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发布时间:2018-03-13 13:13

  本文选题:湘南三市 切入点:产业协同发展 出处:《湘潭大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:产业转移和实现中部振兴的大背景下,湘南三市成为国家第四个承接产业转移试验区,,湘南三市间资源配置优化、产业间协同发展与区域合作,是实现区域协调发展,产生规模效应递增影响的关键,同时也是成就湖南新的增长极引领全省发展的关键。 本文首先对国内外关于产业转移、产业协同发展以及区域合作相关研究动态进行了梳理,并整理了相关理论基础,确定了本文的研究内容与研究思路。 第二,分析了湘南三市产业协同发展与区域合作的现实基础。通过分析可知,湘南三市产业发展态势良好、产业结构不断完善、招商引资力度不断增强、园区建设与基础设施不断完善。进而分析了湘南三市产业协同发展与区域合作的优势。但是,当前湘南三市产业协同发展面临区域沟通合作机制缺乏、产业发展趋同、产业发展环境不忧、基础设施有待完善、企业层次与水平不高等问题。 第三,通过实证的方法对湘南三市产业协同发展的成熟度以及效率进行了测度,定量分析湘南三市承接产业转移背景下产业协同发展与区域合作的问题,认为湘南三市各市与区域整体经济发展的协同度较高,区域之间协同度有待提高。通过对协同效率的测度发现,湘南地区整体及衡阳市协同效率有待提升。 第四,从与东部地区、与其他国家级示范区的外部合作,三市的内部合作三个方面确立了湘南三市在产业转移背景下产业协同发展的区域合作机制,为三市产业协同发展与合作提供机制保障。 最后,对湘南三市在产业转移背景下产业协同发展从内部协调与沟通、利益共享、差异化定位、产业承接与培育等方面提出了针对性政策建议。
[Abstract]:In the context of industrial transfer and the realization of the revitalization of the central region, the three cities in southern Hunan have become the fourth national experimental zone to undertake industrial transfer. The optimization of the allocation of resources among the three cities in southern Hunan, the coordinated development of industries and regional cooperation is the realization of coordinated regional development. At the same time, it is the key to lead the development of Hunan province with the new growth pole. In this paper, the domestic and foreign research on industrial transfer, industrial coordinated development and regional cooperation related research trends are combed, and the relevant theoretical basis is sorted out, and the research content and research ideas are determined. Secondly, the paper analyzes the realistic basis of the three cities' industrial coordinated development and regional cooperation. Through the analysis, we can see that the three cities' industrial development situation is good, the industrial structure is constantly improving, and the intensity of attracting investment is increasing. The construction and infrastructure of the park have been continuously improved. The advantages of the three cities' industrial coordinated development and regional cooperation are analyzed. However, at present, the three cities of southern Hunan face the lack of regional communication and cooperation mechanism, and the convergence of industrial development. Industrial development environment is not worry, infrastructure needs to be improved, enterprise level and level are not high. Thirdly, the paper measures the maturity and efficiency of the three cities' industrial coordinated development through empirical method, and quantitatively analyzes the problems of the three cities' industrial coordinated development and regional cooperation under the background of undertaking the industrial transfer. It is considered that the coordination degree between the three cities and the regional economy is high, and the synergy between the regions needs to be improved. Through the measurement of the synergy efficiency, it is found that the synergy efficiency of the whole Xiangnan region and Hengyang City needs to be improved. In 4th, from the external cooperation with the eastern region, with other national demonstration zones, and with the internal cooperation of the three cities, the regional cooperation mechanism for the coordinated development of the three cities in southern Hunan under the background of industrial transfer was established. For the three cities coordinated industrial development and cooperation to provide mechanism protection. Finally, the paper puts forward some policy suggestions on the coordination and communication, benefit sharing, differentiation orientation, industry undertaking and cultivation in the three cities of southern Hunan under the background of industrial transfer.


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