发布时间:2018-03-31 21:27
本文选题:人力资本 切入点:实证分析 出处:《西南财经大学》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:一个国家或者地区经济的增长除了依靠物质资本外,更重要的是其所拥有的高知识水平和高度专业化的人力资本存量。经济社会的发展将更多地依赖于劳动者的素质。我国在加入wTO后,面对的国际竞争更为激烈,这在客观上也对国民文化素质提出了更高的要求。目前虽然我国居民的受教育程度在不断提高,但人口的综合素质还不能很好地适应经济发展的需要,尤其是对经济影响最为重要的就业人口的受教育程度,与经济发展水平极不相称,进一步提高人口素质仍是当前我国发展的重任。研究就业人口受教育程度,尤其是就业人口中受过高中及以上教育人口所占比例和受过高等教育的人口所占比例与经济增长之间的关系,对于充分认识教育对提升我国综合竞争力的作用具有重要的实际意义;对于从发展教育去寻求促进我国经济可持续发展的有效途径,也有一定的理论意义。 目前我国的经济及人力资本的现状是怎样的?教育现状是怎样的?就业人口受教育程度,特别是受过高中及以上教育或高等教育对经济增长的影响究竟有多大?我国今后需要采取什么样的对策来提高人力资本存量并使得人力资本成为促进经济长期稳定增长的不竭动力? 基于对上述一系列问题的思考,本文将分四个部分进行研究:第一部分为绪论部分,主要为本文研究的背景、意义、研究目的、研究思路以及本文的特点和存在的不足;第二部分主要是国内外文献的梳理总结及现阶段我国经济和教育现状的分析,引出本文所需要进一步探讨研究的问题;第三部分主要是探讨分析进而形成本文所需的实证分析方法和研究模型,从实证分析的角度,充分利用已有数据和资料对我国各省市就业人口中受过高等教育的人口比例及受过高中以上教育的人口比例对经济增长的影响进行定量分析,探究就业人口受教育程度,尤其是九年义务教育之后的继续教育对经济增长影响的重要程度,并对其与第二、三产业发展的关系进行简单的分析;第四部分主要是在实证研究所得的基础上,得出结论并寻求一些启示,提出提高就业人口受教育程度和促进我国经济增长的相关对策建议。 本文的研究特点在于利用人力资本相关经济理论和经济增长模型,定量分析了2010年我国31个省市自治区就业人口中受过高中及以上教育和受过高等教育对经济增长的影响,并进一步对其与第二、三产业发展的关系进行了简单分析。通过本文研究,对我国就业人口受教育程度与经济增长关系问题,特别是九年义务教育之后的继续教育与经济增长的关系产生新的认识,充实了目前我国关于人力资本研究的一些数据,对今后人力资本的研究有一定的借鉴意义。 不足之处在于,由于统计数据的限制,对部分数据进行了估算,如估算的第二、三产业各自拥有的物质资本存量,可能会存在一定偏差,但比用全国物质资本存量代替要合理的多。另外本文对人力资本的估计仅考虑了人力资本最重要的部分——就业人员的质量和数量,而未对人力资本其他方面做出考察。如何更加精确全面地度量人力资本将是下一步研究的重点。
[Abstract]:A country or region economic growth in addition to relying on material capital, more important is that they have a high level of knowledge and highly specialized human capital stock. The economic and social development will be more dependent on the quality of workers in our country. After joining wTO, facing the international competition is more intense, in this the objective of the national cultural quality put forward higher requirements. Although the education level of the residents in our country continue to improve, but the overall quality of the population are not well adapted to the needs of economic development, especially the level of education on the economic impact of the most important jobs, and economic development level inappropriate, to further improve the quality of the population is still the current task of the development of our country. On the employment level of education, especially the employment population had a high school education and above population and the proportion of Higher Education With the relationship between the proportion of the population and economic growth, to fully understand the education has important practical significance to enhance China's comprehensive competitiveness; for the development of the education to seek effective ways to promote the sustainable development of China's economy, also has a certain theoretical significance.
The current situation of economy and human capital in China is what? What is the status of education? Employment education, especially those high school and higher education or higher education on economic growth how? Our future needs to take what kind of countermeasures to improve the stock of human capital and the human capital has become the inexhaustible motive force for long-term and stable economic growth?
Thinking of these problems based on this paper will be divided into four parts: the first part is introduction, mainly for the research background, significance, research purpose, research ideas and the characteristics and shortcomings; the second part is the summary of domestic and foreign literature and the current economic situation and analysis the education of our country, this paper needs further study of the problem; the third part is mainly about the analysis and the empirical analysis method and research model, from the perspective of empirical analysis, the proportion of the population to make full use of existing data and information on the proportion of people trained in the provinces of our country in higher education and employment a high school education or above on the impact of economic growth and quantitative analysis, explore the employment population education, especially after nine years of compulsory education to teach Education an important impact on economic growth, the simple analysis and the relationship with the development of the second, third industry; the fourth part is mainly based on the empirical research, draw the conclusion and seek some enlightenment, put forward to improve the employment level of education and relevant suggestions for promoting China's economic growth.
The characteristics of this research using human capital related economic theory and economic growth model is the quantitative analysis of the employment population of 31 provinces and autonomous regions in China in 2010 received a high school or above education and higher education on economic growth, and further to the development of the second, third industry and the relationship is briefly analyzed. Through this study, on the employment population of our country education and economic growth, especially after nine years of compulsory education to the relationship between education and economic growth to generate new knowledge, enrich the current research on human capital data, have certain reference significance for the research of human capital.
The disadvantage is that due to the statistical data of the restrictions on the part of data were estimated, such as estimates of the second, third industry has its own stock of physical capital, there may be some deviation, but compared with the national capital stock instead of more reasonable. In addition, this paper estimates capital to force only considers the quality and quantity of human capital the most important part of employment, but not on the other aspects of human capital study. How to make more accurate and comprehensive measurement of human capital will be the next focus of the study.
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