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发布时间:2018-03-07 21:14

  本文选题:广义虚拟经济 切入点:就业 出处:《武汉理工大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:当前,随着广义虚拟经济的不断发展,人类社会已经由传统的满足生理需求的“物本经济”进入以同时满足生理需求和心理需求或者以满足心理需求为主的“人本经济”时代。在党中央和国务院再次强调扩大就业是保障和改善民生的头等大事的今天,深入探讨广义虚拟经济发展对我国就业的整体福利效果,有助于人们更好的从战略高度认识到广义虚拟经济发展对于国计民生的必要性和紧迫性。我国人口众多,就业压力一直很大,在加快经济发展方式转变的过程当中,如果把以服务业特别是现代服务业为主的广义虚拟经济发展起来,就能够充分发挥其资本有机构成低、人力资本要素富集、劳动就业弹性系数高的优势,从而促进就业的数量增长、结构优化和质量提高的三者有机融合。 本文以当前世界经济进入新经济、新财富时代,国内结构调整和就业面临的新形势为背景,利用中国广义虚拟经济发展的相关数据定量测算了广义虚拟经济发展的直接、间接以及综合就业效应。具体研究内容如下: 第一章主要阐述选题的背景及意义、国内外研究现状和本文采用的研究路线与方法。 第二章对国内外关于广义虚拟经济发展与就业增长关系的基本理论进行了总结,其中包括虚拟资本下的虚拟经济理论、信息网络下的虚拟经济理论、广义虚拟经济理论以及广义虚拟经济下的就业理论。 第三章就中国目前广义虚拟经济相关产业的发展状况和就业状况进行了统计描述,主要包括两方面的内容:中国广义虚拟经济相关产业经济发展现状和广义虚拟经济相关产业就业增长现状。 第四章从数量关系上定量检验了广义虚拟经济发展与就业增长之间的关系,结果表明:广义虚拟经济发展与就业之间存在协整关系,且互为因果,即广义虚拟经济的发展能够促进就业增长,反过来,就业增长又能促进广义虚拟经济的发展。 第五章,主要利用数理建模和计量分析实证研究广义虚拟经济发展的就业效应,全方位、多层面科学评估广义虚拟经济发展对我国就业的影响。主要是利用1995—2011年的时间序列数据,通过构建联立方程模型,借助Eviwes6.0软件,以广义虚拟经济所主要涉及的第三产业为统计核算范围,尝试性地定量测度了广义虚拟经济发展对就业增长的直接效应、间接效应和综合效应。结果表明:广义虚拟经济的发展可以直接促进我国的就业水平提高,其生产总值每增加1%,我国就业量直接增加0.271885%;广义虚拟经济的发展不仅对就业产生直接效应,它还可以通过带动第一、二产业的发展对就业产生间接效应,分别为0.015994%和0.184501%;广义虚拟经济的发展还可以通过促进投资对就业产生正效应(0.010156%);广义虚拟经济的发展促进了技术水平的提高,但对就业的效应为负(-0.248346%),反映了现阶段技术水平的提高对就业产生了冲击效应,而改变技术进步带来的劳动生产率提高与劳动就业减少的这种替代关系的一个可行办法是,要进一步调整我国经济结构、转变经济增长方式。 第六章总结了全文的研究结论,从全球化、新经济、开放视角提出我国如何通过大力发展广义虚拟经济促进结构转换和劳动就业协同耦合、和谐增长的相关政策建议。 本文的创新点主要有:改变以往从传统的“物本经济”的角度研究经济发展与就业增长关系的视角,从“人本经济"的角度对广义虚拟经济发展的就业效应进行实证研究,并且,在研究广义虚拟经济与就业的关系时,不再局限于只研究其直接效应,而是考虑广义虚拟经济对其它相关产业的带动作用,利用联立方程模型全方位、多层面定量测度广义虚拟经济发展的直接、间接、综合就业效应。
[Abstract]:At present, with the continuous development of the generalized virtual economy, human society has made to meet the physiological needs of traditional "the economy" to satisfy the physical and mental demands or to meet the psychological needs of the economy. The Party Central Committee and the State Council again stressed that the expansion of employment is a priority to protect and improve people's livelihood the study of generalized virtual economy development of our country's employment overall welfare effect, the necessity for the from a strategic height to beneficial to the people's livelihood development of generalized virtual economy and the urgency to help people better. Our country has a large population, the employment pressure has been great, in the process of accelerating the transformation of economic development mode, if in the service industry especially the modern service industry of the generalized virtual economy developed, can give full play to the organic composition of capital is low, the human capital to The enrichment of the elements and the advantages of high elasticity coefficient of labor and employment will promote the increase in the number of employment, the organic integration of the three groups of structural optimization and quality improvement.
In this paper, the current world economy entered a new economic era, the new wealth, the new situation facing domestic structural adjustment and employment as the background, using the related data of quantitative China generalized virtual economic development estimates the development of generalized virtual economy directly, indirect and comprehensive employment effect. The specific contents are as follows:
The first chapter mainly expounds the background and significance of the topic, the research status at home and abroad and the research route and method adopted in this paper.
The second chapter summarizes the domestic and foreign about the relationship between generalized virtual economic development and employment growth in the basic theory, including the theory of virtual capital under the virtual economy, virtual economy theory under the information network, the generalized virtual economy theory and the generalized virtual economy theory of employment.
The third chapter makes a statistical description of the current development and employment status of the generalized virtual economy in China, including two aspects: the status quo of China's generalized virtual economy, the related industry's economic development and the employment growth status of the generalized virtual economy related industries.




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