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发布时间:2018-01-26 08:32

  本文关键词: 外商直接投资 中国地区收入差距 泰尔指数 面板数据 出处:《复旦大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:自改革开放以来,流入中国的外商直接投资逐年增加,并且表现出了地区分布不均衡的特征。在中国东部、中部、西部地区内部,西部地区各省份利用的FDI金额相差较大,东部地区次之,而中部地区各省份利用FDI的金额相差不大。在中国东部、中部、西部地区之间,外商直接投资的分布严重失衡,表现在东部地区和中西部地区之间的实际利用FDI金额相差巨大,其中地区之间相差最大的是东部和西部地区之间,中部和西部地区之间利用FDI的金额相差最小。在引入外商直接投资利用率之后,发现中国三大地区中,东部地区对FDI的利用率最高,中部地区次之,西部地区最差,在不同投资效率的放大下不同地区的外商直接投资对GDP的作用差异极大,由利用外商直接投资带来的GDP的增长,东部地区是中部地区的18倍,是西部地区的48倍,而中部地区是西部地区的3倍。 在外商直接投资不断流入中国的背景下,在全国范围内,代表收入差距不平等的基尼系数自1997年至2003年,呈现出逐步上升的趋势,2000年中国基尼系数开始超过0.4。在2004年基尼系数出现回落,然而仍在0.473的较高水平,2005年继续回升,并且中国基尼系数自2005年开始,接近0.5。虽然从2010年开始,基尼系数又呈现出下降的趋势,但始终保持接近0.5的水平,全国范围内的收入不平等问题严重。本文用泰尔指数测算出的收入差距,在将收入差距分解为地区之间和地区内部之后,显示出中国的收入差距主要体现在地区之间,而地区内部的收入差距相对较小。在中国东部、中部、西部地区内部,用代表收入差距的城乡人均收入比作比较发现,中部和西部地区内部的收入差距问题比较严重,东部地区内部的收入差距相对较小。在中国东部、中部、西部地区之间,和外商直接投资一样,用地区人均生产总值差距表示的收入差距也非常大,其中,地区之间相差最大的是东部地区和中西部地区之间,而中部和西部之间地区人均生产总值差距较小。 本文通过对29个省、市、自治区1992年至2010年的面板数据,实证检验外商直接投资和中国地区收入差距之间的关系发现:在全国范围内,外商直接投资和收入差距之间的关系呈倒U型的趋势,表现为FDI的系数为正,而其平方项的系数为负,这印证了发展/现代化假说的理论,意即在FDI流入初期,会增加中国的收入差距,而随着FDI的持续注入将有助于缓解收入不平等现象,另外人均生产总值也和收入差距之间呈倒U型趋势。在对全国进行东部、中部、西部地区分组之后的实证检验发现,东部、中部、西部地区的FDI和收入差距仍呈现倒U型趋势。另外东部和中部地区的FDI在模型中变得不显著了,而西部地区仍然显著,这说明,东部和中部地区内部外商直接投资对于拉大收入差距的作用不明显了,而西部地区的FDI和收入差距之间的关系仍非常大,在FDI流入西部到了一定阶段之后,将减少西部地区内部的收入差距。最后本文将对外商直接投资和收入分配进行相关政策建议。
[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up, Chinese inflows of foreign direct investment increased year by year, and shows the unbalanced regional distribution characteristics. In the Middle East, Chinese, West, the amount of FDI to use the western region provinces differ greatly, the eastern region, and the central provinces area by the amount of FDI had little difference. In the middle in the eastern, Western China, between regions, a serious imbalance in the distribution of foreign direct investment, in between the eastern and western regions of the actual use of FDI huge amount of difference, which is the biggest difference between regions between the eastern and western regions, between the central and Western Regions by the amount of FDI the smallest difference. After the introduction of foreign direct investment the utilization rate of China found three regions in the eastern region, the use of FDI was the highest, followed by the central region, the western region is the worst, with the efficiency of investment in amplification The role of foreign direct investment in different regions is different from that of GDP. The growth of GDP from foreign direct investment is 18 times that of the central region, 48 times that of the western region, while that of the central region is 3 times that of the western region.
In foreign direct investment inflows Chinese background, in the country, on behalf of the income gap between the inequality of the Gini coefficient from 1997 to 2003, showing a gradual upward trend in 2000, the Gini coefficient China began more than 0.4. in 2004, the Gini coefficient fell, but remained at a relatively high level of 0.473, in 2005 continued to rebound, and China Gini coefficient is close to 0.5. since the beginning of 2005, although from the beginning of 2010, the Gini coefficient is showing a downward trend, but remained close to 0.5 level, within the scope of national income inequality is serious. With the Theil index to calculate the income gap in this paper, after the decomposition of the income gap between regions and the internal area. China shows the income gap is mainly reflected in the region and between regions, the income gap is relatively small. In the Middle East, Chinese, West, represented by the Compared to the income per capita income gap between urban and rural areas shows that the income gap within the central and western regions of the eastern region is more serious, the income gap is relatively small. In the Middle East, China, West, and foreign direct investment, with average GDP gap area said the income gap is also very large, among them, the biggest difference between regions is between the eastern and western regions, while the central and western regions between the per capita GDP gap is smaller.
This article through to the 29 provinces, city, autonomous region panel data 1992 to 2010, found the relationship between the income gap between foreign direct investment and China empirical test area: in the country, the relationship between foreign direct investment and the income gap between the inverted U type trend, the performance of FDI coefficient is positive, while the coefficient the square is negative, which confirms the hypothesis of the development of modern theory, which means the flow in the early stage of the FDI, Chinese will increase the income gap, and with the continuous injection of FDI will help alleviate the income inequality in per capita total production value, and the income gap between the inverted U type in the trend. On the eastern, central and western regions after grouping empirical test found that the eastern, central and western regions of the FDI and the income gap is still showing the inverted U type trend. In addition, the eastern and central regions of FDI in the model becomes not significant, while the West The ministry area is still significant, suggesting that the eastern and central regions within the foreign direct investment for the widening income gap is not obvious, and the relation between the western region of the FDI and the income gap is still very large, after FDI into the west to a certain stage, the western region will reduce the income gap. The last of this paper the relevant policy suggestions on foreign direct investment and income distribution.



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