本文关键词: 辽宁 县域经济 金融支持 实证分析 出处:《辽宁大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:县域经济作为我国国民经济的基本单元,处于我国城乡的结合部,同时也是联系宏微观经济的一座重要桥梁,对整个国民经济的发展起到了关键的作用;改革开放以来,作为现代经济核心的金融,巨大的变化也正在发生,尤其是从经济角度来说,它的作用愈来愈明显,但特定区域内金融的发展,由于地域、政策、自身体制等方面的原因受到了极大的制约,县域经济在发展过程中没有得到有效的金融支持,资金需求得不到满足,这都在一定程度上抑制了县域经济的发展。 一直以来,县域经济都是辽宁经济发展的短板。2006年辽宁省委、省政府结合本省实际,按照党中央关于社会主义新农村建设的部署,提出以县域经济为载体推进辽宁社会主义新农村建设的战略决策;后又在省党代会上将推动县域经济的发展确定为辽宁省新时期的三大历史任务之一;随即在2008年提出了县域经济“三年倍增”计划。但是,随着辽宁县域经济的快速发展,金融制度不完善、体制不健全等问题日渐显现,严重阻碍了地方经济的健康增长。鉴于此,研究分析如何推进辽宁县域金融体制的完善创新,加大金融方面的供给,对辽宁省县域经济的持续发展有现实指导作用。 文章主要利用西方经济学、计量经济学等专业知识,采用定性、定量等分析方法,从以下四个部分进行研究。第一部分是对相关的理论分析,这部分通过对相关研究成果的总结,确定了本文所研究问题的理论基础,,即经济增长与金融发展理论;第二部分是关于辽宁44个县域经济金融状况的分析,先对县域经济的状况进行相关阐述;然后分别从总量和结构两个方面分析了辽宁省县域金融的供给状况,从而阐述了造成目前供给不足的制约性因素;第三部分是关于辽宁省县域金融与县域经济的实证分析,通过数量分析的方法,探讨影响辽宁省县域经济增长的主要金融因素,并建立了相应的关系模型,进行实证分析得出结论,认为辽宁省县域金融发展对县域经济有一定的影响,但反过来县域经济对金融没有影响;最后则是对金融支持辽宁县域经济发展的构想,分别从县域金融、县域政府、县域企业三个方面提出了辽宁县域经济发展一些建议。
[Abstract]:County economy, as the basic unit of our national economy, is located in the junction of urban and rural areas, and is also an important bridge connecting macro and micro economy, which has played a key role in the development of the national economy as a whole. As the core of the modern economy, great changes are taking place, especially from the economic point of view, its role is becoming more and more obvious, but the development of finance in specific regions, due to the region, the policy, The reasons of its own system have been greatly restricted, the county economy has not got effective financial support in the process of development, and the capital demand has not been satisfied, which to a certain extent has restrained the development of the county economy. In 2006, the Liaoning Provincial Committee and the provincial government combined with the reality of the province, in accordance with the CPC Central Committee's plan for the construction of a new socialist countryside, The paper puts forward the strategic decision to promote the construction of new socialist countryside in Liaoning with the county economy as the carrier, and then determines the development of the county economy as the three historical Ren Wuzhi of Liaoning Province in the new period at the provincial party Congress. In 2008, he put forward the "three-year doubling" plan for the county economy. However, with the rapid development of the county economy in Liaoning Province, the financial system is not perfect and the system is not perfect. In view of this, the research and analysis on how to promote the perfection and innovation of Liaoning county financial system and increase the supply of finance have a realistic guiding role for the sustainable development of Liaoning county economy. This article mainly uses the western economics, econometrics and other professional knowledge, adopts the qualitative and quantitative analysis methods, carries on the research from the following four parts. The first part is the related theory analysis, By summarizing the relevant research results, this part determines the theoretical basis of the problems studied in this paper, namely, the theory of economic growth and financial development; the second part is about the analysis of the economic and financial situation of 44 counties in Liaoning. Firstly, the paper expounds the situation of county economy, and then analyzes the supply of county finance in Liaoning province from the aspects of total amount and structure, and then expounds the restrictive factors that cause the shortage of supply at present. The third part is the empirical analysis of county finance and county economy in Liaoning Province. Through quantitative analysis, the paper discusses the main financial factors that affect the county economy growth in Liaoning Province, and establishes the corresponding relationship model. The empirical analysis concludes that the county financial development of Liaoning Province has a certain impact on the county economy, but the county economy has no impact on finance; finally, the concept of financial support for Liaoning county economy development. This paper puts forward some suggestions on the development of Liaoning county economy from three aspects of county finance, county government and county enterprise.
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