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发布时间:2018-03-12 20:18

  本文选题:环境 切入点:招商引资 出处:《福建农林大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:改革开放以来,区域之间发展失衡的问题在我国经济迅速发展的同时日益凸显,并成为亟待解决的现实问题。湖南省为实现“中部崛起”的发展目标,以期来吸引更多的资金流入,改善发展滞后的局面。但是吸引投资、利用外来资金和先进高新技术都离不开良好的投资环境,中部各区域只有对自己投资环境有一个客观、科学、准确的了解及综合评估,才能改善自身发展状况,进而有效的引进外资、利用外资,提高地区的投资效益,加快区域经济发展。 本文以芦淞区招商引资环境建设为研究对象,结合作者本人长期在招商引资工作第一线的实际经验,分析了芦淞区政府在招商引资环境建设中存在的问题,并提出对策分析。笔者认为,加强招商引资环境建设是实现芦淞区“大发展”的重要保证,是实现芦淞区“大开放‘的根本要求,是实现“大承接”的关键所在,也是实现“大解放”的战略举措。通过走访企业、实地调查等获得的资料表明,影响芦淞区招商引资环境建设的制约因素主要体现在政府招商工作职能定位不科学、招商引资长效机制不健全、招商引资环境建设有待加强、相关法律法规不完善、缺乏一支高素质的专业化招商引资队伍等。因此,在政府的招商引资工作中,,应进一步解放思想,树立正确的招商观念,作为进一步做好招商引资环境建设工作的前提;把服务企业,抓好重点项目,作为进一步优化招商引资环境工作的根本;把培养招商人才,创新招商方式,完善招商政策,构建激励机制,作为进一步做好招商引资环境建设的根本保障。 希望本文的研究能为芦淞区政府的决策起到参谋助手作用,为芦淞区经济又好又快发展贡献绵薄之力。
[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up, the development imbalance between regions has become increasingly prominent in the rapid economic development of our country, and has become a practical problem to be solved urgently. With a view to attracting more capital inflows and improving the situation of lagging development, but attracting investment, utilizing foreign funds and advanced high and new technology can not be separated from a good investment environment. The central regions can only have an objective investment environment for themselves. Scientific, accurate understanding and comprehensive evaluation can improve their own development, and then effectively introduce foreign capital, use foreign capital, improve the regional investment efficiency, and accelerate the regional economic development. This paper takes the construction of investment environment in Lusong District as the research object, and analyzes the problems existing in the construction of investment environment in Lusong District, combining with the author's long-term practical experience in the front line of investment promotion. The author believes that strengthening the construction of investment environment is an important guarantee to realize the "great development" of Lusong District, is the fundamental requirement of realizing the "grand opening" of Lusong District, and is the key to the realization of "Great undertaking". It is also a strategic measure to realize "great liberation." the information obtained through visiting enterprises and field investigations shows that the restrictive factors that affect the construction of investment environment in Lusong District are mainly reflected in the unscientific orientation of the government's work function in attracting investment. The long-term mechanism of attracting investment is not perfect, the construction of investment environment needs to be strengthened, the relevant laws and regulations are not perfect, and there is a lack of a high-quality professional investment attracting team, etc. Therefore, in the government's work of attracting investment, It is necessary to further emancipate the mind and set up a correct concept of attracting investment as the prerequisite for further doing well the construction of the environment for attracting investment, and take serving enterprises and doing a good job of key projects as the basis for further optimizing the environmental work of attracting investment. It is the fundamental guarantee for further construction of investment environment to train talents, innovate ways, perfect policies and construct incentive mechanism. It is hoped that the research in this paper can serve as a staff assistant to the government of Lusong District and contribute a little to the economic development of Lusong District.


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