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发布时间:2018-03-12 14:50

  本文选题:金砖五国 切入点:对美直接投资 出处:《世界经济研究》2014年07期  论文类型:期刊论文

[Abstract]:This paper is based on the BRICS OFDI data for the United States. By using the extended gravity model, this paper analyzes the main factors influencing the overall scale of BRICS 'direct investment in the United States. The conclusion shows that the scale of BRICS' direct investment in the United States is mainly due to the similarity of industrial structure. Among them, the impact of the industrial structure similarity between the "BRICS" and the United States on investment in the United States is mainly due to the fact that, The difference in endowment between the two countries is small, the relative prices of the elements are similar, and the production cost of replicating the United States at the time of investment is relatively low. The level of economic development of the "BRICS" countries has a negative impact on US investment, mainly because the "BRICS" countries mainly invest abroad in the manufacturing sector. More to emerging or transition economies. So the BRICS can continue to expand their direct investment in the United States through strong support for their services sector.
【作者单位】: 郑州轻工业学院经济管理学院;云南师范大学云南研究院;


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