发布时间:2018-03-03 01:00
本文选题:公共科技支出 切入点:科技进步 出处:《山东财经大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:纵观当今世界,综合国力最强,社会经济发展水平最高的国家,无不都是那些在科学技术,特别是科学教育和研发活动投入最多、最富有创新活力,并且在高科技产业中遥遥领先的国家。根据统计,在发达国家经济体中,科学技术对经济的贡献率已经由20世纪初的5%~20%,上升到了现在的60%~80%,而中国科技创新贡献率为40%左右,仅及欧美的一半,中国科技创新任重而道远。 2011年,山东省实现地区生产总值4.5万亿元,位居全国第三,增长率为10.9%,比去年降低1.6个百分点,增速有所减缓。2008年金融危机以来,以资源和基础设施建设为发展动力的山东越来越受到传统发展模式的制约,如何加快转变经济发展方式实现产业结构有效升级已成为山东省政府不得不高度重视的问题。要解决这一问题,离不开科学技术的支撑,而有效引导和激励社会科技研发和创新带动科学技术平的提高实现经济又稳又快的发展正是公共科技支出的目的。 基于此,本文将山东省作为研究对象,以山东省经济增长为出发点和落脚点,在相关理论分析的基础上,,通过对山东省公共科技支出的现状进行深入分析,总结提出山东省公共科技支出政策存在的问题和面临的困难。接下来,本文从山东省统计年鉴选用了1991年至2011年的相关经济数据(包括相关年度的地区生产总值(GDP)、财政支出(FE)和公共科技支出(PTE)等相关指标)进行计量分析,得出山东省公共科技支出与经济增长存在协整关系,公共科技支出每变动一个百分点,GDP就同向变动0.81616个百分点,公共科技支出对山东省经济增长具有推动作用。 其次,本文对发达省份(江苏省和广东省)公共科技支出政策的成功经验进行分析总结,提出可供山东省借鉴的相关成熟经验,以为下面的政策建议提供现实依据。 最后,在承接上述研究分析结果的基础上提出促进山东省经济增长的公共科技支出对策,主要包括强化政府责任,解决公共科技支出领域政府职能的“越位”和“缺位”和继续加大公共科技投入力度,建立公共科技支出与经济增长的良性机制等六项措施。
[Abstract]:In today's world, the comprehensive national strength of the strongest, the highest level of social and economic development of countries, all are those in science and technology, especially the scientific education and research activities into the largest and most innovative activity, and the way ahead in the high-tech industry in the country. According to statistics, in the developed economies, the economic contribution of science and technology the rate has been from the beginning of twentieth Century 5% to 20%, up 60% to 80%, and the contribution of science and technology innovation Chinese rate is about 40%, and only half of Europe and the United States, the innovation of science and technology China go15.
In 2011, Shandong province to achieve GDP 4 trillion and 500 billion yuan, ranked third, the growth rate was 10.9%, 1.6 percentage points lower than last year, the growth rate has slowed since the financial crisis of.2008, the Shandong based on resources and infrastructure construction as the motive force of the development of more and more restricted by the traditional mode of development, how to accelerate the transformation of economic development mode to achieve industry the structure upgrade of Shandong province has become the government to attach great importance to the problem. To solve this problem, cannot do without the support of science and technology, and effectively guide and encourage social science and technology research and development and innovation of science and technology is to raise the level of public expenditure on science and technology to achieve the purpose of steady and fast economic growth.
Based on this, this paper will take Shandong Province as the research object, the economic growth of Shandong Province as the starting point and end point, on the basis of theoretical analysis, through in-depth analysis of the status quo of Shandong province public expenditure on science and technology, summarizes the Shandong province science and technology public expenditure policy problems and difficulties. Then, we choose the relevant economic data from 1991 to 2011 from the statistical yearbook of Shandong province (including the annual GDP (GDP) (FE), fiscal expenditure and public expenditure on science and Technology (PTE) and other related indicators) for quantitative analysis, obtains Shandong province public expenditure on science and technology and economic growth cointegration relationship, public expenditure on science and technology changes one percentage point, GDP will change in the same direction by 0.81616 percentage points, public expenditure in science and technology has a role in promoting the economic growth of Shandong province.
Secondly, this paper analyzes and summarizes the successful experience of the public expenditure on science and technology in developed provinces (Jiangsu and Guangdong), and puts forward the mature experience that Shandong can learn from, so as to provide a realistic basis for the following policy recommendations.
Finally, put forward public expenditure on science and technology measures to promote economic growth of Shandong province to undertake the study based on the results of the analysis, including strengthening the government responsibility, solve the public expenditure in science and technology field of the functions of the government "offside" and "Absence" and continue to increase public investment in science and technology, the establishment of public expenditure on science and technology and the economic growth mechanism of six benign measure.
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