发布时间:2018-04-05 15:09
本文选题:农业对非援助 切入点:援非农业专家 出处:《中国农业科学院》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:“二战”结束后,国际社会向非洲大陆提供援助尤其是农业援助已成为一种重要的国际现象。总体来看,对非农业援助的主体不断增加、援助领域不断调整、援助方式不断完善、援助规模不断扩大,援助体系也逐渐规范化。作为向非洲大陆提供农业援助的国家之一,我国需要全面及时地了解国际社会对非农业援助的历史和发展动态,并从中学习和借鉴国际社会援助非洲的有益经验和做法。同时,更应该及时总结我国对非农业援助的经验和不足,以使未来对非农业援助能够更加出色的完成它的政治、经济和外交使命。 针对过去援非农业项目无法真正的嵌入到相关国家的农业生产实际中去的弱点,中国的有关部门按照“授人以渔、按需供援”的原则,由领导人在中非合作论坛北京峰会上提出向非洲派遣100名高级农业专家的对非农业援助举措,与非洲33个国家达成了派遣高级农业专家的双边协议。该项目的实施取得了良好的效果。 本文在梳理我国农业援非历史与发展的基础上,重点使用一手数据实证讨论了百名援非专家援非绩效的影响因素,并结合该项目,讨论了外派专家面临的困难和挑战,主要结论有: (1)援助非洲是国际形势所趋,具有国际经济学的理论基础,但援非形式丰富多样,因国、因时、因技术而异。我国援非百名专家项目已经取得了一定成绩,但由于处于初期,在管理模式、援助形式等方面尚有可改进余地,凸显了对该项目的实施效果、影响因素进行深入研究的必要性和实践价值。 (2)实证研究表明,援外专家的援助效果受多种因素影响。首先,中方对援非专家援助效果的评价基本客观,没有受到专家的职称、年龄等因素的影响,而工作岗位、语言沟通能力、团队合作能力等是关键因素。援外专家的团队合作能力则主要由专家的专业技术能力、性别、年龄和自信心等决定。其次,外方对专家的评价效果,,与职称、性别、年龄等不显著相关,主要取决于专家的沟通协调能力,那些拥有较好沟通协调能力的专家更容易得到外方的青睐; (3)外派专家涉及派出国、受援国、组织方及专家等多方面因素的影响和制约。非洲国家落后的生活及农业生产水平、动荡的政治条件、我国对该项目的管理方面、专家选拔等方面均面临着一些困难和挑战。但从目前该项目的执行情况来看,具体问题需要具体分析,因国家、专家等而异,所以给项目管理提出了更高的要求。 基于研究所得结论,本文针对现有农业外派专家援非工作提出了4点有针对性的建议:完善关于农业专家援非工作的政策性文件;进一步细化对非农业援助整体规划;加大农业专家援非队伍的建设;积极创造对非农业援助有利的外部条件。同时,本文针对我国对非农业援助工作,也提出3点战略性的建议:“授人以渔、按需供援”应该成为我国援非不可动摇的原则;“为我所用、面向未来”服务于国家总体战略是未来农业援非的方向;农业援非应该成为农业走向非洲的战略前哨。
[Abstract]:At the end of World War II , the international community ' s assistance to the African continent , especially agricultural assistance , has become an important international phenomenon . As a whole , China needs to understand the history and development dynamics of non - agricultural aid in a comprehensive and timely manner . As a whole , China needs to learn from the history and development of non - agricultural aid in a comprehensive and timely manner , and learn from it and learn from the useful experiences and practices of the international community in assisting Africa . At the same time , we should summarize our country ' s experience and shortage of non - agricultural aid in a timely manner , so as to make the future more excellent in fulfilling its political , economic and diplomatic missions .
China ' s relevant departments have reached a bilateral agreement on non - agricultural assistance to African countries to send 100 senior agricultural experts to Africa on the basis of the principle that the past support for non - agricultural projects cannot truly be embedded in the actual agricultural production in the relevant countries , and a bilateral agreement has been reached with 33 countries in Africa to send 100 senior agricultural experts to Africa , which has achieved good results .
Based on the analysis of the history and development of agricultural aid in China , this paper mainly discusses the factors affecting non - performance of hundred and non - experts , and discusses the difficulties and challenges faced by foreign experts in combination with the project . The main conclusions are as follows :
( 1 ) Assistance to Africa is the trend of the international situation and has the theoretical foundation of international economics , but it is rich in non - form , because of the technology . However , there is still room for improvement in our country ' s aid of non - hundred experts . However , since it is in the early stage , there is still room for improvement in the management mode , the form of aid and so on , which highlights the necessity and practical value of further research on the implementation effect and influencing factors of the project .
( 2 ) The empirical research shows that the aid effectiveness of foreign experts is influenced by a variety of factors . First , China ' s assessment of aid effectiveness is basically objective , not influenced by factors such as job title , age and so on , while the team cooperation ability of foreign experts is mainly determined by experts ' professional technical competence , gender , age and self - confidence .
( 3 ) The foreign experts are concerned with the influence and restriction of various factors , such as sending out the country , recipient country , organization party and expert , etc . The poor country ' s living and agricultural production level and volatile political condition of the African countries face some difficulties and challenges in terms of the management of the project and the selection of experts . However , in view of the current implementation of the project , the specific problems need to be analyzed .
Based on the conclusions of the Institute , this paper puts forward four pertinent suggestions for the non - work of existing agricultural experts : to perfect the policy documents about agricultural expert ' s support for non - work ;
To further refine the overall planning of non - agricultural assistance ;
Strengthening the construction of agricultural expert ' s aid workers ;
In the light of our country ' s work on non - agricultural assistance , this article also puts forward three strategic proposals : " To grant people for fishing and on - demand " should be the principle that our country ' s solidarity is not unshakable ;
" For me , the future of the future " serves the national overall strategy is the future agricultural aid non - orientation ;
Agricultural aid should not become a strategic outpost of agriculture to Africa .
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