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发布时间:2018-03-10 18:27

  本文选题:广东省 切入点:低碳经济 出处:《暨南大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:自低碳经济概念提出以来,各国政府、民众以及学者逐渐意识到发展低碳经济的重要性,国内许多学者也从不同的角度阐述了中国的低碳经济发展问题,其中,产业低碳化发展对低碳经济发展的影响作用得到普遍认同。 鉴于广东省经济发展的典型特征,本文以广东省为例,重点探讨了广东省产业低碳化发展的重点和实现路径。首先,运用转换份额的分析方法对广东省产业低碳化水平进行了测度,并实证度量了1999-2011年间产业结构调整和技术进步对广东省产业碳排放强度的贡献度,结果发现,,继续推动产业结构调整、增加技术研发投入、改善重点工业行业的碳排放是未来实现广东省产业低碳化发展的关键。接着,采用基于逻辑因果链的脱钩理论分析框架,实证分析了1999-2011年间工业产业节能弹性、工业产业价值弹性和工业产业的发展弹性三个因素对广东省工业产业低碳化发展的影响,结果表明,应该将产业节能作为广东省未来工业产业的低碳化发展关键;提高工业产业的价值创造能力和投入产出效率是未来广东省工业产业低碳化发展的努力方向。 文章最后,从产业结构优化调整方向、技术研发投入、工业产业节能减排、工业产业价值创造以及低碳经济发展的绿色理念的倡导几个方面,提出了未来广东省实现产业低碳化发展的政策建议。
[Abstract]:Since the concept of low-carbon economy was put forward, governments, people and scholars have gradually realized the importance of developing low-carbon economy. Many domestic scholars have also expounded the development of low-carbon economy in China from different angles. The effect of industrial low-carbonization development on low-carbon economy is generally accepted. In view of the typical characteristics of economic development in Guangdong Province, this paper takes Guangdong Province as an example, focusing on the focus and realization path of industrial low-carbon development in Guangdong Province. The paper measures the industrial low carbonization level in Guangdong Province by using the method of conversion share analysis, and measures the contribution of industrial structure adjustment and technological progress to the industrial carbon emission intensity in Guangdong Province from 1999 to 2011. The results show that, Continuing to promote industrial restructuring, increasing investment in technology research and development, and improving carbon emissions in key industrial sectors are the key to realizing the development of industrial low-carbon in Guangdong Province in the future. Then, the theoretical analysis framework of decoupling based on logical causality chain is adopted. This paper empirically analyzes the effects of three factors on the development of low carbonization of industrial industry in Guangdong Province from 1999 to 2011: energy saving elasticity of industrial industry, value elasticity of industrial industry and development elasticity of industrial industry. Industrial energy saving should be regarded as the key to the development of low carbonization in the future industrial industry in Guangdong province, and it is the direction to improve the value creation ability and input-output efficiency of industrial industry in the future. Finally, from the industrial structure optimization adjustment direction, the technology research and development investment, the industrial industry energy saving and emission reduction, the industrial industry value creation and the low carbon economy development green idea advocacy several aspects, Some policy suggestions are put forward to realize the development of industrial low-carbonization in Guangdong Province in the future.


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