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  本文选题:县域经济 切入点:沿江经济 出处:《四川农业大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:长江是我国最大的河流,随着商品经济的发展,长江经济走廊的开发和开放日益受到国家的重视。而长江产业带的开发与发展又离不开沿江经济的开发和开放。1988年国家建设部城市规划确定,长江沿江城市共29座(其中涵盖泸州、宜宾、涪陵、万县等城市)。宜宾地处川滇黔三省结合部,自古以来就是川南重镇,金沙江、岷江在宜宾交汇形成长江,宜宾是长江黄金水道的起点(长江在宜宾境内长93公里)、国家“五纵七横”交通规划南北干线与长江东西轴线的交汇点,四川沿江开放和成渝经济区连接南贵昆经济区走向东南亚的重要门户,也是四川规划的向南、向东的重要出川大通道。作为四川重要的沿江城市,宜宾未来5年内将成为四川省最大的内河港口。江安县位于宜宾市东大门,域内有38公里长江黄金水道穿境而过,拥有得天独厚的自然资源条件和区位优势,境内长江岸线资源开发潜力较大,具备建立大型码头的条件,正逐步发展为川南以煤、矿石、水泥、农产品等运输为主的重要口岸,成为宜宾市内仅次于宜宾的第二大货运港口,是宜宾市重要的长江航运发展区域,已列入省、市发展沿江经济规划并形成了强劲的区域经济发展势头。 基于江安县域发展沿江经济背景,本文研究的目的就是要通过笔者近年来对江安县域经济的发展研究和沿江经济发展的态势,运用辩证分析的方法和文献研究与普遍调查相结合的方法,在对县域、县域经济、沿江经济等相关概念界定的基础上,首先分析了江安发展沿江经济的重要性和必要性,然后对如何发展沿江提出今后的发展方向与对策建议,以期为宜宾沿江经济建设,乃至四川发展县域沿江经济提供一定的理论借鉴和实践参考。主要研究结论如下: 第一,依托宜宾经济的战略发展,江安县沿长江实施东引西延与长江经济带快速对接,是十分重要而又必要的。 第二,江安县沿江城市建设对沿江经济发展起着巨大的支撑和拉动作用。江安县城背靠南屏山脉,北临长江冲积平坝,历史悠久,文化底蕴厚重,城市品位较高,现代气息浓郁,是江安经济、政治、文化的中心,对沿江经济发展起着核心集聚和辐射带动作用。 第三,江安县境内38公里长江岸线资源是江安发展沿江经济最直接的基础条件,开发利用好优越的岸线资源,发挥好港口码头的作用,将对发展沿江经济起到保障和促进作用。 第四,从江安现有的沿江经济基础看,既有种、养、渔等第一产业,又有化工、轻工、重工等第二产业,也有旅游、餐饮、休闲娱乐等第三产业,且三次产业分配较为均衡,各有特色。因此,做好沿江产业整体发展规划、布局和调整,就成为了发展沿江经济的龙头性工作,其中,临港经济发展规划又是重中之重。
[Abstract]:The Yangtze River is the largest river in China. With the development of commodity economy, The development and opening of the Yangtze economic corridor are paid more and more attention by the state. The development and development of the industrial belt of the Yangtze River can not be separated from the development and opening of the economy along the Yangtze River. In 1988, the Ministry of Construction of the State decided on the urban planning. There are 29 cities along the Yangtze River (including Luzhou, Yibin, Fuling, Wanxian, etc.) Yibin is located in the confluence of Sichuan, Yunnan and Guizhou provinces. Since ancient times, it has been a major town in southern Sichuan, and the Jinsha River and Minjiang River meet in Yibin to form the Yangtze River. Yibin is the starting point of the Yangtze River's golden waterway (the Yangtze River is 93 kilometers long in Yibin, and the state's "five vertical and seven horizontal" traffic planning points converge between the north-south trunk lines and the east and west axis of the Yangtze River. The opening up of Sichuan along the Yangtze River and the Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Zone connect the South Gui-Kun Economic Zone to Southeast Asia. It is also an important gateway for Sichuan to the south and east. As an important city along the Yangtze River in Sichuan, Yibin will become the largest inland river port in Sichuan Province in the next five years. Jiangan County is located at the east gate of Yibin City, with 38 kilometers of the Yangtze River golden waterway passing through it. It has unique natural resource conditions and geographical advantages. The Yangtze River coastline has a great potential for exploitation and has the conditions for establishing a large wharf. It is gradually developing into an important port in the south of Sichuan, where coal, ore, cement and agricultural products are mainly transported. As the second largest freight port in Yibin city, it is an important region of Yangtze River shipping development in Yibin city, which has been included in the provincial economic planning along the river and formed a strong momentum of regional economic development. Based on the background of the economic development along the Yangtze River in Jiangan County, the purpose of this paper is to study the development of Jiangan County economy in recent years and the situation of the economic development along the Yangtze River. Using the method of dialectical analysis and literature research combined with general investigation, on the basis of defining the relevant concepts of county area, county economy and economy along the Yangtze River, this paper first analyzes the importance and necessity of developing the economy along the Yangtze River in Jiangan. Then how to develop along the river put forward the future development direction and the countermeasure suggestion, in order to provide certain theory reference and the practice reference for Yibin river economy construction, and even Sichuan county area development along the river economy. The main research conclusion is as follows:. First, relying on the strategic development of Yibin economy, it is very important and necessary for Jiangan County to carry out fast docking with the Yangtze economic belt along the Yangtze River. Second, the urban construction of Jiangan County plays a huge supporting and pulling role in the economic development along the Yangtze River. Jiangan County has a long history, a heavy cultural background, and a relatively high urban grade, backed by the Nanping Mountains and adjacent to the alluvial level dam of the Yangtze River to the north. The rich modern atmosphere is the center of Jiangan economy, politics and culture, which plays a central role in the development of economy along the Yangtze River. Third, the 38 kilometers of Yangtze River shore resources in Jiangan County are the most direct basic conditions for Jiang'an to develop its economy along the river. It is necessary to develop and utilize the superior shoreline resources and give play to the role of the port and wharf. Will develop along the river economy to play a role in protection and promotion. In 4th, judging from the existing economic base along the Yangtze River in Jiangan, there are not only the primary industries such as species, breeding and fishing, but also the secondary industries such as chemical, light and heavy industries, as well as the tertiary industries such as tourism, catering, leisure and entertainment, and the distribution of the three industries is relatively balanced. Therefore, to do well the overall development planning, layout and adjustment of the industry along the river becomes the leading work of developing the economy along the river, among which, the development plan of the port economy is the most important.


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7 黄镭,




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