以双边合作带动多边合作。三是坚持政府推动市场化运作。四是推进优势互补,实现互利共赢。 在上述原则下,推进图们江次区域合作开发的战略方针是:以扩大贸易促进经济合作,以重点领域合作促进规模性开发,以规模性合作开发促进图们江次区域合作全面起动。 在以上原则和方针的指导下,推进图们江次区域经济合作的具体对策为: 一是要完善图们江次区域的合作机制。建立有效的沟通机制,通过首脑定期会晤、地方政府长官定期会晤、省及地方相关部门对等协商等制度,加强中、俄、朝三国工作的相互协调能力;建立互信机制,图们江次区域各国应高瞻远瞩,长远考虑区域共同利益,推进相互信赖,先搁置历史遗留问题等相关问题,以经济合作逐步推动其他方面的合作;设立权威的组织机构,协调涉及各国利益的重大问题并做出具有约束力的决定。 二是加强国际运输通道建设。加快跨境基础设施建设和国际物流通道建设,建成图们江地区具有国际交通枢纽功能、内外经贸往来畅通无阻、物流充足的交通基础设施网。 三是加快中国长吉图开发开放先导区建设。利用长吉图先导区探索沿边地区开发开放模式,优化长吉图先导区的空间布局,加快区域内产业提升,加强基础设施和生态环境建设,推进区域内体制机制创新,充分发挥长吉图先导区的示范作用和带动作用。 四是运用BOT方式筹集资金,解决融资瓶颈。考虑到基础设施建设需要大量投资,建议采取BOT融资方式。建立和完善政府协调机制,积极利用国际机构营造良好的国际融资环境,促进发达国家和地区跨国公司积极参与到BOT融资方式的运作中来,设立专门机构对项目进行管理,采取宽松的开发政策,从项目审批、项目建设、项目经营、相关法规及税收方面给予最大的优惠,打造图们江地区基础设施建设运用BOT融资的新模式。 五是加强图们江次区域各国智力、文化方面的合作交流。加强高校合作,鼓励联合培养,推进产学研合作,培养专业技术人才;充分利用中国与周边有关国家的历史文化渊源,举办形式多样的文化交流活动,通过文化交流带动人员往来和经济技术合作。 六是推进跨境旅游合作。跨境旅游是图们江次区域经济合作的重要内容和组成部分,也是比较容易开展合作和具有巨大发展前景的领域。中、俄、朝三国应以旅游基础设施建设、陆海空联运航线通畅、旅游市场培育、多语言旅游信息平台开发等为重点,打造图们江区域跨境旅游合作圈。 最后,以俄罗斯加速远东地区开发为契机,推动图们江次区域经济合作。目前,远东开发成为俄罗斯各界关注和热议的焦点。这是因为随着世界经济的重心从大西洋两岸向亚太地区的日益转移,东北亚地区的重要性逐渐凸显,远东地区的开发成为俄罗斯新的战略目标。俄罗斯现已积累起能够加速远东地区发展的经济和金融资源,远东地区的开发为推动图们江次区域经济合作的发展带来新的契机。 本文的主要贡献: 本文通过吸收和借鉴已有的研究成果,从全局角度对图们江次区域经济合作的现状、问题进行了较为深入、全面、系统的分析,并提出了较为全面的、具有可操作性的实际有效的对策建议。文中所用到的数据都来自官方网站、统计公报、统计年鉴等权威资料和网站,因此具有可靠性、准确性和最新性的特点。 本文在写作中遇到的难点有:关于分析俄罗斯和朝鲜图们江地区开发的资料较少,时间都较早且内容不够具体详细,因此本文在分析图们江地区开发现状时把重点放在了中国图们江地区的开发上,而对朝鲜和俄罗斯的情况不够具体、深入和全面。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of economic globalization and regional economic collectivization , all regions of the world have formed regional cooperation organizations , such as the European Union composed of 27 countries such as Germany , France , Italy , the Netherlands , the Association of Southeast Asian Nations composed of 10 countries such as Indonesia , Malaysia , Singapore and so on . The concept of subregional economic cooperation first appeared in the late 1980s and early 1990 ' s , also known as " the Yangtze River Delta " and " Growth Triangle " , which was first put forward by the Deputy Prime Minister of Singapore , Wu Zuodong . Since the subregional economic cooperation is still in development , the north of ASEAN has become the Yangtze River Delta , and the east of ASEAN has become the Yangtze River Delta . As the understanding angle and the research method are different , various scholars have different definitions of their concepts . The Tumen River is originated from the eastern foot of Baitoushan , the main peak of the Changbai Mountains . It is the boundary between China , Russia and the three countries . It is located in the central position of Northeast Asia . The western hinterland of Tumen River extends to the northeast , Mongolia and Siberia of Russia . It is beneficial to the integration of the economic development and social stability of all countries in the region . It is beneficial to the expansion of the economic development and the development of the Northeast Asian economy . Therefore , it is of great practical significance to study the economic cooperation in the region of Tumen River . Based on the research achievements at home and abroad , this paper expounds the background and significance of the paper ' s selection of regional economic cooperation in China , Russia and the Tumen River sub - regional economic cooperation of the three countries . The paper expounds the concept and relevant theories of the economic cooperation in Tumen River subregion , and discusses the main reasons for the development of economic cooperation in Tumen River subregion , and finally provides policy suggestion for further advancing the cooperation and development of Tumen River region . The paper is divided into six chapters , which are as follows : The first chapter introduces the background and significance of the thesis selection , and summarizes the research contents , the research methods and the contribution and deficiency of the thesis . The second chapter discusses the definition and theory of the concept of subregional economic cooperation . Firstly , the concept category of " region " and " subregion " is discussed , then the concept of sub - regional economic cooperation is defined and the characteristics and types of sub - regional economic cooperation are discussed . Finally , the relevant theories of subregional economic cooperation are summarized . Chapter Three discusses the formation of economic cooperation in Tumen River subregion , analyzes its internal conditions and external impetus , and expounds the economic situation and participation of participating countries . Chapter four reviews the pattern and evolution of economic cooperation in Tumen River subregion , and divides its development course . In the fifth chapter , the significance of economic cooperation in Tumen River subregion is discussed . The cooperation mechanism of Tumen River subregion in trade , investment , infrastructure construction , cross - border tourism and so on are discussed in detail . In view of the above - mentioned problems , this paper puts forward the policy suggestion to promote the economic cooperation of Tumen River subregion in Chapter 6 . in that first place , the development cooperation in Tumen river area should adhere to the following basic principles : one is to adhere to the principle of promoting regional cooperation with small regional cooperation . Under the above - mentioned principles , the strategic approach to promote the development of the Tumen River sub - regional cooperation is to expand trade and promote economic cooperation , to cooperate in key areas to promote large - scale development , and to promote the overall start - up of Tumen river sub - regional cooperation with large - scale cooperative development . Under the guidance of the above principles and guidelines , the specific countermeasures to promote economic cooperation in Tumen River subregion are as follows : The first is to improve the cooperation mechanism of the Tumen River subregion . Establish an effective communication mechanism through regular meetings of the leaders , regular meetings with the governors of the local government , regular meetings with local government officials , mutual coordination of the work of the provinces and local authorities , and the establishment of mutual trust mechanisms . In the long term , the countries of the Tumen River region should consider relevant issues such as mutual trust , advance mutual trust , lay aside historical legacy issues and other related issues , and set up authoritative organization institutions to coordinate the major issues involving national interests and make binding decisions . Second , strengthen the construction of international transport channels , accelerate the construction of cross - border infrastructure and the construction of international logistics channels , build the Tumen River region , have the functions of international traffic hub , smooth and unimpeded flow of foreign trade and trade , and adequate logistics infrastructure network . The third is to speed up the construction of the open pilot area in the development of China ' s Changji chart . The pilot area of Changji Chart is used to explore the open mode in the coastal area , optimize the spatial layout of the pilot area of Changji chart , accelerate the industrial upgrading in the region , strengthen the infrastructure and ecological environment construction , promote the innovation of the institutional mechanism in the region , and give full play to the demonstration effect and the driving effect of the pilot area of Changji . The fourth is to use the BOT mode to raise funds and solve the financing bottleneck . Considering that the infrastructure construction needs a lot of investment , it is suggested that the BOT financing way should be adopted . In order to establish and perfect the government coordination mechanism and actively use the international institutions to create a good international financing environment , and to promote the active participation of the developed countries and regional transnational corporations into the operation of the BOT financing mode , a specialized agency is established to manage the project , and to adopt a loose development policy , and to create a new mode of BOT financing for infrastructure construction in Tumen River region . The fifth is to strengthen the exchanges of intellectual and cultural cooperation among the countries of the Tumen River subregion , strengthen cooperation in colleges and universities , encourage joint cultivation , advance production and research cooperation , and train professional technical personnel ; make full use of the historical and cultural origins of China and the surrounding countries , organize various cultural exchange activities , and drive personnel exchanges and economic and technical cooperation through cultural exchanges . Sixth , to promote cross - border tourism cooperation . Cross - border tourism is an important part and an integral part of the economic cooperation of Tumen River subregion . It is also an important area for easier cooperation and great development prospect . In China , Russia and Korea should focus on the construction of tourism infrastructure , sea - air - air transport route , tourism market cultivation , multilingual tourism information platform development , etc . , and build a cross - border tourism cooperation circle in Tumen River region . At present , the development of the Far East is the focus of attention and discussion among all circles of Russia . This is because as the center of gravity of the world economy moves from both sides of the Atlantic to the Asia - Pacific region , the importance of the Northeast Asia is gradually becoming prominent , and the development of the Far East region has become the new strategic goal of Russia . Russia has already accumulated the economic and financial resources that can accelerate the development of the Far East region , and the development of the Far East region will bring a new opportunity to promote the development of the Tumen River subregional economic cooperation . The main contributions of this paper are as follows : In this paper , through the absorption and reference of the existing research results , the present situation and the problems of the economic cooperation in Tumen River subregion are analyzed in a comprehensive and systematic way from the global perspective , and the practical and effective countermeasures are put forward . All the data used in the paper are from official websites , statistical bulletins , statistical yearbooks and other authoritative sources and websites , so it has the characteristics of reliability , accuracy and up - to - date . The difficulties encountered in writing in this paper are as follows : With regard to the analysis of the development situation of Tumen River in Russia and North Korea , this paper puts emphasis on the development of Tumen River region in China , while the situation of Korea and Russia is not concrete , in - depth and comprehensive .



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