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发布时间:2018-02-21 06:46

  本文关键词: 技术进步 收入差距 作用机制 实证研究 出处:《福州大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:Technological progress is an inexhaustible driving force for a country's prosperity and development, and a reflection of a country's core strength. In the era of knowledge economy, which country has more patents and which country has mastered core science and technology, Which country is in a favorable position in global trade. But at the same time as technology is advancing and the economy is developing at a rapid pace, Before the reform and opening up to the outside world, China was one of the few countries in the world where income distribution was relatively fair. This kind of income distribution equity was mainly due to the planned economic system at that time. After the reform and opening up, The unbalanced development strategy implemented by the state has greatly promoted the rapid economic development of our country and greatly improved the living standards of the people. However, with the deepening of the reform in our country, the degree of openness has been continuously improved. At the beginning of reform and opening up, the Gini coefficient of our country is below O.3, which belongs to the country with average income. In 1987, the Gini coefficient exceeded 0.3, and in 2000, the Gini coefficient exceeded the alert of O.4. It shows that China has entered the ranks of countries with large income gap, but in 2010 it rose to 0.47.Based on the previous studies, this paper argues that technological progress will aggravate the social income gap. A theoretical model of the expansion of income gap by technological progress is established. There are two effects of technological progress on income disparity: substitution effect and directional technical effect, when the directional technical effect is greater than the substitution effect, The skill premium will rise from the original. Technological progress mainly affects the income gap from three aspects: first, the difference in the skill level of the labor force, the skill bias of technological progress will increase the human capital of highly skilled workers. However, the impact on low-skilled workers is not obvious, thus widening the income gap between the two. Secondly, the income gap between regions is related to the rate of technological innovation and technology transfer in developed regions, when the rate of technological innovation is greater than the rate of technology transfer, The relative wage rate between regions will increase. Third, unequal opportunities in urban and rural education have aggravated the income gap between urban and rural areas, and unequal opportunities for profit sharing have aggravated the income gap between monopoly and non-monopoly industries. In the empirical study, it is concluded that there is a long-term equilibrium relationship between the technological progress and the income gap. Both broad and narrow technological progress are positively related to the income gap. The error correction coefficient is 0.21, which indicates that there is a positive feedback mechanism to make technological progress aggravate the income gap. Invention patents and researchers have a positive impact on the income gap, and R & D expenditure has a negative impact on the income gap. The percentage of Gini coefficient caused by its own disturbance decreases slowly, while the percentage caused by total factor productivity, R D expenditure on invention patents and researchers' disturbance increases slowly.


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