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发布时间:2018-01-13 07:23

  本文关键词:运城市县域经济发展战略研究 出处:《西北农林科技大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 运城市 县域经济 战略研究

【摘要】:山西省运城市因“盐运之城”而得名,下设13个县(市、区),县域内人口占全市人口的86.7%,县域经济GDP占全市GDP的87.7%左右,是一个以县域经济为基础的地区。因此,发展县域经济是推进运城整体经济发展的核心,是破解城乡二元结构难题,统筹城乡协调发展,解决“三农问题”的根本。论文通过对县域经济发展的理论进行阐述,对运城市县域经济发展的实证进行分析,,探索促进运城县域经济发展的战略和路径选择,对促进运城县域经济更好更快发展具有重要的指导意义。 论文研究的思路主要是理论与实际相结合,通过分析、比较、归纳、推论等方法,根据理论研究成果和调研的实证数据,归纳出问题及症结,推论出解决的办法和建议。论文由五个部分构成:第一部分是绪论,介绍选题的背景和意义、目前本领域的研究现状、研究的具体思路和分析方法,说明论文的主要创新点,是正文写作的前期准备。第二部分是对县域经济进行相关的理论介绍,为论文的实证分析和研究提供理论基础。第三部分、第四部分和第五部分都是实证分析,以运城市五个县(市)为研究对象,通过对运城市县域经济总体发展水平进行分析,研究县域经济发展中存在的问题和制约因素,提出切合实际的解决办法和对策建议。 论文的主要结论:运城作为以县域为主的地区,发展县域经济,战略定位是根本,路径选择是关键。要从大区域、大投资、大产业、区别发展四个方面进行战略定位,把推进城镇化建设、推进产业优化升级、推进生态化发展、推进体制机制创新作为发展路径,运城的县域经济将会得到更好更快发展。
[Abstract]:Yuncheng city of Shanxi province is named after "city of salt transportation", which is divided into 13 counties (cities, districts and regions). The population in the county area accounts for 86.7% of the population of the whole city, and the county economy GDP accounts for about 87.7% of the GDP of the whole city. Therefore, the development of county economy is the core to promote the overall economic development of Yuncheng, to solve the problem of urban-rural dual structure, and to coordinate the development of urban and rural areas. The paper expounds the theory of county economy development, analyzes the demonstration of Yuncheng county economy development, and explores the strategy and path choice to promote Yuncheng county economy development. Yuncheng County to promote better and faster economic development has an important guiding significance. The main idea of the paper is the combination of theory and practice, through analysis, comparison, induction, inference and other methods, according to theoretical research results and empirical data, summed up the problem and the crux. The thesis consists of five parts: the first part is the introduction, introduces the background and significance of the topic, the current research situation in this field, the specific ideas and analytical methods. Explain the main innovation of the paper is the early preparation of the text. The second part is the introduction of the relevant theory of county economy, which provides the theoretical basis for the empirical analysis and research. The third part. Part 4th and part 5th are empirical analysis, taking Yuncheng five counties (cities) as the research object, through the analysis of Yuncheng county economy overall development level. This paper studies the problems and restrictive factors existing in the development of county economy, and puts forward some practical solutions and countermeasures. The main conclusion of the paper: Yuncheng as a county-based region, the development of county economy, strategic positioning is the fundamental, path choice is the key, from the large area, large investment, large industry. Distinguish the development of four aspects of strategic positioning, to promote urbanization construction, promote industrial optimization and upgrading, promote ecological development, promote institutional innovation as the path of development. Yuncheng County economy will be better and faster development.


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