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发布时间:2018-03-09 00:04

  本文选题:西部地区 切入点:产业抑制 出处:《西北大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:西部大开发以来,国家加大了对西部地区的投资和政策支持力度,西部地区经济增速有明显的提高。但和东部地区相比,差距并没有缩小。尤其是西部地区的经济发展仍然较多的依赖资源型行业的增长,人们预期的东西产业转移也没有大规模发生,产业整体发展演进较为缓慢。本文即试图寻找西部产业发展滞后的原因,并提出解决思路。 就各国的实践经验来看,产业发展有内生和外生两种主要模式。我国在改革开放前后分别实践过这两种模式,并取得了不同的经济绩效。本文首先对我国的产业发展历程加以回顾,由历史分析得出西部地区产业发展困境的成因和各种表现,并提出“产业抑制”这一概念来表征西部产业发展滞后的状态。 目前,东部地区以OEM为主的加工工业较多地依赖外商投资和国外市场,使得东部地区长期处于产业链低端,产业升级的瓶颈效应已经非常明显。对于西部地区而言,产业发展不宜再简单复制东部的发展模式,而应该注重提高自身产业的内生发展能力。本文认为,产业内生发展应是以具有自生能力的本地企业为主体,以本地市场为依托,具备自我发展能力的产业发展方式。产业内生发展应以比较优势为起点,以持续的知识创新和制度创新,推动外生比较优势向内生比较优势和竞争优势转化。基于这一定义,本文建立了一个指标体系,利用主成分分析法对我国各省份的产业内生发展能力进行评价,并对西部地区的评价结果进行重点分析。 由于西部地区的产业抑制是一种封闭的自我循环状态,靠内部力量很难突破这一体系。所以西部产业内生发展机制的建立必须坚持对外开放,依靠外力打破原有的均衡,以经济增量激活本地经济存量,构建国内价值链则是实现这一过程的可行思路。结合产业结构、技术创新制度创新等方面的政策安排,西部地区方能逐步摆脱产业抑制的陷阱,实现产业可持续发展。
[Abstract]:Since the development of the western region, the state has increased its investment and policy support to the western region, and the economic growth rate in the western region has increased significantly. But compared with the eastern region, The gap has not narrowed. In particular, the economic development in the western region is still more dependent on the growth of resource-based industries, and the expected transfer of east-west industries has not taken place on a large scale. The paper tries to find out the reason why the industrial development of western China lags behind, and puts forward some ideas to solve the problem. From the practical experience of various countries, there are two main modes of industrial development: endogenous and exogenous. China has practiced these two models before and after the reform and opening up. Firstly, this paper reviews the history of industrial development in China, and draws the causes and manifestations of the industrial development dilemma in the western region from the historical analysis. And put forward the concept of "industry inhibition" to characterize the state of industrial development lag in western China. At present, the processing industry in eastern China, which is dominated by OEM, relies more on foreign investment and foreign markets, which makes the eastern region in the low end of the industrial chain for a long time, and the bottleneck effect of industrial upgrading is very obvious. The industrial development should not simply copy the development model of the east, but should pay attention to improving the endogenous development ability of its own industry. This paper holds that the endogenous development of the industry should be based on the local enterprises with the ability of self-growth and the local market. The industrial development mode with self-development ability should take comparative advantage as the starting point and promote the transformation from exogenous comparative advantage to endogenous comparative advantage and competitive advantage with continuous knowledge innovation and institutional innovation. In this paper, an index system is set up to evaluate the endogenous development ability of industries in various provinces of China by using principal component analysis, and the evaluation results in western China are analyzed emphatically. Since the industrial repression in the western region is a closed self-circulation state, it is difficult to break through this system by internal forces. Therefore, the establishment of the endogenous development mechanism of the western industry must adhere to the opening up and rely on external forces to break the original equilibrium. Activating the local economic stock with economic increment and constructing the domestic value chain are the feasible ideas to realize this process. Combining with the policy arrangement of industrial structure, technological innovation and institutional innovation, the western region can gradually get rid of the trap of industrial restraint. To realize the sustainable development of industry.


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