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发布时间:2018-03-06 23:19

  本文选题:外商直接投资 切入点:产业结构 出处:《河南科技大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:随着经济全球化与一体化浪潮的进一步深入,以跨国公司为主体的外商直接投资在经济发展中发挥着越来越重要的作用。随着中原经济区建设上升至国家战略,对外开放程度的进一步深化,,河南在承接国际产业转移上有着巨大的优势。为了更好的发挥外商直接投资对河南省经济的促进作用,研究FDI对河南三大产业的影响系数是很有必要的,为今后合理引导外商直接投资的产业投向奠定一个基础,同时也为河南省利用外商直接投资调整产业结构打下一个基础。 本文的写作基于以上因素的考虑,通过规范分析与实证分析相结合的方法,在理论分析的基础上,通过建立分布滞后模型,运用河南省引进外商直接投资的数据和三大产业的相关数据,以外商直接投资对河南省三大产业的影响进行实证分析。研究发现,由于FDI的滞后效应,其对河南省三大产业当期和滞后期的影响也不尽相同,但总的来看,FDI对第二产业的影响系数要大于第三产业,对第三产业的影响系数要大于第一产业。同时,为了更好地分析FDI对河南三大产业的影响系数,本文以同为农业大省的山东省的数据与河南进行对比分析,分析结果认为,FDI对第二产业的影响山东不及河南,但FDI对第一产业和第三产业的影响却优于河南。在实证分析的基础上,阐述了国外发达国家和国内经济发达省份在引进外商直接投资方面的经验。最后,在以上分析的基础上,论文从投资环境、引资结构和创新利用外商直接投资方式三方面对河南在今后的引资政策提出一些建议。
[Abstract]:With the further development of economic globalization and integration, foreign direct investment (FDI) with multinational corporations as the main body plays a more and more important role in economic development. With the further deepening of the opening to the outside world, Henan has a huge advantage in undertaking international industrial transfer. In order to play a better role in promoting the economy of Henan Province by foreign direct investment, It is necessary to study the influence coefficient of FDI on the three major industries in Henan Province, which will lay a foundation for guiding the industrial direction of foreign direct investment in the future and for adjusting the industrial structure of Henan province by using foreign direct investment at the same time. Based on the above factors, this paper combines normative analysis with empirical analysis, on the basis of theoretical analysis, through the establishment of distributed lag model. Using the data of introducing foreign direct investment and related data of three major industries in Henan Province, this paper makes an empirical analysis on the impact of foreign direct investment on the three major industries in Henan Province. The study finds that, due to the lag effect of FDI, The impact of FDI on the secondary industry is greater than that on the tertiary industry, and the influence coefficient on the tertiary industry is greater than that on the primary industry. In order to better analyze the influence coefficient of FDI on the three major industries in Henan, this paper compares the data of Shandong Province, which is also a big agricultural province, with Henan Province, and concludes that the impact of FDI on the secondary industry in Shandong is not as good as that in Henan Province. However, the influence of FDI on primary industry and tertiary industry is superior to that of Henan. On the basis of empirical analysis, this paper expounds the experience of foreign developed countries and economically developed provinces in introducing foreign direct investment. Finally, on the basis of the above analysis, This paper puts forward some suggestions on Henan's investment policy in the future from three aspects: the investment environment, the structure of foreign investment and the innovative utilization of foreign direct investment.


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