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发布时间:2018-03-26 03:30

  本文选题:东营市 切入点:招商引资 出处:《山东师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:近年来,随着我国改革开放的深入发展,各地政府纷纷大力推进招商引资活动,将其作为地方经济发展的最佳途径。伴随着市场经济的逐步成形和发展,招商引资活动在全国各地不断发展壮大,招商引资在各地经济的快速发展中的确起到了巨大的作用。东营市作为一个新兴城市,开展招商引资活动14年来立足于本地的优势资源取得了一些成绩,但是随着“一蓝一黄”经济发展战略的提出,处于两大经济区核心城市的东营,,在招商引资过程中也逐渐显露出一些问题。本文从东营市招商引资的实际情况着手,提出东营市招商引资活动存在的问题,分析存在问题的原因,研究出一套解决的对策。 在深入了解东营市政府在招商引资中的角色扮演的基础上,首先肯定东营市政府的成绩,要看到东营市政府机关工作的高效性,尤其是实行全套式一条龙服务,充分解决投资者的后顾之忧,招商引资方式也呈现多样化,出现了网络招商、中介招商等方式,不再拘泥于以前单纯的招商会,优惠政策也越来越吸引投资者的眼球,这是值得赞许的。然后从政府职能角度出发,认清东营市政府在招商引资过程中因为角色扮演的错误,而遇到的一些瓶颈,如很多时候,一些政府招商人员可能只是为了完成招商引资的任务目标,而疲于应付差事,并没有细致地去研究投资者的投资带来的结果是好的还是坏的,能够带来多大的经济效益、增加多少个就业岗位,可以增加怎样的税收收入,是否可以为该地区的经济起到拉动作用。甚至一些官员对于招商引资并不是很理解,只是觉得有钱投进来就是好事,没有对本地的招商引资工作从政策上进行定位、进行规范,对于产业结构,产业布局更是考虑不周,依旧我行我素地向各级政府部门分任务、划目标、定考核,继续盲目地、随意地开展招商引资活动,这样不仅达不到预期的效果,还大大地影响了东营市招商引资的质量,造成了各种因恶性竞争而产生资源浪费、破坏自然环境等种种经济发展恶果。而地区间招商引资的恶意竞争,也致使东营市的每个招商引资活动都具有特例性,其中包括很多超越底线的优惠政策和保密性协议。最后,对东营市招商引资进行问题与对策研究。根据分析出来的原因,研究出适合东营市招商引资发展的对策。准确理解东营市的区位优势以及招商引资环境的不断变化,来制定适合本地发展的招商引资策略,由规模型引资向效益型引资转变,及时地转变东营市政府的职能,将干预职能转为服务职能,并将政府在招商引资过程中的主体地位转变成为企业这一新的强大主体服务的理念,提高服务意识、建立服务机制,建设一支高素质的招商引资队伍,逐步地提高东营市的投资环境,推动招商引资的市场化进程,坚决实施“引进来,走出去”相结合的发展战略,推动东营市招商引资工作和谐健康发展,为东营市市场经济的迅速发展提供动力。作为公共管理专业的一名学生,想通过自己所学的一些政府管理和公共经济学的知识,利用比较法、分析法和例证法等多种方法,在分析东营市招商引资的背景、国内和国际相关理论与环境等基础上,总结出东营市政府在招商引资工作中应该扮演的角色以及应该注意改进的问题,用自己一点微弱的力量来为东营市政府的招商引资工作决策机制的建立找一点方向。
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the further development of China's reform and opening up, the local governments have vigorously promote investment activities, as the best way of local economic development. Along with the gradual formation and development of the market economy, the investment activities in the country continue to grow, investment in the rapid development of economy in the country is played great. Dongying city as a new city, to carry out investment activities 14 years based on the advantages of local resources has made some achievements, but with the advance of "blue yellow" economic development strategy, is the core city of the two major economic zones of Dongying, in the investment process also gradually revealed some to the actual situation. This article from the Dongying city investment, puts forward the existing Dongying city investment activities, analyses the causes of the problems, work out a set of solutions to Policy.
Based on in-depth understanding of the role of the Dongying municipal government in the investment in the play, Dongying municipal government achievement first, to see the efficiency of the Dongying municipal government organs, especially the implementation of a full set of all in one service, fully solve the investor's investment is also menace from the rear, the diversification of the network investment intermediary investment, etc., is not limited to the simple investment, preferential policies are increasingly attracting the attention of investors, this is commendable. Then the government function from the angle of understanding of Dongying municipal government in the investment process because of the role of some errors, and bottlenecks encountered, such as a lot of the time, some the government investment staff may be in order to complete the investment target, while struggling to cope with the job, and no detailed research results to investors bring is good also It is bad, can bring much economic benefits, increase the number of jobs can be added to the tax revenue, whether can promote the region's economy. Even some officials for the investment is not very understanding, just think of money coming in is a good thing, not to the local investment work from the policy orientation, norms, for industrial structure, industrial layout is inconsiderate, goes to the government departments at all levels of sub tasks, planning objectives, evaluation, continue to blindly, free to carry out investment activities, it can not achieve the expected effect, but also greatly affect the quality of Dongying city investment, resulting in a variety of malignant competition and the waste of resources, destruction of the natural environment and various economic development and investment consequences. Competitive investment between regions, resulting in Dongying City Each investment activities are a special case, including many beyond the bottom line of preferential policies and confidentiality agreement. Finally, research on Problems and Countermeasures of Dongying city investment. Based on the analysis of reasons and Countermeasures for the development of investment in Dongying city. The changing of accurate understanding of Dongying city's geographical advantage and investment the investment environment, to make suitable investment strategy of local development, change the scale investment to benefit investment, timely transformation of Dongying municipal government, the intervention function to service function, and transformation of government dominant position in the investment process has become a new powerful enterprise main service concept, enhance service consciousness, establish the service mechanism, build a high-quality investment team, and gradually improve the investment environment of Dongying City, to promote market-oriented investment The process, resolutely implement the "to go" development strategy combination, promote harmonious and healthy development of foreign investment in Dongying, provide the impetus for the rapid development of market economy in Dongying city. As a student majoring in public management, government management and think through some of their own learning and public economics, using comparison method, analysis method and example analysis method and other methods, in Dongying city investment background, based on domestic and international related theories and the environment, summed up the Dongying municipal government should play a role in the investment work, should pay attention to problems with their own a little strength to attract investment the decision-making mechanism of the Dongying municipal government established a direction.



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