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发布时间:2018-03-08 09:17

  本文选题:全要素能源效率 切入点:环境污染 出处:《兰州商学院》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:党的十八大报告提出了“推进绿色发展、循环发展、低碳发展”“建设美丽中国”的科学发展理念,而美丽中国的建设离不开庞大的能源消费的支撑。能源对各国的经济发展都有着深远的影响,在中国,粗放式的能源消费习惯对经济发展和环境保护的压力越来越大,为了改善这一现状,需要对能源效率的提高进行深入的研究。 本文采用超效率DEA模型对我国各省区市1995-2010年的全要素能源效率进行了测度,在此基础上对各地区的能源效率特征进行分析,,并对各地区的全要素能源效率的收敛性进行了研究。然后采用面板数据模型对影响全要素能源效率的因素进行了实证分析。最后根据分析结果提出一些提高能源效率的建议。 在测度全要素能源效率时,不仅考虑资本、劳动和能源消费,还将环境污染因素作为非合意性产出指标纳入DEA模型当中,由此测算出来的全要素能源效率更加符合实际情况,结果表明东、中、西三大地区能源效率呈现出东部高、中西部低的现象。 各地区全要素能源效率的收敛性检验结果表明,东部地区内部差距存在不明显的缩小趋势,虽然内部各省没有达到相同的能效水平,但是都在朝各自的能效水平靠近。中部地区内部差距呈现扩大的趋势,各省之间同样趋向于各自的稳态水平,西部地区内部各省差距收敛趋势不明显,但各省向共同的能效水平收敛。 面板数据分析结果显示,能源价格、产业结构与全要素能源效率呈显著的正相关。东部地区的技术进步变量与全要素能源效率的回归系数显著,但是影响不大。对于中部和西部地区来讲,技术进步对全要素能源效率的提高没有显著的影响。对外开放程度对东部地区的影响为负,对中部和西部地区的影响为正,但西部地区却不显著。 最后根据数据分析的结果提出相应的政策建议。首先,将能源效率低但改进余地大的中、西部地区作为提升能效的重点地区。其次,在适当的范围内提高能源价格有利于对能源效率的改进。然后要加快地区产业结构的调整与优化升级,最后各地区要积极的学习与借鉴其他地区的先进技术与管理方法,同时还要重视环境问题。
[Abstract]:The report of the 18 National Congress of the Party put forward the scientific development concept of "promoting green development, circular development, low-carbon development" and "building a beautiful China." But the construction of a beautiful China cannot be separated from the support of huge energy consumption. Energy has a profound impact on the economic development of all countries. In China, extensive energy consumption habits are exerting more and more pressure on economic development and environmental protection. In order to improve this situation, it is necessary to study the improvement of energy efficiency. In this paper, DEA model is used to measure the total factor energy efficiency of all provinces and cities in China from 1995 to 2010. On the basis of this, the characteristics of energy efficiency in various regions are analyzed. The convergence of total factor energy efficiency in different regions is studied, and then the factors affecting energy efficiency are analyzed by panel data model. Finally, some suggestions for improving energy efficiency are put forward according to the analysis results. In the measurement of total factor energy efficiency, not only capital, labor and energy consumption are considered, but also environmental pollution is included in the DEA model as a non-desirable output index. The calculated total factor energy efficiency is more in line with the actual situation. The results show that the energy efficiency in the east, middle and west regions is high in the east and low in the central and western regions. The convergence test of the total factor energy efficiency in each region shows that there is an insignificant narrowing trend in the internal gap in the eastern region, although the internal provinces have not reached the same level of energy efficiency. But they are all moving towards their respective energy efficiency levels. The internal gap in the central region is showing a trend of expansion. Each province is also tending to its own steady-state level. The trend of convergence of the gap between the provinces within the western region is not obvious. But provinces converge towards common energy efficiency levels. Panel data analysis results show that the energy price, industrial structure and total factor energy efficiency are significantly positively correlated, and the regression coefficient between the technological progress variables and the total factor energy efficiency is significant in the eastern region. For the central and western regions, technological progress has no significant impact on the improvement of all-factor energy efficiency. The impact of the degree of opening to the outside world on the eastern region is negative, and the impact on the central and western regions is positive. But the west is not significant. Finally, according to the results of data analysis, the corresponding policy recommendations are put forward. Firstly, the western region, which is low energy efficiency but has great room for improvement, is regarded as the key area for improving energy efficiency. Secondly, Raising energy prices within an appropriate range is conducive to the improvement of energy efficiency. Then, it is necessary to speed up the adjustment and optimization of the regional industrial structure, and finally each region should actively learn and learn from the advanced technology and management methods of other regions. At the same time, attention should be paid to environmental issues.


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