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发布时间:2018-05-30 18:16

  本文选题:外商直接投资 + 收入差距 ; 参考:《东北财经大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着中国全球化进程的不断加快,2002年我国超过美国成为全球第一大外资引进国。FDI大量进入中国,对中国经济的长期发展有着长远的影响。FDI大量流入中国可以缓解当前外汇和资金的短缺,对中国城乡居民收入产生了深远的影响。随着中国经济的高速发展,收入分配和社会不平等现象随之出现,中国的贫富差异似乎呈不断扩大的趋势,收入不平等波及的范围和程度不断加大,中国城乡居民收入的基尼系数呈现逐年扩大的趋势。2011年中国的基尼系数超过0.55,成为世界上贫富差距最大的国家之一。在FDI快速流入中国的今天,研究FDI对中国城乡居民收入的分配效应,了解FDI影响中国收入不平等的传导机制,在此基础上提出有效的政策措施,具有重要的实践价值。 在外资规模与城乡收入差距悬殊的背景下,本文的研究是非常有意义的,本文基于“倒U”理论、发展/现代理论和世界/依附体系假说、溢出效应以及我国省际面板数据,旨在考察FDI影响我国城乡收入差距的具体传导机制以及影响的程度,意在直观展现全国和东中西地区FDI与城乡收入差距间的关系,提出促进各地区协调发展的政策建议,希望能够为后来的研究者提供参考和借鉴。 本文的内容由五部分组成: 第一部分为绪论。介绍本文的研究背景、意义、主要内容和框架结构,简要阐述了本文所使用的研究方法与创新与不足之处。 第二部分是文献综述部分。回顾了国内外学者对外商直接投资与城乡收入差距之间关系的研究成果后,系统分析改革开放以来,尤其是1992年以后中国利用外商直接投资和城乡收入差距变化的情况。不少的文献集中从中国整体的角度进行论证,但是从中国省际城乡居民收入差距问题分析的较少;研究外商直接投资对城乡收入差距直接作用的较多,研究间接作用,即传导机制的相对较少。针对以上问题,本文采用理论研究与实证研究相结合,选择各个省市的面板数据,运用固定效应模型进行实证。 第三部分是中国FDI与城乡居民收入差距的理论分析部分,对我国收入差距问题的成因、经典的收入差距理论以及FDI影响收入差距的传导机制等因素进行分析。在理论研究上,通过对外商直接投资影响我国城乡居民收入差距的传导机制的研究,将“倒U”理论、发展/现代理论和世界/依附体系假说、溢出效应与我国的现实相结合进行分析,发现在中国不同时期和地区,可以用不同理论来解释中国的城乡收入差距问题。 第四部分是实证分析。本文实证研究中选取的是面板数据,面板数据的实证结果表明:将理论分析过程中的各种FDI对城乡收入差距传导机制变量化,利用固定效应模型加以模拟,发现FDI的流入拉大了中国整体的城乡收入差距,但其影响效果不显著,对于不同地区的效应是不同的,其中对东部地区的影响是正向的,中西部地区是负向影响,其中以西部地区的负面影响最大。因此,为了使FDI流入对中国城乡收入差距的负面影响降到最低,教育水平相对落后的西部要积极发展教育,提高教育的发展水平,而东部地区要积极吸引农村就业者投入到第二产业和第三产业的劳动中来。 第五部分是政策建议,在第三章理论分析和第四章实证检验的基础上,发现在现阶段,对外贸易和FDI均扩大了我国的城乡收入差距。为进一步完善对外贸易、吸引FDI的市场环境,我们需要采取一些相应的政策,进而改善中国城乡收人差距状况。在引进外资的过程中,我们应合理引导外资流向,鼓励外资流向区域的差异性;加大教育投入、普及科技知识,提供技能培训,促使低技能劳动者转化成高技能的劳动者,最大程度满足我国经济发展的需要;促进产业结构升级,引导外资流入第三产业;制定相应政策,鼓励中国各地区劳动者的合理流动,使从事农业生产的劳动者向非农业生产部门转移,第一产业和第二产业的劳动者向第三产业转移,以提高农村劳动者收入,缩小城乡居民的收入差距。 本文的创新有以下二点: 第一,研究角度创新。从目前的实证研究来看,不少的文献集中从中国整体的角度进行论证,但是从中国省际城乡居民收入差距问题分析的较少。本文针对29个省市自治区,20年的面板数据,分析FDI流入对各个地区城乡收入差距产生的不同影响。 第二,研究途径创新。目前,关于FDI影响中国城乡收入差距的文献中,研究FDI对收入差距直接作用的较多,间接作用的较少。很多文献研究的只是外商直接投资对地区收入的影响,并未考虑外商投资引致的其它因素(如地区对外开放程度对收入的影响)。本文从中国各省市自治区的面板数据入手,研究了FDI引起中国城乡居民收入差距的传导机制。 本文研究,有以下的不足:首先,本文以城乡收入比变量作为解释中国城乡收入差距的指标,忽略了农村居民和城镇居民内部的收入差距,因此,衡量城乡收入差距的指标有待提高。其次,本文选取的教育指标为高等学校在校生数占地区总人数的比例,该指标无法准确的衡量我国的教育水平。最后,由于篇幅限制,本文并未具体到模型解释变量空间中的各个变量,分析从不同变量的角度阐述FDI对城乡收入差距之间的作用方向。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of China ' s globalization process , China surpassed the United States as the world ' s largest foreign - capital importing country in 2002 . The large number of FDI flows into China has a long - term impact on the long - term development of China ' s economy . With the rapid development of China ' s economy , income distribution and social inequality , China ' s inequality appears to be expanding . In 2011 , China ' s inequality appears to be expanding . In 2011 , China ' s inequality appears to be expanding . In 2011 , China ' s income inequality appears to be the largest in the world . In 2011 , China ' s income inequality appears to be the largest in the world .

In the background of the disparity between the size of foreign capital and the income gap between urban and rural income , the research of this paper is of great significance . Based on the theory of " inverted U " , the hypothesis of developing / modern theory and world / dependency system , the spillover effect and the data of inter - provincial panel , this paper aims to explore the relationship between FDI and urban and rural income gap in China and East China .

The contents of this paper are composed of five parts :

The first part introduces the background , meaning , main contents and frame structure of this paper . The research methods and innovations used in this paper are briefly described .

The second part is the literature review part . After reviewing the research results of the relationship between foreign direct investment and urban - rural income gap at home and abroad , it is especially the case of China ' s use of foreign direct investment and the change of urban and rural income gap since the reform and opening up .
This paper studies the direct effect of foreign direct investment on the income gap between urban and rural areas , and studies the indirect effect , that is , the relatively few transmission mechanisms . In view of the above problems , this paper uses the combination of theoretical research and empirical research to select the panel data of each province and city , and uses the fixed effect model to make an empirical study .

The third part is the theoretical analysis of the gap between China ' s FDI and urban and rural residents ' income gap , and analyzes the causes of the problem of income gap in China , the classical income gap theory and the mechanism of FDI ' s influence on income gap .

The fourth part is the empirical analysis . The empirical results of the empirical research are panel data . The empirical results of panel data show that the influence of FDI into the urban and rural income gap is different , but the effect of FDI is not significant . In the west , the influence of FDI is negative . The western region has the greatest negative impact . Therefore , in order to minimize the negative impact of FDI into the urban and rural income gap , the western region should actively develop education to improve the development level of education .

The fifth part is the policy suggestion . On the basis of the third chapter ' s theoretical analysis and the fourth chapter ' s empirical test , it is found that both the foreign trade and the FDI have expanded our country ' s urban and rural income gap . In order to further improve the foreign trade and attract the market environment of FDI , we need to adopt some corresponding policies to improve the gap between urban and rural residents .
Increase investment in education , popularize scientific and technological knowledge , provide skills training , transform low - skilled workers into highly skilled workers , and maximize the needs of our country ' s economic development ;
Promote the upgrading of industrial structure and guide the inflow of foreign capital into the tertiary industry ;
The corresponding policies are formulated to encourage the rational flow of workers in all regions of China to transfer workers engaged in agricultural production to non - agricultural production departments , and workers in the first and second industries are transferred to the tertiary industry to increase the income of rural workers and narrow the income gap between urban and rural residents .

The innovation of this article has the following two points :

First , research angle innovation . From the current empirical research , many literatures have been demonstrated from the whole angle of China , but the analysis of income gap of urban and rural residents in China is less . In this paper , we analyze the different impacts of FDI inflow on urban and rural income gap in 29 provinces , autonomous regions and 20 years .

Second , research approaches innovation . At present , in the literature on FDI affecting China ' s urban - rural income gap , we study the direct effect of FDI on the income gap , and the indirect effect is less . Many literatures have studied the influence of FDI on the regional income , and do not take into account other factors ( such as the influence of the extent of opening to the outside world on the income ) . This paper starts with the panel data of various provinces and municipalities in China , and studies the transmission mechanism of FDI in China ' s urban and rural residents ' income gap .

In the end , because of the limitation of length , the paper does not specify the variables in the variable space of the model , and analyses the direction of FDI to urban and rural income gap from the angle of different variables .


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