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发布时间:2018-03-05 17:37

  本文选题:区域经济 切入点:收敛 出处:《浙江财经学院》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:经济增长收敛是20世纪90年代以来经济增长理论研究最为热门的话题之一。其核心,就在于考察不同经济体之间或一国内部不同区域之间经济增长速度的差异,进而寻找这种差异产生的原因。随着改革开放的不断深入,我国市场经济体制得到进一步完善,使得经济可持续性增长成为研究我国经济增长的核心问题。与此同时,中国经济也在经历了连续几年的高速增长之后,步入了缓慢增长时期,区域经济也出现了较为明显的收敛现象。因此,研究经济收敛现象的决定因素不仅蕴含重大的理论意义也极具实际意义。关于中国地区间经济差距的研究文献虽然很多,其中也不乏收敛因素的研究,但是大多仅限于对物质资本和人力资本因素的研究,很少涉及金融因素。而如今金融已逐渐成为现代经济的核心,金融的深化与发展构成了中国区域经济发展的最主要的方面之一。因此研究区域间的金融差异对于解释为什么产生区域间经济差距以及如何缩小区域间经济差距具有重大的现实意义。 本文拟在已有研究基础上,将收敛命题扩展到金融因素,全面系统地考察我国金融发展对经济收敛的影响机制,从理论上对金融因素的经济增长收敛机制进行较为系统的分析,并在此基础上采用绝对收敛和条件收敛两种方法对中国省际数据进行实证检验。通过绝对收敛和条件收敛两组实证检验结果的分析比较,提出我国金融发展对区域经济增长收敛影响程度和各区域间金融发展对经济收敛的差异化效应。 在理论分析部分,本文回顾了区域经济收敛理论、金融与经济发展关系研究、金融与收敛关系研究等相关内容,进而以β收敛模型为基本框架,结合AK模型,添加金融因素作为控制变量,构造了分析金融发展作用于区域经济收敛的实证模型。 在实证研究部分,本文首先对我国区域金融发展现状进行了分析;然后详细介绍了本文在实证检验时所要用到的数据和方法;之后笔者选取了4个方面共6个度量金融资产的指标,对金融发展的经济收敛影响进行了实证分析。实证结果显示,不论在全国范围内,还是三大区域内,都存在明显的绝对收敛特征,并且东部地区的收敛速度要明显高于其他两个地区;从金融资产的角度来看,现阶段的中国,金融资产对区域经济收敛的作用效果明显,收敛速度要大于不考虑金融因素时的情况,并且属于间接融资的金融资产对收敛的效应要大于直接融资;从空间上来看,金融资产对中西部地区的影响要大于东部地区。 在已有研究的基础上本文主要有以下创新:第一,就当前国内现有可参考的文献来说,大多集中在人力资本或物质资本对经济收敛的作用机制上,但随着中国金融行业的不断发展,金融资产日益多元化,,本文从区域性金融资产出发,进一步探究了金融性因素在区域经济传递过程中的影响大小,也为区域经济传递的研究开拓了新的领域,而国外相关实证分析中以美国等发达国家的研究为主,对其他所谓的“欠发达地区”的研究甚少,尤其是在地区经济差距问题日益严重的中国,本文的研究更具有现实意义。第二,从研究方法来看,国内外学者大多采用截面数据分析法,但该种方法的前提假设条件过于严格,而且不能很好处理样本数据异质性的问题。因此,本文采用面板数据法,很好地解决了这一问题,修正了收敛速度的偏差。
[Abstract]:The convergence of economic growth since 1990s, economic growth theory is one of the most popular topic. Its core lies in the difference between the internal and the effects of different economies or in different regions between the economic growth rate, and the reasons for the differences. With the deepening of the reform and opening up, China's market economic system has been further improved that makes the economic sustainable growth has become the core issue of China's economic growth. At the same time, China economy after several years of rapid growth, into a slow growth period, regional economy has been the convergence phenomenon is obvious. Therefore, research on the determinants of economic convergence phenomenon not only contains great theoretical significance is of great practical significance. The research literature on the Chinese inter regional economic gap, although there are many, there are convergence factors research Study, but mostly limited to the research on material capital and human capital factors, financial factors are rarely involved. And now finance has gradually become the core of modern economy, deepening constitute one of the most important aspects of Chinese regional economy and financial development. So the study on the regional financial differences between regions to explain why the economic gap and how to reduce the regional economic gap is of great practical significance.
This paper based on the existing research, the convergence proposition extended to financial factors, a comprehensive system to study the influence mechanism of China's financial development on economic convergence, made a systematic analysis of economic growth convergence mechanism of financial factors in theory, and on the basis of the empirical test on China provincial data using absolute convergence and conditional the convergence of two methods. Through the comparative analysis of absolute convergence and conditional convergence of two groups of empirical results, the effect of financial development on China's regional economic growth and the impact of regional financial development differences in economic convergence.
In the part of theoretical analysis, this paper reviews the theory of regional economic convergence, the research development of the relationship between finance and economic, financial and related content convergence relation research, and then to beta convergence model as the basic framework, combining with AK model, adding financial factors as control variables, empirical models, effect analysis of financial development on the regional economic convergence.
In the part of empirical research, this paper first analyzes the status quo of China's regional financial development; and then introduces the data and methods used in this paper are in empirical tests; after the author selected a total of 6 financial assets measurement index of 4 aspects of financial development, economic convergence of an empirical analysis. The empirical results show that, no matter in the country, or three regions, there are obvious characteristics of absolute convergence, and the convergence speed of eastern region was higher than that of the other two regions; from the perspective of financial assets, financial assets Chinese at this stage, the function of regional economic convergence effect is obvious and the convergence speed is than that without consideration of the financial factors of the effect, and belongs to the indirect financing of financial assets on the convergence is larger than that of direct financing; from the view of space, the financial assets of the central and western area The influence of the eastern region is greater than that in the East.
In this paper, on the basis of the existing research mainly has the following innovations: first, the current domestic existing references can be found, mostly concentrated in the mechanism of human capital or material on economic convergence, but with the continuous development of China financial industry, financial assets are increasingly diversified, from the regional financial assets of further exploration the financial factors in regional economic transfer in the process of the influence of size, research for regional economic transfer has opened up new field, and analysis of foreign related empirical research in the United States and other developed countries as the main research about other so-called "underdeveloped areas", especially in the problem of regional economic disparity is serious China, this study has practical significance. Second, from the research methods, domestic and foreign scholars mostly use the cross section data analysis method, but this method before The hypothesis is too strict, and it can't deal with the problem of heterogeneity of sample data. Therefore, the panel data method is used to solve this problem, which corrections the deviation of convergence speed.



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