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发布时间:2018-02-20 18:26

  本文关键词: 保税物流 广西经济发展 推动作用 出处:《广西大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:随着西部大开发进程的不断深入,中国—东盟自由贸易区的顺利开展,区域合作和次区域合作的不断加强,广西正处于非常好的经济环境中,在良好的环境下如何加快广西经济发展成为越来越重要的课题。 本文正是在这样的大背景下对广西保税物流对广西经济发展的推动作用进行了分析,以更好认识保税物流作用,促进广西经济发展。本文由五个部分组成,第一章是导论,介绍了本文写作的研究背景意义、文献综述、写作目的等内容。第二部分对广西保税物流的发展现状进行了阐述,对各组成部份的功能定位进行了介绍。第三部分是理论部分,将保税物流的发展可能引起的经济效应进行了定性分析,该部分涉及到增长极理论,并对该理论如何在保税物流发展过程中发挥作用进行了探讨,此外,这部分还对保税物流的发展对企业的影响进行了理论分析,其中包括物流企业、出口加工企业以及外贸企业等。第四部分为实证分析部分,分别分析了保税物流对广西物流业、对外贸易、就业水平和经济增长的影响,这部分中,作者收集整理了相关数据,建立了数理统计模型,并通过数理统计模型的运算将广西保税物流对经济的推动作用以数学表达式的方式表达了出来,从而将广西保税物流对经济发展的贡献度大小反映到了数字上。在分析了保税物流对经济发展具有的推动作用后,作者提出了要加快广西经济的发展,促进经济的繁荣,有效的途径之一就是重视保税物流的发展。通过加大对保税物流建设的投入,完善保税物流体系,充分发挥保税物流的功能,那么广西的保税物流将会对广西经济的发展产生持续、稳定、有效的推动作用。
[Abstract]:With the deepening of the western development process, the smooth development of the China-ASEAN Free Trade area and the continuous strengthening of regional and subregional cooperation, Guangxi is in a very good economic environment. How to speed up the economic development of Guangxi has become a more and more important subject in a good environment. This paper analyzes the role of bonded logistics in Guangxi's economic development under this background, in order to better understand the role of bonded logistics and promote the economic development of Guangxi. This paper is composed of five parts, the first chapter is an introduction. This paper introduces the research background significance, literature review, writing purpose and so on. The second part describes the current situation of Guangxi bonded logistics, and introduces the functional orientation of each component. The third part is the theoretical part. This paper makes a qualitative analysis of the possible economic effects of the development of bonded logistics, which involves the growth pole theory, and discusses how the theory plays a role in the development of bonded logistics. This part also carries on the theoretical analysis to the bonded logistics development to the enterprise influence, including the logistics enterprise, the export processing enterprise and the foreign trade enterprise and so on. 4th part is the demonstration analysis part, has analyzed the bonded logistics to the Guangxi logistics industry separately. The influence of foreign trade, employment level and economic growth. In this part, the author collects and collates the relevant data, establishes the mathematical statistical model, And through the calculation of mathematical statistical model, the role of Guangxi bonded logistics in promoting the economy is expressed in the form of mathematical expressions. Thus, the contribution of Guangxi bonded logistics to economic development is reflected in the number. After analyzing the role of bonded logistics in promoting economic development, the author puts forward that Guangxi should speed up the economic development and promote economic prosperity. One of the effective ways is to attach importance to the development of bonded logistics. By increasing the investment in bonded logistics construction, perfecting the bonded logistics system and giving full play to the function of bonded logistics, Then the bonded logistics of Guangxi will produce sustained, stable and effective promotion to the economic development of Guangxi.


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